Resolution 07436'CITE C GTIEDP ? ES (WIC '1 OF 7p 3 ADOPTING' SPECIFICATIONS, SPECIAL PREVISIONS AND PLANO POE CaNOTRUCTIOR OF ARTIOT CULVERTS AT THE INTERSECTION OE CLINTON. APENTE AND WAINNE SPRENT AND CLIGTCN AREEUE GIED LAUREL STREET, CALLING RTR GIDE AND DIRECTING (FETA CLEAR, TO ADFERTINE • 'JERBOAS, the City Engineer has orbNbred Spboificatiors, Speoil Provisions And Plans for the construction of arcb culverts at tho intersection Clinhon Avenue and Walnut S tree t er G Olin tor A vanuA and Laore 1 S tree t No 2-6W-2, and. flied in One office of tno City Siorm on February 4, 196W: NOW THEREFORE, HE IT RESOLVED SY TRE COTENCIL OF LEY OF ALAMEDA thAt the naid, Specifications, Special Provisions and. Flans, be, end toe SRMO ars hereby a ppr v ri d no to EV IT TROIRGER RESOLVED that ths performance and doucolatRon of the work soccified in said Scediticbaions and Provisions he and the some is uoralui anthdribeo- EN IT FURTHER RESOLE:PRO that the Council of tbb Clbv of AlRmuGa mill receib eealoC, bids emi to tho hour of 11:co o,clock FRIDAY, FEERITAREI 21, 10,POTN, for febolishloa to the City of Ali labor, material:3E, meobiner7, tool and. eveJipuemt nodes - ecr7 for the work bereirabove referred to, in aconrebnde with. sold Specifications ana Proviciohs„ Side must b6 present:ma to tno City Clerk, IN tale Ciby Pali, AlaNed., CalLfornie,„ Ander scaled c :for and bleionly renrEed on the outside r. ''ITTTIotioewri for Consuribtioo of Arch. GuEverts at tae Intersections of Obinton Ibenne and Sedlibut Stres t Toni C lair than Avenue and Loure,1 are e a .1.ar :basic:27mq tion. Contra:: h, 1,E awarded, will be a1,791,Ced 5,ab,160. t Tahe mEE Thmj. etee C ter of Id ne City of rneda, to a aya o non d 2;da, le 701 clod' y4 1dd da,dny,dind3 s a and best. oic. 7.ne riant is reservec to reject any Or 911 a,10S6 Naive Specifications and Provisions may be nod by oby prospective oibdor on a ch.:Lice ti en a d anno Clay En onion dor, at hois office in the City Hell, lobed a cna 1 Ind Ten City Clork lb turoby directed. to advertise in tne Alamede Times-Ohad, a notico callina for soaled hiC:b„ occordance with. the provisions of this resolution and on said. Specifications and. Provisiors. I, the ubdersimbed, nereoy certify that hob forcRoin Nosovbalon was Muly and chheolerl.y type:Lid:3G c,:ati :Rios:tad Ity the: Conn:Gil of the Clay of Tilenamis re:baler meetiha assembIbc On the qt,n oey of Meoruara, 1P6O, cy the fol.tomira vote, to wit: Councilmen lere, IbaRos, Croiz, Jr., Levy and Pbboident McCall, (5). NOES: Nene „ ERTEIT IN TItiiEFES PRIRROF, T nave Rondonia sat my nord and affixed. tha offEcisO. seal. of sold. Cjty thGb 5th. doy of Ibbrualoy, 1W6G. TOTJJ.L_I, h.TT bibrE of ad. I hero:He certify tHiej, the .foreFecituj 1 a ,r7, f , true and C TY1' e 0 .0 y —..,:laay• 01 AlaamHOG. fiesomobon Eo, VbG6, ATENEGTGO EFONIETTATIOER, sPECIAL PUOVindONS AND Plolala:C; IPCdfa. Cdf a'RTJ C T: Of Al C Cfd :","d ' -jTE TOPTIE GEC PEON. T....T.ERIETTNI A PECITIE AGE) FAIRER HCEEER ETD hEMLOTT,ET TEIZRIE ZED LAUEEL STEREO, VALLETTA NOR NIDE AND DIRECTIIOG d; .`f L'ERK Tf". AD VEY TISE S..!;d;;CE troduce c; an d adopted f ale C cur, of Ci ay of" ddlo ddEnd a on tdoe t day of Tie Tar car p, LORA% /1E