Resolution 07408CITE OF ALAMEDA RESOLUTION NO. 7408 RESOLUTION' OF THE COUNCIL OF TINE CITY OF ALAMEDA. IN MEMORIAM TO DONALD A. bgiVILTFOkM111 ACTING ciTy ATTORNEY' WITCH HICARTkNuf GRIEF, the Council of ths City of Alammda has learned of and records the death. of one of its former and. mmet loyal public officials DONALD Assistant and Acting City Attorney of thp City of Alameda. DHENEAS, Mr. Way and had served the City as to July 15, 1901, the date WHERE:AD, Mt. Way of City' Attorney Lu a most business of this important hod been employed as Assistant City Attorney' on March 1, 1 Acting City Attorney during the period from March 24, 1962, of IAN resignation; and had assumed responsibility for the meny duties of thb office forthright and conscientious manner and Tad conducted the office of ttb City with great perspicacity and profdriencv; and WHELEhL, it bby had thus engendered high esteem from all of his fellow em- ployhet and Dusiness essocitteh and had received thhir hearty congratulations upon. his appohntment as Lmmuty City Attorney. of the City of Salinas. Cubserrentlym he had been appointed City attorney' of Salines, in wlhmh capacity he vats serving at the time of his pausing; and NREREAS, Nlm bhy had participateh wholshbartedly in the. City Attorney's Db- partment of the ibague of ObiliMbrtia Cdtihs and had "nein the post of Secretary of thts epaitment. NOW, THEREIN:MI:Cy BE IT RECLINED that, bn recognitihn of his integrity, his osphbilities arld his frlennly personality which endeared him to all et' his associates, the Coutril of the City of Alameda does hereby ompress ita sentm of thrsonal LDSS in thb untimely Demise of this firm young mhn. aE EuEEEEEE RECOLNED than this Resolution be spread in full upon the mdnuteg of thia mottihm and a copy thereof' be forwarded to tile family of Rho bhy that it mAght express to its mhtbekr nincere symrathy in their bereavembrt. BE IT FURTELR RDSCIMIE that when thih mbetinng of the Council of tlb City' of Alanbdh adjourrr, it ohell do so in rosprht to the memory of DONNED R. WAY. Gus. Levz yy James RR More vNL:111. g_ Terry' jiagCroim, dr. I, the undersigned, hereby certify thht tht; formgoint Resolution was duly and regularly introduced end adorted by the Council of the City of Alerbda in regniur wetting aestmldat or the 18t1 dag of Numembmer, 10UER by the, following vote, to wMt: AY1TC: Councilmen iihre, Isaacs, La Croix, Jr., Levy, and Dresilenh EhCall, 05). NOES: None. A3S7 NE Hone. IN WITNESS bitEldECht, I Lave hereunto set my Land ant; affiged the official. seal of sada City this 2Gth day of November' 196DR ( CR a SEMEINT HM IINCILE, City Clerk. of the City of Rig:nada I NELSON _ _ I hereby. certify. that the foregoing is a full, true ern correct achy of "City of' Alemhda Resolution Ho. 740e, RESOLUTION OF' TEE' COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AIAMFDE TN REMLRIAL. TO DtEMLL RE bAY, FORMER AlTiNO CITY ATTORNEY," intaRxhiced and adopted by the Council on thr 19th day of NOVCMber 1968. 0/ e (GG NNN-7,-NNN e 771