Resolution 083794 CITY OF ALAMEDA RESOLUTION No, 8379 DESIGNATING THE NUMBER OF AND PROVIDING FOR THE COMPENSATION OF CERTAIN OFFICERS AND OTHER EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA AS FOLLOWS: Section 1 The following Position classifications, salary rates, salary ranges and salary steps are hereby designated as those applicable to the respective classifications in the service of the City of Alameda, effective July 1, 1975. The salary rates shwon herein are for the most part from, or derived from, the uniform salary schedule incorporated in Resolution 6232. Ranges are approximately 2.58 apart, with an approximate spread of 5% between steps. Code No, of Range Step Step Step Step Step No, Class Title Positions No. 1 2 4 5 ADMINISTRATIVE AUDITOR AND ASSESSOR 1000 Auditor and Assessor 1 - 1500 1575 1650 1725 1700 Deputy Assessor 1 86 1271 1334 1401 1470 1544 1685 General Accounting Supv. 1 86 1271 1334 1401 1470 1544 1580 Accounting Machine Operator' 11-2 69 841 882 926 972 1020 1540 Senior Typist Clerk 1 66 781 819 861 903 948 1510 Intermediate Typist Clerk 1 62 708 743 781 819 861 CITY ATTORNEY 1010 City Attcrney2 1 113(a) 2390 2512 2640 2772 2910 1710 Ceputy City Attorney 1 86 1271 1334 1401 1470 1544 1630 Legal Secretary 1 73 926 972 1020 1070 1124 1535 Legal Stenographer 1 66 781 819 861 903 948 CITY CLERK 1030 City Clerk 1 92(a) 1470 1544 1623 1703 1789 1590 Deputy City Clerk 1 73(a) 926 972 1020 1070 1124 CITY MANAGER 1040 City Manager2 1 f/m - - - - 3146 1050 Assistant City Manager 1 105(a) 2021 2120 2227 2338 2455 6060 Administrative Assistant 1 86 1271 1334 1401 1470 1544 1640 Administrative Secretary to the City Manager 1 75 972 1020 1070 1124 1181 1540 Senior Typist Clerk 1 66 781 819 861 903 948 'Accounting Machine Operator. The one employee in this classification whose primary duties involve the operation cf the NCR 400 Accounting Machine shall receive an additional one full step (58) while so assigned ir such Leadnon capacity. CITY PLANNING 1060 Planning Director 1 103(a) 1924 2021 2120 2227 2338 3135 Asst. Planning Director 1 93(a) 1507 1584 1662 1746 1833 3132 Senior Planner 1 91 1438 1507 1584 1662 1746 3130 Associate Planner' 1 89 1366 1436 1507 1584 1662 3130 Associate Planner (HCDA) 1 89 1366 1436 1507 1584 1662 3090 Assistant Planner 2 34 1210 1271 1334 1401 1470 3040 Planning Assistant 1 78 1046 1097 1152 1210 1271 3010 Engineering Aide' 1 73 926 972 1020 1070 1124 1600 Departmental Secretary 1 71 882 926 972 1020 1070 1505 Junior Typist-Clerk (CETA) 1 56 612 642 Planning Aide (CETA) 1 f/m 897 PERSONNEL 1070 Personnel Director 1 101(a) 1833 1924 2021 2120 2227 6050 Ass't. Personnel Director 1 89(a) 1366 1436 1507 1504 1662 1540 Senior Typist Clerk 1 66 781 819 861 903 948 1510 Intermediate Typist Clerk 1 62 708 743 781 819 861 Personnel Aide (CETA) 1 f/m - 934 Intern P.T. 3.00 3.25 3.50 3.75 4.00 Examination Proctor P.T. 3.75 Student Aide P.T. 2.45 2.56 2.69 2At such time as the deferred compensation plan for management Personnel is placed into effect, the salaries fcr City Manager, City Attorney, and City Engineer will be modified to reflect that portion of the salary being so deferred. 