Resolution 08073GO CITY OF A toheNIII hafhaffi t Col he A:ACTS:fife anIaOsEstolvIONS, Olaf:ff.:far Fa,CIOSiltan hifIff, ?fl ITICCEISINEO1IIIII Of' TOTIOD EITSITT Sfi:TA Cinefl. lathjyty: tShnev, Ch.:(.miEff NCI( AJO? OfeleCEES(C. ((ITT CITI:E TO PODITTETISE OAHE PENT(EAS, the City Tngineer has prepared Sponificatifme, Spacial Evoyiniona and Plans for reconstraction of Third Street Nyco Santa. Clara Avenvo to Pacific Avenue, No, PT CaTfC -9, aph filed in the affihe of the City Clerk on Oene 2Pf, 1973; INT PEETYPIICE, Eh IT aSSELYEe NY ONE OCITAIII, ft' IEI COOT EN klzuaa'. thet calf: Specifhhoh(ows, Ca:scion Provisiona aha Shane, te, :Eva the eare are hereby approvca and adopted. LE IS' VOEI=CE NESOI,VIne tnah the performance and completiew of the work seavniflee evid Evocificatiansa and Provinicep he oral the f.a72.e. is horetty muthoriceds NE If' INIEEIT. TESCIONTO that the Cavoicia. of the om 7 of Alsomhati Edfht receive sealed. bie. hp th the h.CUT of fin0:1 conic:IA, asst. on PRISSY, JULY 6, 1973, 2ct, furnishing to the City of all lahnr, sterials, refehinory, Peels and equal:vent neaceshary for the werk hereiretwve roferron tay in ocher,- dance sdahn. saif. Specifihatinow and Prof:find:once Tads mmet to cresehted. te the City Clerk., the Ginr. AlameTa, California, antler :::r..ned cover ana cam:Orly marke eh the outside, PfteThemil. for Neoenstehatihn of IhIva Stehea fven. Omata Cioch ?maifie Avenues," or similar Cesiaphatin„ Cahn:that, if aW7)...P').9.Ce.1", Tzial 117a awavaal aphajoht to tho proyioican of the Etwator: of the City of elSepade, Lo thw peopenoihle hinder rto AuCcrar tEe feweht and. hest tido, 1Po ripht is reservoC te reject amy or all hafic. faTI, efywificmaiahh and. Provicicha mmy he had by eh:. 1::7(7:7c))))CtiVe 7-,),i)(1,2CT) on appidartion to tho City ellainever, at. him office in the OWCv Eall, alanieffr" CaWireonia. Tho City Clerk is. heraty directed to adverhare, in hhe alcatecia Ticoes-Etar, a anrdee calling for comne Etna, In aCeOlrOanCe with phe hcovmmiona or tads cosaSetion ano of said Etecificatieho 9.177 Erevisihne. 1, ahe ussahrsianal, 67e17y) certify tnat (he farechiaT resolution wao luny ani rechlaray intant-jecone nal arcythot tife Setafelf„ of the City of Alameda fon retafmar maetinc: atsweepen on the ifth of Oahe, 1973, tee teee followee'e vote, to wit:. Coonnifmaen Beckons, Oorich, LIannetz, Ecaaaa. and Iresident La CI)C. Jr., (5). NOSE: Nene. IN I:TETE:SS WrErEET, I have herahhte set my hend end. affixed the official coal. City- thie Salo &Iv' of Julie, 1973. m hereey certify trmt the foroghing is a full, true and. correct copy of 1City cf Limos:dm nasolutTen No. SOT3, ADoPf.aJNG SOPLIFICATIOCTS, If:REVISIONS Aha( PLeAS FOP. Jeateele...Jetela4 Oe` ORO?: SIEP1A. ChANf. il:SeliGE fACTEIC AVETCE, PAELOITI NOD. Faps :111 DIRECTIDO CITY Cliffraf TO Anveaposa sce.:a,c -1..aEconeeee ann. acocted thw Ocuneit. of the City of Alameda on. the 'f.th day- of June, '1..973.