Resolution 09030CITY OF ALAMEDA RESOLUTION NO. 9030 PROPOSING AMENDMENTS TO THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA ON MOTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL; CALLING A SPECIAL MUNICIPAL CHARTER AMENDMENT ELECTION IN THE CITY OF ALAMEDA FOR THE PURPOSE OF SUBMITTING TO THE ELECTORS THEREOF PROPOSALS TO AMEND SAID CHARTER, VIZ: (1) BY AMENDING SECTION 22-4 TO DELETE SECTION WHICH FORBIDS PERSON CONVICTED OF A FELONY FROM EVER HOLDING AN OFFICE OR POSITION WITH THE CITY; (2) BY AMENDING SECTION 2-2 AND 10-9 TO PROVIDE FOR REMOVAL OF CERTAIN APPOINTED OFFICERS BY MAJORITY VOTE OF COUNCIL; (3) BY AMENDING SECTIONS 2-1, 2--2 AND 4-1, ADDING SECTION 2-2.1 AND REPEALING SECTIONS 4-2, 4-3, 4-4, 4-5 AND 4-6 AND ARTICLE V IN ITS ENTIRETY TO ABOLISH THE OFFICES OF AUDITOR AND TREASURER AND ESTABLISH OFFICE OF CITY FINANCE OFFICER; (4) BY AMENDING SECTIONS 2-1, 2-2, 2-6.1, 3-1.1, 3-4, 3-7(B), 3-7(1), 3-10, 3-12, 13-2 and 17-5, AND ADDING SECTIONS 2-6.2, 2-6.3, 2-6.4, 2-6.5 and 3-1.2 TO ESTABLISH A SEVEN MEMBER CITY COUNCIL TO BE NOMINATED FROM DISTRICTS AND ELECTED AT LARGE; (5) BY AMENDING SECTION 3-11 TO PERMIT COUNCIL TO ADOPT ORDINANCES AT SPECIAL MEETINGS; (6) BY AMENDING SECTION 10-4.1 TO PERMIT CITY COUNCIL TO DETERMINE ORGANIZATION OF CITY PLANNING BOARD BY ORDINANCE; AND (7) BY AMENDING SECTION 2-5 TO PROVIDE THAT PERSONS SEEKING ELECTIVE OFFICES BE RESIDENTS OF CITY FOR THIRTY DAYS BEFORE FILING NOMINATION PAPERS; FIXING THE DATE OF SAID ELECTION, THE MANNER OF HOLDING SAME, AND PROVIDING FOR NOTICE THEREOF; AND CONSOIIDATING SAID SPECIAL MUNICIPAL CHARTER AMENDMENT ELECTION WITH THE GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION TO BE HELD IN SAID CITY ON MARCH 6, 1979 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA as follows: Section 1. The Council of the City of Alameda hereby proposes on its own motion to amend the Charter of the City of Alameda by amending Sections 2-1, 2-2, 2-5, 2-6.1, 3-1.1, 3-4, 3-7(B), 3-7(1), 3-10, 3-11, 3-12, 4-1, 10-4.1, 10-9, 13-2, 17- and 22-4 thereof, by adding Sections 2--2.1, 2-6.2, 2-6.3, 2-6.1., 2-6.5 and 3-1.2 thereto, and by repealing Sections 4-2, 4-3, 4-4, 4--5 and 4-6 and Article V in its entirety, to read as set forth in the notice entitled, "Proposed Amendments to the Charter of the City of Alameda. Section 2. The Council of the City of Alameda hereby pro- poses to and does hereby on its own motion submit to the qualified electors of the City of Alameda, at the Special Municipal Charier Amendment Election hereinafter provided for, proposals to amen the Charter of the City of Alameda set forth in said notice he:-e- inafter set forth in Section 3 of this resolution and designates and refers to said proposals as the proposals to be set forth in the form of ballot hereinafter prescribed for use at said Special Municipal Charter Amendment Election. Section 3. The City Clerk of the City of Alameda is hereby ordered and directed to cause said proposed amendments to the Charter of the City of Alameda to be published once, not less than forty (40) and not more than sixty (60) days prior to the date of the Special Municipal Charter Amendment Election hereinafter provided for, in the ALAMEDA TIMES-STAR, the official newspaper of said City, and in each edition thereof during the day of publication, said newspaper being a newspaper of general circula- tion published at least six days a week in said City of Alameda; and such publication may be in substantially the following form: PROPOSED AMENDMENTS to THE CHARTER of the CITY OF ALAMEDA Special Municipal Charter Amendment Election March 6, 1979 (Consolidated with General Municipal Election) The Council of the City of Alameda hereby proposes on its own motion to amend the Charter of the City of Alameda: A-1. By amending Section 22-4 to read: Sec. 22-4. Any person convicted of a felony or misconduct in office shall forfeit his office or position of employment. (Effect: Would delete last sentence of section which reads No person who shall have been convicted of a felony or misconduct in office shall ever hold any office or position of employment in the service of the City.") B-2. By amending Section 2-2 to read: Sec. 2-2_1A) The following offices are hereby established and the incumbents thereof shall be appointed or removed by a vote of a majority of the full Council: City Manager, City Attorney, City Clerk. (B) During a period of ninety days immediately follow- ing the date of installation of any person newly electec to the Council at a regular or special municipal election cr of any person newly appointed to the Council, the Council shall take no action, whether immediate or prospective, to remove, suspend, request the resignation of, or reduce tie salary of, the incumbents in the aforementioned appointive offices. (Effect: Would