Resolution 08200AUITICCTIZING IbTa373732i, A.cfeenallbfleT .aab aSaalaiiffabbnfa labalEPb7, Lela CF, luaaTic,iccI2aLEJAI, JUCTICE raladai:NO, 3373 IT PaS3OLVED 33C7 THE COUTIOIL 07 7773137, CITY Cla .73:733,333,33.3, that tho Devon and Citsv Clerk lay, arr. sash bereees authorised ts osecute and to attest is, respectively, on behalf of tha City, antagreersautla purababst to 'bible 3s, Divieign 7, Chapter 5 of Vric C777,-,77errinent. Cade of Cz:Lfrirornia, Other sassiciasliti.as vrithin the County of alsuneda which prOialtititi fOr the creation, alai oats forth Sae powasts rtati;riS Of a joint, aLtasey to be known an the "Alameda Regions b.. Criminal Jratti-Ca Haitrarig, Board.," said joint setters agreekaort ba sanstantiribly ths fOrirk, can- taisfin,g Sias taros, ecnditions sae covenants cab' that heretofore filed in the office of the City Catessic saki narked, liay 7, 1974. " .17,357 FO,THER fiaLSGLVED that upon the effective data of aaid agresineati, Iessolution No. .179713; shall thereupon se repealed, and the agreement authorised 373,7 said fess:analog oe oi faftner fesae, soing supersecad. by the instaivent Paretnabove opproved,, 3.7, the undersigned, hareby certify that the bovegoing isseintise ass Stay and regularly lativalused dna assptod. sps 'the Covessil of tha Ciav sibusaba tagular mostino assembbad on. the 'gbh day of' slay, by the .follawing vote, to arlt7 nentieilaan Socatara, Covina,. Esistilost, Presidant Graiss, Jtt., (5). POrlet thrtrie,, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed. tba official veal. of said. 19717. (eitadd3 aing Clerk of tie titv biavesis a hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and vagrant cony of ,307i.ty eitaniaba assol.ntien :33„. ,33,30a, difilt01371:331,733 lanalfiffabli elCiabb Pitrala SUPPiallinlbad A.Gii,317,113773T Clkabeibike, aka abefiligaltilda lakiVES ICC DU3733333 OF, A Cfalibtabb Salf31731,3AL, JUSTIC3.3 Ill.,731ildead Dada" introdased. sosd adchted by 'she Cadansti I37.73 City of Alagesta on the 3,71,17. day f Nhy,, 19717. . _ ce ob .31 leak 223