447 Code No. of Range Step Step Step Step Step No, Class Title Positions No, 1 2 3 4 ADMINISTRATIVE_ICont'd) PURCHASING 1660 Ass't, Purchasing Agent 1 83(a) 1181 1241 1302 1366 1436 1545 Purchasing Clerk 1 66 781 819 861 903 948 1510 Intermediate Typist Clerk 1 62 708 743 781 819 861 1505 Junior Typist-Clerk (CETA) 1 56 612 642 - - - SOCIAL SERVICE 1520 Social Service Secretary 1 68 819 861 903 948 995 TREASURER AND TAX COLLECTOR 1030 Treasurer and Tax Collector 1 - - 1500 1575 1650 1725 1690 Deputy Treasurer-Tax Collector 1 86 1271 1334 1401 1470 1544 1655 Ass't, Deputy License & Tax Col, 1 76 995 1046 1097 1152 1210 1550 Account Clerk 1 66 781 819 861 903 948 1510 Intermediate Typist Clerk 1 62 708 743 781 819 861 'One position of Associate Planner will be deleted at such time as the position of Senior Planner is filled. One position of Engineering Aide will be deleted at such time as the position of Planning Assistant is filled. PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING INSPECTIONS 3170 Chief Building Inspector 1 98(a) 1703 1789 1878 1971 2070 3110 Senior Plumbing Inspector 1 88 1334 1401 1470 1544 1623 3100 Senior Building Inspector 1 88 1334 1401 1470 1544 1623 3060 Building Inspector 2 85 1241 1302 1366 1436 1507 3000 Building and Plumbing Permits Examiner 1 71 882 926 972 1020 1070 ENGINEERING 1090 City Engineer* 1 103(a) 2390 2512 2640 2772 22901700 3180 Asst 2120 't City Engineer 1 1924 2021 7277 2338 3150 Sr. Civil Engineer 1 98 1703 1789 1878 1971 3140 Assoc. Civil Engineer 2 94 1544 1623 1703 1789 1878 3120 Asst. Civil Engineerl 1 88 1334 1401 1470 1544 1623 3077 Surv. & Const, Inspec. Supv. 1 88 1334 1401 1470 1544 1623 3090 Survey Party Chief 2 86 1271 1334 1401 1470 1544 1670 Admin, Serv, Supervisor 1 86 1271 1334 1401 1470 1544 3080 Jr. Civil EnyineAr1 2 84 1210 1271 1334 1401 1470 3085 Traffic Engineer 1 94 1544 1623 1703 1789 1878 3085 Traffic Engineer2 1 88 1334 1401 1470 1544 1623 3085 Traffic Engineer2 1 84 1210 1271 1334 1401 1470 3070 Construction Inspector 2 83 1181 1241 1302 1366 1436 3020 Sr. Engineering Aide 1 78 1046 1097 1152 1210 1271 3030 Sr. Draftsman 2 78 1046 1097 1152 1210 1271 3065 Traffic Engineering Tech, 1 78 1046 1097 1152 1210 1271 3010 Engineering Aide 4 73 926 972 1020 1070 1124 1610 Prin, Clk., Dept of Public Wrks 1 73 926 972 1020 1070 1124 1530 Sr. Stenographer Clerk 1 66 781 819 861 903 948 1550 Account Clerk 1 66 781 819 861 903 948 1510 Intermediate Typist Clerk 708 743 lerk 1 62 781 819 861 3080 Jr. Civil Engineer P.T. 6.65 6.98 7.32 7.69 8,07 3010 Engineering Intern P.T. 3,00 3,25 3.50 3.75 4.00 3005 Student Aide P.T. 2.45 2.56 2.69 1Those regular full-time civil service employees in the classification of Asst. Civil Engineer, and Jr. Civil Engineer, who are listed as being Registered Civil Engineer's in the State of California shall be eligible to receive $35 per month in addition to their regular