allow appointment and removal of the appointive offices by a majority of the full Council except within a certain time after the installation of a new Council member by election or appointment. Changes "...by the Council by vote of not less than three members thereof, and may be removed by vote of not less than four members thereof:" to "...or removed by a vote of a majority of the full Council:" and adds Subsection B.) -2- B-3. By amending Section 10-9 to read: Sec. 10-9. A member of any such board may be removed by the vote of a majority of the Council. (Effect: Would allow the appointment and removal of Charter Board members (Board of Education; Public Utilities Board, Civil Service Board; City Planning Board; Social Service Human Relations Board and Library Board) by a majority of the full Council. Changes "...four members of the Council." to "...a majority of the Council.") C-4. By amending Section 2-1 to read: Sec. 2-1. The following elective officers are hereby established: The Mayor and four Councilmen, who shall constitute the Council. (Effect: Would eliminate, "Auditor, who shall be ex-officio Assessor; Treasurer, who shall be ex--officio Tax Collector." C--5. By amending Section 2-2 to read: Sec. 2-2. The following offices are hereby established, and the incumbents thereof shall be appointed by the Council by vote of not less than three members thereof, and may be removed by vote of not less than four members thereof: City Manager; City Attorney; City Clerk; City Finance Officer. (Effect: Would add the appointive position of City Finance Officer.) C-6. By adding Section 2-2.1 to read: Sec. 2-2.1. Sections 2-1 and 2-2 of this Charter, as amended by Measure C, 1979, shall become effective not sooner than April 21, 1981. (Effect: Would allow incumbents 10 serve out current terms.) C-7. By amending Section 4-1 to read: Sec. 4-1. The City Finance Officer shall perform all the duties of the Auditor and Assessor and Treasurer and Tax Collector prescribed by this Charter and by ordinance and shalt devote his entire time to the duties of the office. The City Finance Officer shall, subject to Civil Service re- quirements, have power to appoint, discipline and remove all deputies and employees in his office and shall be responsible for the acts thereof on the City Finance Officer's official bond. (Effect: Would transfer duties of elective offices of Auditor-Assessor and Treasurer-Tax Collector to the appointive office of City Finance Officer and provide for the specifi- cation of duties by ordinance.) C-8. By repealing Sections 4-2, 4-3, 4-4, 4-5 and 4-6 of Article IV. (Effect: Removes certain duties of Auditor from Charter.) C-9, By repealing Article V in its entirety. (Effect: Removes certain duties of Treasurer from Charter.) D-10. By amending Section 2-1 to read: Sec. 2-1. The following elective officers are hereby established: The Mayor:and six Council Members who shall constitute the Council; Auditor, who shall be ex-officio Assessor; Treasurer who shall be ex-officio Tax Collector. (Effect: Changes "four Councilmen" to "six Council Members.") D-11. By amending Section 2-2 to read: Sec. 2-2. The following offices are hereby established, and the incumbents thereof shall he appointed by the Council by vote of not less than a majority thereof, and may be removed by a vote of not less than a majority plus one thereof: City Manager; City Attorney; City Clerk. (Effect: Would establish number of votes needed for appoint- ing and removing these officers regardless of number of Council Members. Changes "three members" to "a majority thereof" and changes "four members" to "a majority plus one thereof.") D-12. By amending Section 2-6.1 to read: Sec. 2-6.1. Three Council Members, exclusive of the Mayor, shall be elected at evely general municipal election. If for any reason three vacanc es do not occur prior to the election, the term of the person receiving the lowest number of votes for Council Member in the last general municipal election shall expire. (Effect: Changes "Two Councilmen" to "Three Council Members", changes "two" to "three" and changes councilman" to "Council Member".) D-13. By adding Section 2-6.2 to read: Sec. 2-6.2. (A) Any peason is eligible to hold office as elected Council Member For -District if such person is a registered vote/ of the City and a resident of the geographi- cal area which constituted the district from which such person was nominated at the tire of filing nomination pa-pers, and was a resident of such area and a registered voter of the City aL the time of filing nomfnaLion papers and for a period of thirty days immediately preceding the date of filing. (Effect: Would create five council seats each nominated from a different district.) -4-- Sec. 2-6.2 (B) Any person is eligible to hold the office of Council Member at Large or Mayor