Resolution 08132CITY OF ALATELTA RESOLUTION ECE EL32 „ANCHORIZETE EINCUIDEN COODERSTINTE CLATENEEITT WTEN STAND OF CALIFORNIA RE:TATTED To 'INSTALLATION OF TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNAL MITTEL ADE CURET"( LIMITING Al' INTERSECTION CIF SIDE ,fmg.i.:T NEER SALMI HIGHWAT ROUTE (CTIS DRIVE) DE IT RDSOLVED EN TINE COUNCIL OF THE DIET OF ALANSDA that the ha,yor be and hereby is authorised to executb 4. chalf of the City an agreement with the State of California, actins: through the Dcagaistment of Transportaigion of its Buonsess and Transportation Agency, proviching for joint podificinahlon Er, the shoring of ccatz aud offer things Lhe installation of traffic cunt:gal signal systmom and safety lighbing Act, the intersection of Eigh itreet with State nigh-- 11'4T 1(oute 61 (SIDE Drive), all of which is bituated the City of Alameda, and the City Clerk is dinschisd to attest to said, execution, said 'agreement to be substantial-Eh in the form of that on file in the office of the City Clerk and hAarhed, "Riled, November I, the undersigned hereby certify that the foregoing Resointion too duly and rem:Early introduced und adopted Ng the Council of the City of Alamebia in regular a:Testing :assembled on the 6th day of Novercider, 1973, by the foliofhing vote, te RDAS 4 ciiThan Esoksena C orffe a, KIL",,Ti t, 0 nsf dont LA, :Trod AT, (10.,0: 12'0110 2ZZ. AD: Dane. ENTRINCE ENTRECE, have hereunto set, ng, hand goad affdifed the official seed of bald, City this Tth day of ovember, TERIN. Deputy City Clerk of Ely JT7E::7;T, hereby certify that the f.'oregoing is a, fc111., trtle and correct copy of "City of Alameda Resolution ho. AUTHODEZING ICTECUTIOD coorz.P,TriE AMMENINAT SETH STREIT CD CILIFORNIA dmITAITING TO ANSTALLITION SCUTITIC CONTROL DESDAL ESTER AND SAFETY LTDIEING AT ENTERSECTION OF DINH STITT RITE STATE HIGHTTalf INSURE ST (OTE3 ENIVIV introduced and adopted by tho Council of the City of Alameda On the 6th day of November, lbel3. „TACT:” TreTaty City Clerk of -the AhMensode,