Resolution 07401CITY OF ALAMEDA RESOLUTION NO. P401 DECLARING INTENTION CF CUUNCIL TO ORDER VACATION Ob' PORTION OF 511 (5 RoAD, A PUBLIC STREET IN TEE CITY 1,1 ALAMEDA AND REFERIENG TO A cEBTAIN MAP FOR (5 '1 Ti (0.023) ACRES) ER il' RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF EHE CIET OF ALAMEDA. that it is the intention of the Council of the City of Alameda to order the vacation. of an improved. portion of a public street, being a sector of Mecartney Road containing 0.0285 acres more or less, previously- acquired by the City of Alameda by dedication upon the approval by Resolution No. 6825, adopted July 6, 1965, of this Council of the Final Map of subdivision Tract No. 2730, situated in. the City of Alameda, County- of Alameda, State of California, more particularly described as folioNs: COMMENCING at the monument having coordinates, Y-455,114.92 feet and km1,4E5,343.42 feet, based on the California Coordinate System, Zone III, as are all bearings and distAnces in this description, said monument being at tne westerly terminus line of Mecartney 'Road as shofmn upon that certain nap entitled, "TRACT 29S6, CARITAS ALAMEDA HUTH NO. 2, ALAMEDA, CALIFORNIA," filed for recorM August 17, 1967, in Book 55 of Eames at pages 53 thru 56, inclusives, Alameda County Records; THENCE along the westerly terminus Jima of saie Road and being also the boundary line of said Tract 2936, S. 27006102" W. 3.88 feet to the TRUE POINT OF 'BEGINNING of this description; THENCE leaving saiJ westerly tonsinus line, S, 80'00'00" E. 1:50.61 feet to a point of cusp, said point beihg on the southerly line of said Road; THENCE westerly along s10 id. southerly' line on the arc of' a circle concave southerly, tangent to the last descrjbed Pine and having a radius of 59S feet, through a contral angle of 15°13,415 an aro distance of 158.94 feet to the most southwesterly corner of said Mecartney Road; THENCE along the westerdy terminus line of said Road N. 2706.0S" E. 2E9E feet to tbo Trie Peinf of Beginning; Containing 0.0285 acres of land, more or less. NE TT FURTHER. RESOLVED that reference is hereby nade for particulars of 11 proposed vacation to that certmin map entitled "Proposed Abandonment of a 'Portion of Recartney Roadv5 prepared and sub- mitted by jones, Thenn and Tillson, Civil Engineers and denominated, Job. No. 2030-332, on file in the ()Moe of the City Clerk of the City of Alameda. BE 11 FURTHER RESOLVED that thg Council of the City of Alameda does hereby find and determine that the public convenience and necessity require the reservation in the City of Alameda, pursuant to Sections 8830 and 8,331 of the Streets and Highways Code of California, of the permanent easement and rpght of way at any- time, or from tin:3 to -flume, to construct, maietain, operate replace, renew and. rembve sanitary- sewers, storm drains and sewers, and any and all publio utilities, and appurtenant strudtures, in, over, under, along and across said street, including the right of convenient access, and the right to keep the property free from flammable materials and wood growth, and. utherwise protect the same from ail hawards MR upon and over the street prpposed to be vacated. DE IT FURTHER RDEGiNED that these proceedings are taken subject to the 10 (T herein- above set forth. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all proceedings for the vakation herein proposed shall be in accordance with the provisions of Mart 3 of Division 9, of the Streets and Highways Code of California. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that notice is hereby given that the 3rd jay of December, 1968, at 8:30 p.m., is hereby fixed as the time, and place, for hearing ail persons interested Ma or objecting to the herein proposed vacatibn. BF IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Gity Clerk is hereby directed to cause notices of the street vacation herein proposed to be posted conspicuously along the line of sadd street, at least ten (100 days before the date set for said hearing. Such notices shall be posted not more than SCO feet, apart, but at least three (3) shall be posted, and such notices shall state the passage of this resolutibn of intention tnd the time and plane of the hereinabove mentibned hearing. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk is hereby directed to have thie resolution. published in the manner prescribed by- Section 8-14 of the Charter of the City of Alameda for the publishing of ordinances. I, the undersigned, hereby certily that the foregoieg Resolution was duly and regularly introduced and adopted by the Council of the City of Alameda in adjourned regulfar meeting assembled on the 7th day of November, 1958, by' the following vote, to wit: AYES: Connoilmen Fore, Isaacs, La. Croix, Jr., iavy and President McCall, (5). NOES: Hone. ARBENT: None, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seai of said City this' E5th day of November, 1968. (SEAL) SHIILLET H. 'SEMLER, City Clerk of tbe City of Aiamoda I hereby. certify that the foregoing As a fnil, true aud correct cony of 5City of Alameda Resolution No, 740a, DECLARING INTENTION OF COUNGIL TO ORDER VACATION OF PORTION OF MECARTMEY ROAD, A PUIELIC STREET IM VHF CITE OF ALAMEDA AND REFERRING TO 1 CAPTAIN MAP COP PARTICULARS THEREOF (0.0235 ACRES)," introduced and adopted by the Council on the Tth dad{ of NoveMber, 1968. ā€”9-1/ /9) f Ekm,/ pkd ts1 k cā€ž,,,,m4wmceskipds---- mc Gmk City Clei;k-74 the City of Alameda ti I/ Ns/