gross monthly salary. Positions may be filled et either level, provided that the total number does not exceed three, 2Traffic Engineer. Provides for appointment at either Associate, Assistant or Junior level, Level at which position to be filled to be determined by availability of candidates at time of recruitment. Only one position to be filled. CITY HALL 2040 Auto-Building Service Man 1 71 882 926 972 1020 1070 2030 Ass't Auto-Bldg. Serv. Man 1 68 819 861 903 948 995 1500 Telephone Oper-Receptionist 1 62 708 743 781 819 861 *See footnote 2, page 446. Code No. of Range Step Step Step Step Step No, Class Title Positions No. 1 2 3 4 5 POUND 2170 Poundmaster 73 926 972 1020 1070 1124 2050 Ass't, Poundmaster 70 861 903 948 995 1046 Laborer Trainee (CETA) f/m 758 STREET 3160 Public Works Maintenance Superintendent 2370 Street 5 Sewer Merit. Supt, 2380 Equipment Maint. Supv. 2335 Tree Maintenance Supv, 2290 Maintenance Carpenter Foreman 2280 Concrete Foreman 2310 Maintenance Plumber 2330 Sewer Maintenance Foreman 2275 Tree Trimmer Leadman 2240 Equipment Mechanic 2230 Maintenance Carpenter 2220 Maintenance Painter 2200 Concrete Worker 2095 Asst. Maintenance Plumber 2160 Street Sweeper Operatori 2125 Equipment Operator 2150 Tree Trimmer 2140 Tree Maintenance Man 2115 Public Works Maintenance Mar 2090 Asst. Equipment Mechanic 2080 Gardener 2085 Asst, Gardener 2020 Laborer Laborer Trainee (CETA) 98(a) 1703 1789 1878 1971 2070 85 241 1302 1366 1436 1507 85 241 1302 1366 1436 1507 83 181 1241 1302 1366 1436 81 124 1181 1241 1302 1366 81 124 1181 1241 1302 1366 81 124 1161 1241 1302 1366 81 124 1181 1241 1302 1366 78 046 1097 1152 1210 1271 78 046 1097 1152 1210 1271 78 046 1097 1152 1210 1271 78 046 1097 1152 1210 1271 76 995 1046 1097 1152 1210 74 948 995 1046 1097 1152 74 948 995 1046 1097 1152 74 9a8 995 1046 1097 1152 74 948 995 1046 1097 1152 73 926 972 1020 1070 1124 4 72 903 948 995 1046 1097 72 903 948 995 1046 1097 72 903 948 995 1046 1097 70 861 903 948 995 1046 2 68 819 861 903 948 995 f/m 758 1 Plus 1 full step (5%) when scheduled 4 or more hours between 4 p.n. and 8 a.m., TRAFFIC 51085 AND STRIPING 2210 Traffic Control Painter 2215 Public Works Maint. Man 1 78 1046 1097 1152 1210 1271 1 72 903 948 995 1046 1097 PUBLIC SAFETY FIRE 1100 Fire Chief 1 108(a) 2396 2516 2643 4550 Asst. Fire Chief 5 98(1) 1916 2011 2110 4540 Battalion Chiefl 0 93 1662 1746 1833 4520 Fire Captain 11 89(i) 1615 1697 4510 Fire Lieutenant 12 85(1) 1577 4505 Fire Apparatus Operator 24 84(e) - 1485 4500 Fireman 49 82 - 1271 1334 1401 1600 Departmental Secretary 1 71 882 926 972 1020 1070 1510 Intermediate Typist Clerk 1 62 708 743 781 819 861 Fire Trainee (CETA) 3 f/m - - 897 Jr. Typist Clerk (CETA) 1 56 612 642 In addition to normal compensation, positions in classifications at the rank of Fire Captain or Fire Lieutenant on regular assignment to the Fire Prevention Bureau shall receive a salary differential of one full step (58) per month while so assigned. Positions at the rank of Fireman shall receive a salary differential cf 6% while cn such assignment. 