Resolution 08076lifiTH35131 COT 77 I 63 CITY OF :15353afiTION ASO. 8076 iiT3e! (AHR(01)7,373 (Rif _IL:- EfilaLeieiridEffiffajdO23235,(2eflo Reciloi :3-7(c) of '3535 diarter of the, diity of flameia laquiHos abieration Gr a ,atLria aul-aaa aaaa=a0Ga aG arveatdcada ade effait accorete or the City, ate.; and 55L255A2, o prbb000d aoadract Ear dha HiobaR year ir73-iR55e RHiEen HH0HRH a- aackaufeRi dortifiad laaaaia Acoonntoat, has been shafiftei to the Co-droll adO Coriddil lc Reilly irfRETEef aib aaare of fLa Ubbida 5a.10 contract beina 05ano5 widh ihe Cita 0:Jerk and marked 315faad jure i7, 1973":. HORT, 3WER:5350RE, iffi 0130CHAAID CCURCEL OF THE 03:53T thni the Eayor of the 0JOy of Alboneffa horeby authonifed anO directed to axecude for oral on faheaf of the Cif(y of 3floadada that certain cceitract referred to abono by and hate-ear. thb CifT and CaozHee Ai idaaefLudan fon certified bublia abcoonters dervicao fon tre ffobal yaair 197H-1'374, fife City Cifairk is ranahy directed to attedt saire. Entodbelocabi effb aficipniad by. 355e Cheri:103EL of' tale City of' Aleirfala fai oleetibeg abobrobabdad cdf tlie 15dfn day cof aria, l(Re(i, fey the teddifordEfe 55b1:a, to fai5o AHOCe Councilman RacHaE, Cor.iba, baaridai, ifeHlferl ani 'President aa OrbiH, db., (5). afTe3: Jona. Ea iTRE'Rifi UHT:Raiff, I have e. 6Tint. 0 .3.0 t My hand. and affiried the official oeffif of said City thio 20tio day of Jrfabi, 1973. Cs:EA:L:1 Clarli. tde bredy of jefoorioaa I hereby. cortily that to foroffbiae, lo a :nada., tore afb borroct ( y daddy of Alarada Rabolotion Ho, a76, AUTE=ING TH1, zaalm.ou C2 A cumtn:' FOR 0330350i0E5 Cif A CH2fIFIE:H HAJLiffi )3000RTHANT 'HAP n!":5', eaSHAli HEAR 3.573-15511,,e introdobed ant aderted hy tha Coorbil of' tRb City of Ailidoioda on ifila 0.5th bay of Jude, 1973.