if such person is a registered voter of the City and was a registered voter of the City at the time of filing nomination papers and for a period of thirty days immediately preceding the date of filing. (Effect: Would create a sixth Council Member at Large in addi- tion to the Mayor who is the seventh Council Member.) Sec. 2-6.2 (C) Sections 2-6.2 (A) and (B) shall apply:to appointed members of the Council. (Effect: Would continue existing provisions in regard to appointments.) D-14. By adding Section 2-6.3 to read: Sec. 2-6.3 (A) Each candidate for election to the office of Council Member For a District shall be nominated from the district in which such candidate resides by the signatures of registered voters residing within said district. Sec. 2-6.3 (B) Each candidate for election to the office of Mayor or Council Member at Largo shall be nominated from the City at large by the signatures of registered voters residing within the City. (Effect: Would create five council members nominated from a district and one at large council member.) D-15. By adding Section 2-6.4 to read Sec. 2-6.4 (A) Council Members for each of five districts, a Council Member at Large and the Mayor shall be elected by the registered voters of the City at large. (Effect: All Council Members are elected at large.) Sec. 2-6.4 (B) In the event no nomination is filed for a district or districts, the person or persons receiving the highest number of votes for Council Member at Large or Council Member for a district shall be elected to any vacant seats not filled by persons receiving more votes for a district or at large nomination. (Effect: Would prevent vacant seats where no one socks nomina- tions from a district. The recipient of the highest number of votes after those seated by the election is elected to a seat when no nomination occurs.) D-16. By addiny Section 2-6.5 to read: Sec. 2-6,.5. The boundaries of Council Member Districts shall be established by ordinance within. one year after publica- tion of the results of each federal census. The Council, by said ordinance, shall divide the City into five districts numbered one through five, each district shall consist of geographically combact contiguous territory and shall contain, as nearly as possible equal numbers of residents. District boundaries shall approximate election. precinct boundaries established by the Board of Sir.)co.rs of the County of Zaameda. No change in district boundaries shall operate to disqualify an incumbent from office before the expiration the term Inc which such person was elected or appointed. 07ffc ) Would provide for districts from which thd five district council mem:hers are nominated.) D-17, By amending Section 3-1 to read: pee. 3,71. All powers of the City and all powers vested. in City Councils (except the powers reservc d. to the people or delegated. to other officersor.boards by this Eharter) shall be vested in a Council consisting of seven Council Members. Effect: Changes "five Counciluen" to "seven Counci 1 Members.") D-16. By amending Section 3-1.1 to read: Notwithstanding any other)proViSion 02 32). Charter to c contrarV,..thirbsection•shall..contrel as.. to the.. mattertiheroin.,conteined.•...COmMeneiny.Aprilc2J.,_J.981,wthe Councils shall. consieb SnWthe.:MeVoitendLsixLethee...CoubEdl: Members.• electen . in .the manner Set'fofth.in:SccrienC2h-1..id•-2c6s4-: and elseWhere•in•theEnetterd •,FroM.end'after.•Sucirdatew.all1bre- vislbnS of,this,seetidan•Shall.abesdecrsed :amended:Or:repealed, whichever is epbrepriater (Effect: Cbanqes• "Mayor„..and. four Councilmen'' to bMaver and six • other Council Members" and :adds. "86Ction 2 -6.4..")' D-19. By adding. Section 3-1,2 to reads See 3-1 2 • -.11)e TweEoarcil•wlembers••••elechce-in March of • 1979.ehal1 .be0'onmwermAPri3 c21d,I981Ebate21 -MemberSifroM•the • district in.•WhiCh theYlSe:pldet..tinathe•eVent61itsateilot1 bf.said• • CounCil•MeSISeiss:r6Side intiah6seiS0 .•d3strieth:.t3 btptimberreeeIYinq the•h1 gnee1 nuMber)pf.vetasfin.the•1979.eleet3 e0 .S13 el1 -1 ecorie Council MeM1Der -at -Large .bm•said .date. ::'..etaine those elected in 1.979 They will not have to rerun tin 1 ‘l61.) - 6- D-20. By amending Section 3-4 to read: Sec. 3-4. The vote of a majority of the Council, except as otherwise provided shall be necessary for any act of or by the Council. (Effect: Changes "three members" to "a majority."). D-21. By amending Section 3-7 (8) to read: Sec. 3-7 (B) Hold regular meetings at least.tWice in each month as fixed by ordinance. Its meetings shall be public and held in the Council Chamber of the City Hall. Special meetings may be called by the Mayor or by four Council Members by serving the CduncilMemberS personally with written notices of time and purpose of the meeting or as required by general law. (Effect: Changes "three Councilmen" to "four