1Battalion Chief - included for pension purposes only. POLICE 1110 Chief of Police 1 108(a) - 2397 2516 26d3 4040 Police Captain 2 101(a) 2021 2120 2227 4030 Police Lieutenant 6 96 1789 1878 1971 4010 Police Sergeant 19 91 - 1584 1662 1746 4000 Police Officer 63 83 - 1241 1302 1366 1436 4006 Police Woman 1 83 - 1241 1302 1366 1436 4008 Police Aide 11 71 - 972 1020 1070 1530 Sr. Stenographer Clerk 3 6E 781 319 861 903 948 1540 St. Typist Clerk 2 66 781 819 861 903 948 1510 Intermediate Typist Clerk 2 62 708 743 781 819 _661 Police Trainee (CETA) 3 f/m - - 897 Jr. Typist Clerk (CETA) 1 56 612 642 - - - Intern P.T. 3.00 3.25 3.50 3.75 4.00 4050 Crossing Guard P.T. - - - 3.34 4060 Security Aide P.T. - - - 3.34 3005 Student Aide P.T. - 2.45 2.56 2.69 449 Code No, of Range Step Step Step Step Step No, Class Title Positions No, 1 2 3 4 5 RECREATION, PARKS AND GOLF RECREATION 1140 Director of Recreation and Parks 1 104(a) 1971 2070 2173 2282 2396 5130 Ass't. Director of Recreation and Parks 1 98(a) 1703 1789 1878 1971 2070 5120 Recreation Supervisor 3 84 1210 1271 1334 1401 1470 5110 Senior Recreation Leader 3 75 972 1020 1070 1124 1181 1600 Departmental Secretary 1 71 882 926 972 1020 1070 1540 Senior Typist Clerk 1 66 781 819 861 903 948 1510 Intermediate Typist Clerk 1 62 708 743 781 819 861 5090 Recreation Specialist P.T. - - 4.03 4.22 4.44 5060 Recreation Leader II P.T. - 3.15 3.31 3,47 3.65 3.93 5040 Recreation Leader I P.T. - 2.86 3.00 3.15 5010 Recreation Aide P.T. 2.24 2.35 2.48 2010 Custodian P.T. 3.73 SWIM CENTER 5100 Swim Pool Manager 6.7. - 4.44 4.65 5080 Aquatic Specialist P.T. - - 4.03 4.22 4.44 5070 Senior Lifeguard P.T. 3.83 4,03 4.22 5045 Acqutic instructor P.T. _ 3.47 3.65 3.83 5050 Lifeguard 8.7. - 3.31 3.47 3.65 5030 Cashier-Attendant P.T. 3.91 3.15 3.31 3.47 5000 Locker-Attendant P.T. - 2.24 2.35 2.48 : 5020 Instructor Aide P.T. - 2.73 2.86 3.01 2010 Custodian P.T. 3.73 PARKS 2340 Park Maintenance Supervisor 1 83 1181 1241 1302 1366 1436 2345 Park Maintenance Leadman 1 78 1046 1097 1152 1210 1271 2125 Equioment Operator 2 74 948 995 1046 1097 1152 2050 Golf and Park Maint, Man 7 72 903 948 995 1046 1097 2020 Laborer 7 68 819 861 903 948 995 2020 Laborer P.T. 68 4.22 4,43 4.65 4,88 5.12 Intern P.T. - 3.00 3.25 3.50 3.75 4.00 GOLF 2350 Golf Course Maint, Supt. 1 90 1401 1470 1544 1623 1703 2255 Golf Course Maint, Foreman 1 81 1124 1181 1241 1302 1366 2250 Golf Course Irrig, Leadman 1 78 1046 1097 1152 1210 1271 2240 Equipment Mechanic 2 78 1046 1097 1152 1210 1271 2105 Heavy Equipment Operator - 78 1046 1097 1152 1210 1271 2225 Maintenance Craftsman 1 78 1946 1097 1152 1210 1271 2125 Equipment Operator 5 74 948 995 1045 1097 1152 2065 Golf and Park Maint. Man 7 72 903 948 995 1045 1097 2020 Laborer 2 68 819 861 903 948 995 2020 Laborer P.T. 68 4.22 4.43 4.65 4.88 5.12 In addition to normal compensation, Golf Course Laborers and Equipment Operators engaged in night watering for four or more hours between 4:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. shall receive a one step (55) salary differential while so regularly and continuously employed. LIBRARY 1130 City Librarian 1 . 