Resolution 08135CITY OF A.LAISZDA RESOLUTION NO. 2135 AINMDLST RESOAUTIST HOL 8084 SY AHDISO E'EN 0lHalOO 2 ThEDETO, SEIXTTN0 TO -SODDING HOURS, OVERT:OD, DNid0:22 AfiEflASSNS AHD ?DUCATIOSEL ISGENTIVE 12201) PhafilAD F02 REPLCTCHS. TiAr, SEDOIDES bb "7L] CCA7KT0, Of' 'NED Cf771 CS TLAUESA that Resolutiou Se. 200E, aSoated JuLy 1'1,714 is hereby amehded hy apdIng Xeccion 2, HJ read: Aby cf ihe above listek classes, x26:eet to hLe dual:ability of tudgcted fuhdo, may be ri: cos on a temcorary or part-time basis for vacation re)ief, sick meave rea3ef, and arthcriacd card-time excloxienta Also, oubject to tho availability of budgeted funds, when a permanent position. i3 to be vacated. and it is necessary to train a replacement, or for other yalid reason, one additional position in. any of the abome classes may be filled by' Civil. Service appoint-, m e a n t , aubject to 77444 approval of the City' Ida:lager. 0.1? Etza Holt Ls_ DID. blEaD. E. Police Deportment. The duty week for all kworn non-sworn uniformed personnel shall be 20 bourn- The dmfay week for maacellanecus clerical pemaonnad. shall be 1. 37.5 Saxe PecdptEkrat. The duty week fur all sworn uniformed members whose normal tour of duty is for 24 consecutive bEnrs shall amerahe 56 hokum per week, as shaj/ be schedmied. by- thc Chief of the Department. The duty week for sworn mexbers OD. regular assignment to the TXre Prevention Dureac shall be 5 consecutive days of 8 hours each, or 40 hours per week, in case such a member ih serving in an acting capacity ior a member 4 a higher rank whose duty week is 56 boors, add such member is qualifydng for or eligible to receive acting pay, as provided for elsewhere, such. member shall not be entitled to overtime in adUition to acting pay for honrs in mucess of except under eirchnstarcen where overtime crovisjEnn would :reply to the oxoaber whose blase is being taken. ?he duty week for non-sworn unXIDanied personnel shall Le 4C ::0UP2. For miscellaneous bier/cal personnel it shall he y4 5 1101. Library, Public War, . Recreation, ?ark and Coif Daparumamts. The normal dui,y week for full-time employoos in the Public Works, Rocrcation, Sark and Colf Soqamtments and. for part-taxe omployeen is. the Library shad/ be, or shall Lo computed at aa hourly rate on thc basis of 40 hours, except as jmovided under bolow. Siqyg4T1, Administracivo. Library and Related. Ahe duty week for porsonrel, emcept aa oremided under ka) and (0) above, whose normal base of' operatXono is the City Hall or the Libmary, stall be 37.5 hours, ekkayt hhero the) hature of tna. duties Xe such tbat a 4C four Maty ueek im reorcireU xecause of the inter- xclationships witb other City Departments or personnel shere the duty week is 40 hocrs. This deter - minahion shall be made by Lhx. City Eanager upon fhe repozareadation of tho Hood's- mond Head involved, in no case it is intender: that any employee, regeraless of DepafMkedX oa ichation, lahose duty week ik 5, 5, 37.5 hours, shall avo it ag- enaed beyond this figure. Each 54.515 member of the Police Department at or below the rank of ?olice Captajni eho Qualifies for a Traiming Incentive Amard ir. accordance utitX the administrative directive ontitlhd, aDegulatiode Governing the Police Department Tradning Incentive Proglam,f shall reoeixe, 30 long as such qualifications are retained, 5.45 d in the amount of 030.00 per month. O. Each sworn mamber of the Fire Department, at or below the ram's: of Assishart Fire Chief, ckh qablified fer a Training, incentive 22n9. rd ir accoraanee witn the administrative directive eabitde3, ,Mbeculationo 43 84 thc ?Erb Docamtment Lmiation Advancomey0 Prograh,f shall receive, so Meng as such Qualifications are retainaa, an award ix the amnant of 240.80, SOOLGO, or f3C.00 per mouth, an dotormisph gy ani in accomfanoo With V:e omaiifficabion reecirkmaits of the prograra C. Each full-time cuployee below the position. of Division. Head, not incicaed suik- paragraphs (A) gra CB) above, mbh qualifies for educational reimbursement in accor- dance waybh the adifLaistrative directive entitled, Xikagulabicns Gemalubtag the Educa- tion Relmbursement 4' 4151 shafa receive, so long as such qualgfic3. tion3 are retaflied, reimbuxsement for certaim approved educational cosba as tuition,fees, laboratory fees, costs of tEbtbooks, and mileage, in a sum not, to emceed. 