Council Members" and changes by serving the Councilmen" to "by serving the Council Members.") D-22. By amending Section 3-7 (I) to read: Sec. 37_7 (I) Establish on or before July 1, 1936, a retirement, pension and insurance system for City officers and employees based on sound actuarial principles, which system once adopted shall not be amended except by the vote of seven members of the Council and shall not be repealed except by the people. Such system shall Provide for the support thereof by deductions from the compensation of officers and employees of the City and contributions from City funds and funds under the control of the respective boards. (Effect: Changes "five" to "seven.") D-23. By amending Section 3-10 to read: Sec. 77-10. All acts of the Council imposing penalties, prescribing public regulations, granting franchises, or previd- ing for the acquisition, transfer or lease for a period longer than onc year, of real property, shall be bv ordinance; provided, however, that the acquisition of real property ,or any interest therein, may be authorized by resolution when the purchase price to be paid, together with any obligation imposed on the City in connection with any such acquisition, does not exceed the sum of $1,000.0O3 or when such acquisition is to be accomplished by condemnation fn eminent domain proceadings, or in connection with public improvements proceedings taken under some law. No real property of the City shall be leased for a period in excess of one year or sold, except upon the affirmative vote of a majority Plus oneemember of the Council. The provisions of this section shall not apply to the acquisition or transfer of real property when, pursuant to procedure established by ordinance or by any code or general law of the State of California, such property has been 'acquired, or is transferred or acquired in satisfaction, fore- closure or enforcement of a lien for taxes or special assess- ments of any character. (Effect: Changes "four members" to "a majority plus one member") D-24. By amending Section 3-12 to read: Sec. 3-12. No ordinance shall become effective until thirty days from and after the date of its final passage, except an ordinance calling or otherwise relating to an election, or an ordinance determining the amount of money necessary to be raised by taxation, or fixing the rate of taxes to be levied, or an ordinance relating to a street improvement proceeding taken under some law, or an ordinance relating to public improvements or work the cost of which, or any portion of which, is to be borne by special assessment against property benefitted thereby, or an ordinance for the immediate preserva- tion of the public peace, health or safety, which contains a declaration of the facts constituting its urgency, and is passed by a maH,ority plus one member vote of the Council, of an ordinance enacted in the event of great emergency or neces- sity passed by a majority plus one member vote of the Council and containing a statement of the emergency or necessity. Ordinances for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health or safety and ordinances enacted in the event of great emergency or necessity, when passed as aforesaid, may be introduced and passed at one and the same meeting and at either a regular or special meeting. No grant of any franchise, however, shall ever be construed as an urgency or emergency measure. (Effect: Changes "four-fifths" to "a majority plus one member" and changes "four votes" to "a. majority plus one member vote") D-25. By amending Section 13-:: to read: Sec. 13-2. The Council, on or before July 1, 1938, shall establish by ordinance a Civil Service System for the City. Such ordinance, once adopted, shall aot be amended, except by vote of seven members of the Council and shall not be repealed, except by the People. No position of employment, once placed under such Civil Service- System, shall be removed therefrom, except pursuant to such Civil Service Ordinance or by vote of the People. (Effect: Changes "five" to "seven." Would continue to require vote of full Council for amendment to the Civil Service Ordinance.) D-26. By amending Section 17-5 to read: Sec. 17-5. Except in the event of great necessity or emergency, and in such event only by ordinance reciting the same passed by the vote of not less than a majority plus one member of the Council, or except when authorized by majority vote of the People, the annual tax levy, exclusive of sums necessary to provide for interest and sinking funds on the City's bonded indebtedness and to pay for street and sewer work, maintenance and improvement of public parks, squares and grounds, salaries of employees of the Fire Department and the moneys apportioned to the Board of Education pursuant to Section 11-2 shall not exceed the rate of one dollar for each one