Resolution 07461CITY' 7:5 ALA= EETUUTION 7461 ALTPTIElq SPECIFICATIONS, SPECIAL PECIIMIONS. AND PLANS FOR RDEUFACIWI OF LINCOLN AVEEMTE FROM pARK 3mEEEm EATEEEID7 STEEE7 !ETD INEEETT STREET FEOM UNDUE AVEME TO NOBLE ADEME, CALLING POR BIDS„AED DIFECTElil CITY ODEDK 70 ADVER7ISE SAYE, WEEISEAS, the City Enddlnear has prepared. Specifications, Spacial Provisiond and. Flans for resurfacing of Lincoln Avenue fi-om Park Stroab to Everett Street and EmbrEtt Street from Lincoln Avenae to Noble Avenue, No, PV 4-69-8, and filed in the office of the City. Clerk on April. 15, 1969; NOV THEJEEFOTYD, BE RESOLVED BY 'HE CCENDill OP THE CITY. OF ALAav, that the daid Specifications, Special Provilions and. Plans, be, and h,b, dame are 14 '4. approved and ddlop1e69 BE ID FURTHEE REEOLVED tbat tbe performance and. complbtion of the work anbbified in said. Specifications and Provisions be and tbe same lE hereby authorized, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Council of the city of Alameda will rode:lye sealed bids up to the our of 11:00 o,clock a,m. on TER,IMADE APRIL 25, 1969, for 17)14143 48 to tbe City of all labor, materials, machinery, toold and equipment necessary for the work. hereinabovo referred ty,J, in 1RCROPC6 With. said Specifications and Provisions. Bids must be presented to the City Clerk, in the city' Hall, Alameda, California, under sealed cover and. plainly markad on ille oatside, "Proposal for Resurfacing of Llncoln Avenue and Everett Street, or similar desimnation. ,lontrarl, awbrood, wilj be awaroed dbbjuct lo thd broHlsionb of tnn charter ofd fAme Cilm of Alamda, tJ lne reJborsible LidbAr mho submits the lcmest an6 best bid. The rloym, ld rederved ,c V9jORR 14 14 Rli RIRn3, Said lil6biltcadMons and Hrovision3 may be haJ lib,. any- orc3nectiva bidder on bwidlicalwn to bEd Hlty EnHireer, Rh Ri3 OffiC0 in ter Ctly Had, ilamedd, California, -nc cf,tv Cinrk id mcmeby dinennnd, adYeridise, in Alameda 'ime3-bilar, ied 1114 fnr sealol Ln accormancd bil, provislor of tnis re3omotion ara aaia .ldobcibloationn and Provision, I, the undersigned, bdreby certify thab the foremoing Resolution was duly and rebularly introduced. and adopted by the Council of' bnw City of Alameda in regular meetinm assombind on the lEth day of April, 1969., by the following vote, tc wit: AYES: Councilmen Fore, Levy, Longakaw, McCall and President La Croix,jr., NOES: None, AESENH: None. IN. WITNESS WH=CF, 1 have havounto det my hand. anb affixed ilm official seal or said City. this day of April, 1969, IRMA L- EELSON 484)14 -4114 heweby certify that bhe forebwing is a full true and correct eopy of "City of Alameda, Resolution EM, AaOPTINJ1 SWECIPICATIONS, SPECIAL RROWilIONS AND PLANS FOR EDEURFAZING OF LINCOLN AVENUE FRCF, PARK SlabET TO EVERE7'T STREET AND EUdEETT STREET FROM LINCOME AVENUE DO NOBLE AVENEE, CAIIENG FOP BIDS AND DIFEDTINq CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE SAME.," introduced•and. adopted by. the Council of tha City of Alameda on the lEth day of April, 1969. ty Dlerk HT Dm., t7 of Alameda