Resolution 07455CITY OF ALAMEDA. RESOLUTION NO. 7455 ADOPTING SPECIFICRTIONS, SPECIAL PROVISIONS AND PLANS FOR RESURFACING AND MINOR. EEPAIRld 0 VARIOUS 37REETR, CALLING FOR BIDS AND DIRRBTIRH. CITYeCLERR TO ADRERTISESA. WEERFASd the City Engineer has prepared Specifications, Spmcial Provisions and. Plans for resurfacing and minor repairs of 1-0' 03 streets, No. LW 4-69-6, and filed in the office of the City Clerk or April I, 1969; NOR. THEREFORE BE IT PLROLVIdD BY THE COdliBiL OF KEE CITY OF ALAMEDA that the said Specifications, Special Provisions and. Plans, be, and the sanm area horeby approved and. adopted. BE IT FliddiRER BESOINED that the performance and completion of thn work speced in said Specifications end Provisions be and. fhb same is hereby authRrized. BE IT FtRaNER RESOLRED that the Council of the City of Alameda will receive sealed bids up to the hour of 1100 o,clock a.Em on FRIDAY-, APRIL 25, 1969, for furnish.- ing to the City of all lepor, materials, machinery, tools and equipment necessary for the work hereinatove referred. to, in accordance with. said. ST,:cificetions and. Provisions. Eds must be presented. to the City Clerk, in tbe City Held, Alameda, California, under sealed cover and plainly' marked on the oatside, "Proposal for Resurfacing and. Minor Repairs of Various StrRets," or similar designation, Contract, if awarded, wild be awarded subject to the provEsions of the Charter of tLe City' of Alameda, to the responsible "(3c '3 who submits thm lowest and. best bid. The right is reserved to reject any or all biRs. Said Specifications and Provisions may be had by 03 y. prospective bidder on application to the City Engineer, at his office in the City Hall, Alameda. California. The City ClRrk is hereby directed toadvertise, in thR Alameda i003" '1!', a notice calling for sealed bids, in accordance with the provisions of tthi3 resolution and of said Specifications and *Provisions. * * * * * * * * * * I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and raegularly '7 00 and udonted by the Council. of the City of Alameda. in regular mReting assemblRd on the ist day of Aprii, 1969, by the follo9ling vote,.to wAt: AYES: Councilmen Isaacs, La Croix, Sr., Levy and "0' '1' McCall (n). NOES: None. ABRERTi Councilman Fere, M. WITNESR WHEREON, I have hereuntot my hand and affixed the official. seal. of RaIR City this 2nd. day of April, 1969. IRMA L. NK1SON City nark. of the City of -Tiamela * * * * * * * * * * * * * I hRIeby certify that tho foregoing is a. full, true and correct copy of "City. of Alameda. Resolution No: 7455, ADOPTING SPEIFICATIOS, SPEnIAL PROVISIONS AND FLANs FOR BRRUTFACTINO AND MINOR REPAIRS OF 'VARIOUS STREETS, CALLING. FOB. BIDS AND DIRECKINR CIBY CLERK TO,..A.OkBRTISE nAME introduced and 90 7333(3 by. the Council of the City of Alameda on tho ist day ofApril, 1969. 1.) 770 iity Clerk of the C03311 f Alamqde