hundred dollars' assessed valuation. (Effect: Changes "four members" to "a majority plus one member .) E-27. By amending Section 3-11 to read:, Sec. 3-11. The enacting clause of every ordinance passed by the Council shall be, "Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Alameda." Every amendment of an ordinance shall be germane to the original purpose of such ordinance. Every ordinance shall be signed by the officer presiding at the time of its adoption and attested by the City Clerk. No ordinance shall be passed by the Council within five days alter its introduction. (Effect: Deletes ", or at any time other than at a regular meeting or an adjourned regular meeting, except as provided in the following section.") F-28. By amending Sec on 10-4.1 to read: Sec. 10-4.1. The City Planning Board or Boards shall consist of as many members as designated by ordinance but no Upon nomination of the MUVOT, the Ccuncil shall appoint, between May 1 and July 1 of each year, such members as are necessary to maintain a full Board, for terms couenencing on the first day of July following such appointment and continuing for four years and thereafter until the successor of such member is appointed and qualified; provided, however, that no more than two terms shall expire in any year ether than by resignation of a member_ e s than (Effect: Changes The .City Planning Board shall consist of seven monibers' to ThOlganning Board or Boards shall consist of as many nierubers as desinated by ordinance.") -9- G-29. By amending Section 2-5 to read: Sec. 2--5. Every elected officer of the City shall be a registered voter of the City at the time of filing nomination papers and for a period of thirty days immediately preceding the date of filing. Every elected officer and every officer appointed to a Board or ComMisSion shall be a resident of the City during his tenure of office. Employees of the City, other than such officers, shall reside within the City, or within such distance of the City limits thereof as the Council may by ordinance prescribe. (Effect: Would require that elected officers be registered voters of the City for thirty days prior to filing nomination papers. First sentence is added to present section.) NOTE: Re Section 2-2 Passage of Measures B, C and D If both Measure B and Measure C pass, or if Measure B, Measure C and Measure D all pass, Section 2-2 (A) shall read: Seq,2-2 (A) The following offices are hereby established and the incumbents thereof shall be appointed or removed by a vote of the majority of the full Council: City Manager; City Attorney; City Clerk; City Finance Officer. Passage of Measures B and D If both Measure P3and=Measure D pass, Section 2-2 (A) of Measure B will be adopted. Passage of Measures C and D If both Measure C and Measure D pas, Section 2-2 shall read: Sec. 2-2. The following offices are hereby established and the incumbents thereof shall be appointed by the Council by vote of not le,ss than a majority thereof, and may be removed by a vote of not less than a majority plus one thereof: City Manager; City Attorney; City Clerk; City Finance Officer. Re Section 2-1 Passage of Measures C and D If both Measure C and Measure D pass, Section 2-1 shall read: Sec. 2-1. The following elective officers are hereby established: The Mayor and six council Members who shall constitute the Council. -10- The Council of the City of Alameda hereby proposes to and does hereby on its own motion submit to the qualified electors of said City at a Special Municipal Charter Amendment Election to be held in said City on Tuesdty,'March 6, 1979 (which said election will be consolidated with the General Municipal Election to be held on March 6, 1979), the following proposals to amend said Charter, in the manner hereinabove specifically set forth, as follows: AMENDMENTS TO THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA MEASURE A Shall the Charter of the City of Alameda be amended to delete that section which forbids any person convicted of a felony from ever holding an office or position with the City? Said amendment will be accomplished by amending Section 22-4 of Article XXII, all as fully set forth in Resolution :-') No. 0( of the Council of the City. of Alameda. MEASURE B Shall the Charter of the City of Alameda be amended to provide that certain appointed officers, except within a certain time after installation of a new Council Member, and members of Charter Boards may be removed by a simple majority vote of the Council? Said amendment will be accomplished by amending Section 2-2 of Article II and Section 10-9 of Article X, all as fully set forth in Reso- lution No. 7436 of the Council of the City of Alameda. MEASURE C Shall the Charter of the City of Alameda be amended to provide for the abolition cf the elective offices of Auditor and Treasurer and