0202.00 annually, unless any e..:.::CX:SS thereof hem first been author:sued in writing ty the CjAumbhauTger. IMlice Department. All ovum cankers of tho Police Deguartgant, encept the Chief of Police, shall receive (1 sum of money in the amount of f2291100 annsaliy as uniform allow- ance. lien-soarn personnel employed in the Police Department who ore required to wear O distinctive uniform shall 00111100 xam of money in the amount of $150.00 annually as allowance therefor. D. Fire 1.)co00016139. Ali uniformed members of the Filch Department, except, the Fire Chief, shall receive a sum of moray io the amount of annually as uniform allosance. Said allowance to memners of the Fire Department shall :10 111 lieu, and take the place of, the uniform damage replacement prograx heretofore in. effect in said Department, except as to necessary non-uniform items damaged in the direct perfomsance of duty. abe allowaocco prooldod 2or under A:CJA,0 6111111 30 pain quarterly, corgainciba jug: a, 1973. C. Crossing Glands. All regular27 scheduled Crossing Guards with more than six months, City employment shall receive a single payment of flee° as cost of a umdfonno Renlacement of morn 00 damaged uniforms of such Guards shall be at City cost uuon the written authorization of the Chief of Police. D. Other peoartments. Filfistime employees of all Departments except those enumerated in paragraphs A and B above, shall be ellgible for speciai protective clothing at City coot upon the uritten authorisation of the affected, Depoutment Head and xpprovil of the City Manager. ecial protective clothinga shall be only those garments 0" cluthisg articles necessary to protect, the renal murk clothing which the oxplogee :101"- :110,11 masons to and 01/ the job, from unusual havards or from unusual wear and, tearo RAY ilgolgiuggigagroppoppepalc. i. For sworn persexnel at or below the rank of Pollee Sergeant, or a Police Aide, time and one-half shall 91, paid for all overtime worked subsequent 111 13109' 1, 1973, which esceeds aa accumulation laa each menfiar of 40 hours. For each employee who has already accamealated mere than. MO hours of overtime prior to July I, 1373, Me shall be compensathd only for overtIne in onnecis of his current overtime acommlation- 'Pith the a:por0us:1 og One Oldef of Ohs 'department, a Ilv..mAur .Aoll,rc'maLory tMme off st tire and one-talf, in liar of overlino pay, Omcept as otherwine provided Cy Section 2, subparagraph C of Resolution 6232, a :sworn membez at or beaow the rank of Polioe Sergeant who is c.alle ul..o1/ to per- form work 0/1 his regular day off, 03' on a regular work d07 but not contiguous with his regular ahift, shall be guaranteed a Isdn1= of 4 hour.., overtime to his credit. Lii. Vilen 0 41016.1 officer at or below the rank nf Sergeant, or a Police Aide, :Lo we - opined. by the Department or by Stata law to atte0/ d. a trafring class on his regular day off, 1 0 his regular duty day hut net contiguous with hiu regular shift, ha shall be guaranteed a alArdL= of two hours overtime at 11,102 :And care-half which shall re paid or taken as time off in accordance with existing policy a:ad regu, lotions. glen a sworn officer at or below the rank of Sergeant, or a Felice Aide, is 00- 1100120 hcy the DoparUment 02 by State law to attend a Training clogs contiguous with his regular duty shift, he shall be guaranteed a nALTA.Irom of one hoar over- at time ani ono-hall, witb the understanding that there may be, at the Deportmertls discretion, a bneak of less than 15 minutes between the beginning or end of the duty. :abaft and the beginning cr end of the one-hour traindng period. Suc11 ovartine uhaa1 be rana. or taken 00, time off in accordance with auisting policy' and regulations. DeparUserti 1, Foo' oworr D=onneA at or scgow coo rang of' Fire day:Main, tine ond one-half s,.,7.