Resolution 08084CITY CT' Ala= IAA kkaljj1ICAJ ec.34 Afaidolfhat: ifekhEd (IF Art kh( HALM:NEU TCY THE couNua, 5F Ike) CIFY OF ALA:REDA that pursuant to eActiens are falivAdng of the Alameda Hunicipal Code, MEd). CIFkrAtUDE fa WOODS io hereby appointed to the office af rembor of the keereation Coamieedoe of the City of Pilameeda, for a three year helm commenceng on Octofar 2, 157,2 and arpirtng korietemaJer 30, 1575, and to curve until 11.r eneconeur eed qualdfled. I, the rutorsigual, heheky :certify that the foregAng facjIntioe wan duly- and 1753011a:dig -introduced and adapted. by the Council of the City of Alameda in regular meeting assemfFer OR the 15t1 day- of Jure, 15.73, ha tke ofte, to witu .074: Collodi:Leen Beckon., Cc:Tien, hfcaortua one. Freeidert Ia. Creiha J5., (5). YO)IM: Nbre. .nrfrr. AdifIgnIT, I have hereunto sect my %yeti and affjned tJac offieial seal of said kabb. ear of Jtee, 1.5f5). beteeky- curtrugg that tho foregoing is a fu11, true and. marreet copy ci AChity- of Alameda Farb/Alien No, 8054, tOffYJI(TIMILEO))(11(.. 07 TITE hirThE1T51.511I calazaIcc,,, introduced anA ado1.51d. the. Ober:lath of the City of Alameda, en the 1`551) day of jrne, 1573. _gaeffamemacaym _ Depfty- City. Clerk of the City- of Ala,