establishment of the office of City Einahce Officer to be appointed by the City Ccuncil, said officer to perform the duties designated in said Charter and by ordinance for those offices to be abolished, to become effective in 1981? Said amendment will be accomplished by amending Sec- tions 2-1 and 2-2 of and -adding Section 2-2.1 to Article II, by amending Section 4-1 and repealing Sections 4-2, 4-3, 4-4, 4-5 and 4-6 of Article IV and repealing Article V in its entirety, all as fully set forth in Resolution No. 7013()of the Council of the City of Alameda. : YES : NO ..... YES : NO : : YES : NO : :.....: .... MEASURE D Shall the Charter of the City of Alameda be amended to establish a City Council consisting of seven members, comprised of a Mayor, Council Member-at-Large and five Council Nen-Lets, nominated from districts to be established by ordinance, and elected at large? Said amendment will be accomplished by amending Sections 2-1, 2-2, 2-6.1 and adding Sections 2-6.2, 2-6.3, 2-6.43,1 and 2-6.5 to Article II; amending -Sections/3-1.±: 3-4, 3-7(B), 3-7(1), 3-10 and 3-12 of and adding Section 3-1.2 to Article III; amending Section 13-2 of Article XIII; and amending Section 17-5 of Article XVII, all as fully set forth in Resolution No, of the Council of the City of Alameda. MEASURE E Shall the Charter of the City of Alameda be amended to permit the City Council to adopt ordinances at special meetings? Said amendment will be accomplished by amending Section 3-11 of Article III, all as fully set forth in Resolution No 70,3)of the Council of the City of Alameda. MEASURE F Shall the Charter of the City of Alameda be amended to permit the City Council to determine by ordinance the form of organization of the City Planning Board and the number of members thereon? Said amendment will be accomplished by amending Section 10-4.1 of Article X, all as fully set forth in Resolution No. ialj of the Council of the City of :Alameda. MEASURE G Shall the Charter of the City of Alameda be amended to provide that all persons be residents of the City for thirty days before filing of nomination papers for any elected office? Said amendment will be accomplished by amending Section 2-5 of Article II, all as set forth in Resolution No 70,36 of the Council of the City of Alameda. ........ .... : NO ..... ........ : NO : YES NO YES : NO ' I hereby certify that the foregoing Charter amendment proposals were ordered submitted to the qualified electors of the City of Alameda by the Council of the City of Alameda. Dated: December ,)2,;') , 1978. City Clerk of the 'ity of Alamo a Section_4. (a) A Special Municipal Charter Amendment Election is hereby called to be held in the City of Alameda on Tuesday, March 6, 1979 for the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors of said City said proposals set forth in Section 3 of this resolution to amend the Charter of said City as in said proposals in this resolution provided and as hereby submitted by the Council of the City of Alameda on its own motion. (b) Said Special Municipal Charter Amendment Election hereby called shall be held and conducted, and the votes thereat canvassed and the returns thereof made, and the results thereof ascertained and determined as herein provided, and in all particulars not prescribed in this resolution, said Special Municipal Charter Amendment Election shall be held as provided for in the Charter of said City, and in all particulars not provided for therein, said election shall beheld as provided by law for the holding of Special Municipal Elections in the City of Alameda, and otherwise in accordance with the Elections Code of the State of California. (c) All persons qualified Lo vote at municipal elections in said City of Alameda on the day of the election herein pro- vided for shall be qualified to vote upon said amendments bereby Proposed by the Council of the City 0:E A]ameda on its own motion and submitted at said Special Municipal Charter Amendment Election. (d) The polls at the polling 2laces hereinafter designated for said Special Municipal Charter Amendment Election shall be opened at 7:00 a.m. (P.S.T.) of said day of election, and shall be kept open continuously thereafter until 8:00 p.m. (P.S.T.) of said day of election when the polls shall le closed (except as provided in Section 14301 of the Elections Code), and the election officers shall thereupon proceed to process the ballots cast thereat. (e) Said Special Municipal Charter Amendment Election shall be and is hereby consolidated vith the General Municipal Election to be held in said City of Ajameda on the date of said Special Municipal Charter Amendment Election hereby called, and the election precincts, polling places and voting booths shall in every case be the same, and there shall be only one set of election officers in each of said