Resolution 08085CITY Oh llJlaTOT RESCLUTIEV TO. ()Erg) Lh3ECTEJTKG 3515Pth Th33) hh IT ahhCl3VhE HI THE OCCECJIL (IE THE CI1T CV AIAhEag that gunacand to Sections 2,311 and fundlagcica 05: the Alameda Itucicical (loge H, IANha, i5 herety appointed to the oflice of :member of Recreation. Coamdzslor. of the City of Alamcda, for a three: yean. tem caxnencing cr. Catotata a, 1972 ana erlgiring acptauaber 30), 131555, and to serve until nag successor ia appointed and qualifldu I, the anaacsagned, hare5T certify that the foraT*35a hesolutl on was duly' and. regularly introditced ang. ad0tea. HK the)) Council of the U5ty of .1333TanceJA in regular aleetlag asselableg on the 1J)th day of June, the follo01(15) vote, to alit:, Coancilulan heckaa, ()erica, iatanitta, IhCall. arl. THesilEnt IA Craig, Jf., (5). Iht1a52 honu. EH )lEITICES hHERE53).E, J. have herecht0 get 12)), )5E.07ei and. al3fi:cd the, effichall. of 55j5i City 'Lula :5)3(3th aagy of June, 1975 ,.3311:231 ITZET_ (SElL) leuctun alty ev1) of Iho Citg s3 ltagaga7 hauegy cautify C.2)52... 3:12) .33craghig, hc) tgue 5.45.175555,55 copy of (0555y ggaa).(32.a :Thu; olutl.ch 130. Ilt3(3)5, (5232(.3)333331333) 31533333E55 (3,5".1.113) 33..5 C,25.erk 0.j t..55.3 0::