Resolution 07429CITY OF' ALAMEDA RESOLUTION NO. 7429 APPROVING FURTHER SETTLEMENT' ON BEHALF OF CITY OF AILAMEDA OF WEST COAST: FREE ANII-IRUSI CASES; RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING AGREEMENT THEREFOR EFI7gEEN CITY AND AMKRICAIN PIPE AND CON- STRUCTION COMPANY; AUTHCEJNING CITY MANAGER TO EXECUIR RELEASE OF CIAIMS AGAINST SAID COMPANY; AND AUTHORIZING RIATE ATTORNEY GENERAL TO EFFECTUATE COMPROMISE AND SETTIFIENT OF' SAID INDICATION ACCORDINGLY REAMBLE: 1. CITY OF AIAPEIM. a. municipal corporation. , hereafter called entity, has pre- viously authorized the Attorney General of the State of California to institute on its behalf one or more law suits under the Federal Antitrust Laws which law suits were in fact filed am.ainst defen- dants United. States Steel Corporation, Smith-Scott Company, Inc., Kaiser Steel. Corporation, United States Industries, Martin-Marietta Corporation, United Concrete Pipe Corporation, and American Pipe ahn Construction 3o. 2. Fursmant to court orders, similar actions brought by the Federal Gebtatument and other plaintiffs in the States of California, Oregon, Washington and Eawaii were all coordinated before a single Federal District Court Judge. 3. in (7317 actions against all defendants, with the exception of American Pipe and Construction Co., wore settled and compromised on a lump sum basis, the proceeds being distributed 31131.3141' 31 the various pfaintiffs pursuant to an agreement, all of which was duly approved and ratified by entity and approved by the Conht. 4. A condition of the acceptance of said partial settlement by certain laixtiffs rot represented by the Attorney General of the State of California. was an agreement by and between the plaintiffs concerning the conduct of the litigation still. remaining against, and t allocatien among plaintiffs of the expected recovery from defendant Amerivar- ibis agreement known to pliaintiffs as the Western Apsociated Pipe Plaintiffs Organization Compaot or:iv:lees, among other thixEs, for (a) common sharing of expenses; (b) thb retention of a lead counsel to prosecute and try all cases against the remaining defendant American Pipe and Construction Co. under the supervision of' an Executive Com, mitten of the plaintiffs party to thE compact; and (c) the distribution of any recovery- against American to all plaintiffs oroportionateLy to their verified transactions with American over the fourteen ypar period 1950 through 1963. On TMLy 14, 1969, the Attorney General of the State of' California entbred into such ompact, hereinafter 11 31 WAR°, on behalf of entity. Since then, the agreements .1 31 in the WAPPO Compact hate been and are being carried out with the Attorney General of Califormia as chairman of its Exeoutire Committee. 6. Plaintiffs' conneet, acting through their Executive Committee and lead counsel, habe now negotiated and reached agreement on the terms of a settlement and 31 341,1 of the litigation_ with defendant American Ripe and Construction Co., the terms of which are more ftfily set out in the attached. document entitled TEEMOMANDUN GE UNDERSTANDING FOR SETTLEMENT OF WEST COAST HIRE CASES BET:WREN ALL PLAINTIFFS AND AMERICAN PIPE AND CONSTRBOTION COMPANY". 7. Such Megerantim of Understanding provides for payment by American te all plaintiffs of the lump sum amount of eight mdilion five hundred thousand dollars W,500,040) over a period of seven yenrs with interest. NOW RE. li' easomED THAT: The MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING FOP, SETTLEMENT OF WEST COAST PIPE CASES BETWEEN AII PLAINTIFFS 7 AMERICAN PIPE AND CONSTREOIUM COMPANY and the Western Associated Pibe Plaintiffs Organdbatien Com- pact, copies of which are attached hereto ao 75.1- "I" and niii" respectively are hereby adopted, ratified and confirmed. The City Manager of entity is hereby authorMbed. to sign the release of claipb against the defendant and attached hereto as Exhibit "II" as the official act of embity. The Attorney Come:col of the Stobe of California is hereby autherMoed by entity to enter into a stipulation dismissing this litigation with prejudioe and without costs and to take any and ali other action which may be required of this entity in order to effectuate and consummate the comeromdoe and settlement provided for in said Memorandum of Understanding and distrilrate any monies receimed from defendant Ameribam Rios and Constructibn Oc. in accordance with said MXPPO Compact- Attest: Adomted this 21st day of' Jam,,ary , t undersigned, hereby ckrtify that the foregoing Resolutien was duly' and regularly.' introduced and adopted b the Council. of the City of Alameda in regulam meeting asseMbled on the 21st day of January,1969, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Fore, Isaacs, La Croix, jr., 'Levy and President McCall (5). NOES: None. AESENT: None. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, hake hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City this 22nd day of january, 1969. SEMPLE-7 d. TEENIER City Clerk of the City of Alameda X X Xk a X- X X X horeby certify that the foregoing is a pint, true and correct copy of "City of Alameda hesolatien 7L29 10 4' FURTHER ORTIIEMENT ON EFFIAIF OF' ClEY OF 11,21M1A OF' WEST COAST PIPE AXII—FEDEI GAELS; RATIPUING XNO GONFEARMIO AGREEMENT' THEREFOR RFEWMPN GITY AND AMEDICAU PIPE AND COUSTRUCTIOF COMPANY; AUTROFIZING Cl21 MAEDGER TO EXICUIE RELEASE OF CLAIMS AGAINST EDID COMPAYY; SLID AUIFFIATEING SMITE Anula;1 aubitAi, TO EFFINCADATX COMPROMISE AND FETILEMEUT 01' SALE IUTIGAIION MCGOFDLEGLY," introduceaann adopted by tre Council on tho 2ist day of January, IWO. Citmh Clerk of utak' City of Al meaa (