99 1746 1833 1924 2021 2120 3550 Supervising Librarian 4 82 1152 1210 1271 1334 1401 3540 Senior Librariar 3 78 1046 1097 1152 1210 1271 3530 Librarian 1 74 948 995 1046 1097 1152 1600 Departmental Secretary 1 71 882 926 972 1020 1070 3515 Library Technician (7 + 1 0 1/2 time) - - - - - - - - - - - - 66 781 819 861 903 948 2010 Custodian' 3 63 725 761 800 841 882 3512 Intermediate Library Clerk 2 + 1 8 1/2 time - - - - - - - - - - 62 708 743 781 819 861 3540 Senior Librarian P,T, - 5.38 5.65 5.93 6.23 6.54 3530 Librarian P.T. 4.88 5.12 5.38 5.65 5.93 3515 Library Technician P.T. 4.02 4.22 4.43 4.65 4.88 2010 Custodian P.T. - 3.73 3.92 4.12 4.33 4.54 3512 Intermediate Library Clerk P.T, 3.65 3.82 4.02 4.22 4.43 3504 Junior Library Clerk P.T. 3.15 3.31 3.47 3.65 3.82 3503 Student Assistant III P.T. - - 3.07 3.22 3.39 3502 Student Assistant II P.T. 2.65 2.78 2.93 3501 Student Assistant I P.T. - - - 2.29 2.40 2.53 Library Assistant (CETA) 1 56 612 642 - 'Custodian, One position of Custodian in the Library Department which is regularly assigned and exercises Leadmian duties and reeponsibilities, as certified in writing by the Department Head, shall receive a salary differential of 1/2 step (2,55) while so regularly and continuously assigned. 450 Code No. of Range Step Step Step Step Step No. Class Title Positions No, 1 2 3 4 5 VACATION AND INTERMITTENT RELIEF, UNALLOCATED CETA POSITIONS, AND OTHER FEDERALLY FUNDED POSITIONS 3130 Assoc. Planner (701) 2 89 1366 1436 1507 1584 1662 1505 Junior Typist-Clerk (CETA) 21 56 612 642 - - - 1505 Junior Typist-Clerk P,T, - 3.36 3.53 3.70 3.89 4.03 Intern P.T, 3,00 3.25 3.50 3.75 4.00 Maintenance Assistant P,T, - 3.00 3.15 3.31 3.47 3.65 Public SerVice Worker I F.T. - - 3,15 3.31 3.47 Public Service Worker II F.T. - 3.65 3.83 4.02 Public Service Worker III F.T. 4.22 4.43 4.65 Public Service Worker I P.T. - 3.15 3.31 3.47 Public Service Worker II P.T. - 3.65 3.83 4.02 Public Service Worker III F.T. 4.22 4.43 4.65 1 Available for general clerical assignments in City Departments as needed. * * * * * * * * * * I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced and adopted by the Council of the City of Alameda in regular meeting assembled on the 1st day of July, 1975, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Beckam, Diament, Hurwitz, Sherratt and President Corica, (5). NOES: None. ABSENT: None. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City this 2nd day of July, 1975. (SEAL) * * * * * * * * * * ETHEL M. PITT City Clerk of the City of Alameda I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of "City of Alameda Resolution No, 8379, DESIGNATING THE NUMBER OF AND PROVIDING FOR THE COMPENSATION OF CERTAIN OFFICERS ANC OTHER EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA', introduced and adopted by the Council of the City of Alameda on the 1st day of July, 1975. City Clerk of the City of Alameda