Resolution 07520CITY OF ALAMEDA RESOLUTION NO. 7520 ARRC1NTiNC TIME AND =ACE OF HERRING OBJFCITONS TO THE AHOESSMENT IN DIE '1 Ok' $23 ,500,000 IN BAY PlUgH ISLAND DRCIAHAllON DISTRICT (0. 2IG5 NEEREaST William M. Bartley, Richard Blanchard and Jack F. Gallagher, the Assessment Commissioners appointed by Resolution Nc. 7454, adopted April 1, 1969, of this Council of the City of Alameda to ViEW and assess upon the land within Fay Farm island Reclamation District fib. 2105 the sum estimated to be the cost of the Amended 5,' 5331 Flan, as amended, on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City- of Alameda, and to apportion said sum according to the benefits accruing to each parcel. as provided by law, haye completed such assessment and have filbd the List of Charges of the amounts assessed with the City Cibrk of the City of Alameda as required by- law.; OW, THEREFORE, 13 IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Alameda, as follows: Section 1. Tuesday, 33e 2nd day of September, 1969, at the Your of 7:30 old:leek, P.M. of said day at the Ccuncil Chambers of the Council at the City Hall, City of Alameda, Alameda County, State of' California, be and the same are hereby appointed the time and place when. and where this Council wilt meet for the purpose of hearing any objections to said assessment. Section 2. Notice of such hearing ahall be given by publication once a week for two (2) successive weeks in the AIANTFIA =UPS-STAR, a newspaper of general circulation published in the City of Almeday County of Alameda, State of California. Section S. Suoh notioe of hearing ahall be substantially in the following form: NOTICE OF T.EvE AfID PLAGE FOR THE PURPOSE OE HEARING OBJECTIONS TO THE ASSESSMENT IN BAY FARM INLAND EFPLAMATION DISTRICT HO, 2105 NOTICE IS FEREEY GIVEN that an assessment in the aggregate amount of $23,500,000 -upon the lunde withih Bay- Farm Island Reclamation District ho. 2105 has been '(1. 33 by the Assessment Commiesioners appointed to -view and assess upon the District land the sum estimated. to be the cost of the Amended Reclamation Plan, as amended, on file in the office of the City- Clerk of the City of Alameda and to apportion the same as provided by law and that the assessment list setting forth a list of the charges assessed against each parcel was filed Rnth the City Clerk of the City- of Alameda, County of' Alameda, State of California, en the 1st day of August, 1969, and is now on file therein and open to public inspection; and NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER. GIVEN that the Council of the City of Alameda has appointed, and doCo hereby appoint Tuesday, the 2nd day of September, 1.969, at the hour of 7:30 olclock P.M- of said day at the Council Chambers of the Council of thc City of Alameda, City Hall, City- of Alameda, Alameda Countyu State of California, as the time and place when and where said. Council 1,Jja meet for the purpose of hearing any objections tb the ausesomont. At any time before said hearing, any person. interested in land upon which any charge has been assessed nay- file a writgen objection to the assessment, which shall state the grounds of objectdpn and. be verified as provided by leRt. At such hearibg said Council shall hear any evidence offered in support of written objectiens and may approve said assessment or may modify or amend. the assessment, or make a reapportionment of the entire assessment. Dated: August 6, 1969. BY ORDAIN. 0°F THE COUNCIL 1 THE CI= OF ALAMEDA IRMA 1- NEISON Cify Clerk Section 4. The City Clerk of the City of Alembda is hereby authorized. and directed to cause such notice of hearing substantially in the form hereinahave set forth to be published as aforesaid, and. further, to cause such notice of hearing to be mailed to each known owner of land in Bay- Farn. Island Reclamation District No. 2105 as shown on nald list of charges of the amounts assessed unless written consent of all such. '5(13 51' to the hearing has been filed gMth the City Clerk, provided. that the mailing of such notice is for the purposes of informatior only and neither the failure to mail such notice nor.any error, in the notice sc mailed shall affect the validity of the hearing or of any other proceedings. Sectior 5: Th555 resolution shall take effect immediately. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 5th day of August, 1969, by the fallowing vote: A1AO: Councilmen Fore, Levy, Longaker, I aild PresidenL La Croix, Jr., (5). NOM: None. AhEENIA None. TERRY TA CROIX, JR. Mayor of t City of Alameda, State of California Attest: IRMA I- NELSON (SEAL) City Clerk I hereby certify that the foreHoing is a full, true and correct copy of 5City of Alameda. Resolution Ho. 7520 APPOINTING TIME AND PLACE OF HEARING OBjECTIONS TO THE ASSESSMENT IN THE SUM OF $23,500,000 1E BAH FAMA ISLAND REGLAD/16E10N DIST11101 NO. 2105," introdhEed and adopted by the CounaL1 of the City of Alameda cr the 5th day of August, 1969. ,F9 Cit,,AClerk of the CAty of Alemoda