preAncts; and the precincts, polling p]aces and officers of electi)n for said Special muncipal Charter Amendment Election shall be t o an a..3 those to be selected -11-16 desicjnated by the Council of said City for said General Municipal 71ection in said City of-Alameda by resolution, to which resolution reference is hereby made for a designation of the precincts, polling places and election officers for the Special Municipal Charter .Pimindment Election hereby called.. -13- (f) Only one form of ballot shall be used at said General Municipal Election and said Special Municipal Charter Amendment Election hereby consolidated therewith, which, in addition to all other matters required by law to be printed thereon, shall state the measures set forth in Section 3 hereof. (g) Each voter may vote on any one of more of the proposed Charter amendments. To vote in favor of a proposal to amend the Charter of the City of Alameda a voter shall so indicate in the blank space opposite the word "YES on the ballot to the right of the proposal, and to vote against said proposal a voter shall so indicate in the blank space opposite the word NO on the ballot to the right of said proposal. The votes cast for and against the proposed charter amendments shall be counted separate and apart from all other measures to be submitted at the Special Municipal Charter Amendment Election hereby called for the purpose of submitting said charter amendments, and if a majority of the qualified voters voting on a proposed charter amendment vote in favor thereof, such charter amendment shall be deemed ratified. (h) The returns of said election shall be made out and signed by the election officers and shall bo by them deposited with the City Clerk, together with the ballots cast at said election; and this Council shall meet at the usual meeting place and canvass said returns on Tuesday, Che 13th of March, 1979, at the hour of 7:30 p.m. and declare the results of said election. Section 5. Said proposed amendments sot forth in Section 3 hereof shall be set forth in the election proclamation and notice of the General Municipal Election and Special Municipal Charter Amendment Election to he held on Tuesday March 6, 1979, to be published in the time and form required by Section 22835 of the Elections Code of the State of California. Section 6. The City Clerk- of the City of Alameda is heeeby authorized and directed (1) to cause copies of the text of sail proposed charier amendments to be printed in convenient pamPhit form and in type of not less than eight point and to cause copies thereof to be mailed to each of the qualified electors of said City, and (2) until the day fixed for said Special Municipal Charter Amendment Election to advertise daily in the ALAMEDA TIMES-ST_AR, a newspaper of general circulation in said City, a notice that copies of said pamphlet may be bad on application therefor. Said notice shall be in substantially the following form: NOTICE OF AVAILABILITY OF CHARTER AMENDMENTS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the qualified electors of the City of Alameda that pamphlet copies of the amendments, proposad by the City Council on its own motion, to the Charter of the City of Alameda amending Sections 2-1, 2-2, 2-5, 2-6,1, 3-1.1, 3-4, 3-7(D), 3-7(1), 3-10, 3-11, 3-12, 4-1, 10-4.1, 10-9, 13-2, -14- 17-5 and 22-4, adding Sections 2-2.1, 2-6.2, 2-6.3, 2-6.4, 2-6.5, and 3-1.2 and repealing Sections 4-2, 4-3, 4-4, 4-5 and 4-6 and Article v in its entirety, (1) deleting section which forbids person convicted of a felony from ever holding an office or position with the City, (2) providing for removal of certain appointed officers by majority vote of the Council, (3) abolishing the offices of Auditor and Treasurer and establishing office of City Finance Officer, (4) establishing a seven member City Council to be nomi- nated from districts and elected at large, (5) permitting City Council to adopt ordinances at special meetings, (6) permitting City Council to determine organization of the City Planning Board by ordinance, and (7) providing that persons seeking elective offices be residents of the City for thirty days before filing nomination papers, are on file in the office of the City Clerk, City Hall, Alameda, California, and may be had on application therefor. City Clerk of the City of Alameda, California I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution Was duly and regularly introduced and adopted by the Council of the City of Alameda in regular meeting assembled on the 19th day of December, 1978, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: Councilmen Beckam, Diament, Sherratt, Tillman, and President Oorica, (5). None. ABSENT: None. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City this 20th days of •Detember,•1978. WeputV ,,t t 1T6 51 ty of Al aniedo