-23 rano fon old overtime gurke, su econent no =Pais laRld. atiohdahoo eddcatlonal Or exarses dartou a pew. erb. off-outp nenioa, shoOl ec (-or,-Ae03at,e,A, for a9 oventione. A nagger who decomas clisible for oveattne puttir this section sball hot in add:Iliac, he Xidginie for bensfite molar tde Edocationai Dairadraement fcr required LI-3ervicF. trairdng coumes. iai. ,,xcept v.;,3 otherwise A-AAovidec. subpanagrayh 11 ce Pasolution C•3a, a sworn meneer at or 'talon tae rank of adre fapicain Who 11 regain:ea to ad on dwey on gis rogaior day off, or on a reauSar duty Jay contignoac with his reLAar 0.07 s,A2f12, 010AJ2 11:0c1/nteod a /':/'lo 110,117E overt311e to his cmdil-A, tne p70v1193,0n -'6:Aab 1210 11:1(11 15 over.no al the 004('11( of tee data unnft snail not, CreOiteu as oveiagaue for tau, plow:came of pay or 'alone off. iv. Hz accordance with the Provide:pub of Caution y of the 1973-1074 nemerandum of Undurstanding, each cworn mumider of the Fire Depernment befeb the rank of Fire Oblef srall have eight ours of overtIne entered 1 the books to his credit, withl the understanding that if such overtime Lao mot been taken ao compthabutory tiou off di the rate of tiae and end –half as of Jame 301 107(41 it will be Fele few at that time at the rate of tine and one–half. C. Bfbur bepartmendpg. Exeept ad otherwise proved by Section 2, subparagraph C of Resolution 6202, each full–time City employee, below the Ie.:it:len of Division Head, not included in subbaragrapno A and B above, wrm is redbir3d to work un hid regu)am Pap off, or on a tug:flap word: day, bat not contiguous with hia regular shift, shall be gbarantede a minium.: of twe hoard overtime for such work at Mona and. one–half. 6, RI,,FOIRO Fpff For smora Polite daglotyRass at or below the rank of Police Sergeant, ducal bet:son:gel shall be creditud with one–half of the employe:1,s regular hotattha salary rate while on emoza,eacy on–caILL stathas, that is, a notaidatT status where an. employed le re- quired to be available and on call, afM ray actually be called to duty by the Pollee betamtnent during an an:urgency or an anticipated emergency. Any monies received by anTguyees PPP.Ta the inagbetentatiwan of this policy shall not, be eur.sidbred payk saltary, or compeudatica for the ptxTbse of cell:iodating present or future Benzion enufits. OEVER401) PAZ The City agrees 'GO pay all:Z7 eLlp3_0yee represented by the Alameda Crirty EMplOyeeS loseciatior mbose services are termizated hefease of lack of work or organizational changes which. eldzinate the need. for his job, and htho has completed at least five years, df cortibuovo regular embloyment with the Cityk severance gay as follomo: Lengtb of Forahlommgatut_ Working Da7ie itic" 0 through 5 years 0 6 tilrouEh '15 years 16 or mere years 10 I, the undersigned, herby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced. and. adopted by the C11 n:01 of the City of Aim – — - w at.0 eng m, (a.aoreer, fora, y. tho lotibwong vte, to :lit: AYES: Councilmen beckon:, fuothoa, Euventb, IRRUMAI. and. Preoleent La Crothad Jr., (0). WOES: AROSINT. Nbneth IN MDFCRRO WHafffd", I have bureonte set mw- hand and afflmed thu official. seal ef maid City. tOdu ithth day. of Hoveaber, 1973, FMK. Ono RI DeputeICity Clerk o f City of Tr:u7nuen:7: a. hereby: certify that the foregoing: is a full, trod and correct copy of adity of Aloveah, Desolation Ho. 1:20)I0C. FRORMURbUfT NO. 00'04 Eff ADD= A law SECTICU 2 111:1Hff0, Riznayx, galKING HOUIR3, OVHbfaIllE, UNIFCRII ALLOOLICES aUD EiHRMITIONAL InCIF,TIVH; XRADD FR00000) FOR EHRLOYEER,a intudthected and adopted By Uks Council of the City of thhnteda on the 13t day of Hamobter, Deputy City Clerk of