Resolution 09138CITY OF ALAMEDA RESOLUTION NO, 9138 ADOPTING MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CITY OF ALAMEDA AND THE ALAMEDA POLICE ASSOCIATION, AFFILIATED WTTH OPERATING ENGINEERS LOCAL UNION NO, 3 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA. that the attached Me. orandUm of Understanding agreed to between the City's representatives and the Alameda. Police Association, affiliated with Operating Engineers Local Union No. 3, is hereby adopted, to be effective July 1, 1979. I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced and adopted by the Council of the City of Alameda in special meeting assembled on the lOth day of August, 1979, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Diament, Sherratt, Stone, Tillman, and President Corica, (5). NOES: None. ABSENT: None. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City this 13th day of August, 1979. INI0E.511 OF 1101')EP691NG This Memorandum eV UndcTsLanding entered 12t0 between the City of Alameda, hereinafter bailed the "fifty" and the Alameda Police Association, affil]ated with Ciperatimg Engineers Local Union No. 5 01 the intornationri Union of Operating Engineers, AFL,CIO, herein- after caljed the "Assoeiaticu", represents the results of meeting and conferring 11 geod faith in accordance with So. <n 3505 of, the CaJifernia Goverranent Code, and covers those areas or mutuat agxument for the period of 1'1.4 1, 1579 through ,June 30, 1981. The parjAche executing this Memorandum aro the duly appointed representatives o the Association and the Municipal Employee Relations Officer of the City of Alamoda. The adjustrrents 0 wageh, hours and condillowh of employment set forth in this Memorandum have been discussed in. good faith between the parties hereto. The representatives of the Association aghee to its acceptance by its members ol all adjustments set-forth heroin, and along with tho Municipal Employee Reiittions Officer, agree lb recomrend to the Cily Council that all adjustments set forth herein be adopted in full by the City Council in the manner. and under the procedure. prOscribeci by law. It is understood by the parties that The adjustments set forth herein represent only. recommended changes 11. exiotinh) policies and procedures as staled in varioue ordinances, resolutions and memorheolrl, and aro not rep1 1 Johpiele pnd comprehensive statement. of these policies and procedures. It is also undeTsfood thaif any adjustments vlibich by law require 0 ction. by the City Councii bheH baceme effective and in force only if the Council takes such actlon by its affirmalive vroJe. The rgoamr-rxJ.ndations lhe parties Jo flak Memorandum. of Thderstanding include: 1. Cfrectivo Jpiy 1, 1972 Itage shall be a general salary 1)31 for all employees in classificallons IhDpresented by the Aghocialgon of seven percent (7%) effective January I, 19E0 a aonaral salary incTease.for all employees in classitications irpesenlett by the AssociatjegoofthnNa percent (3%), and effective July I 1980 a go.F.1-o.1 safary ihoreahe for ail euployees in classiflcations represorri-ed hy the Association of 1 Percent (85): The Association agrees tO dismiss their 5proal the Superlor Cour': jadoemOnt in Case NQ. 510397-7. 2. neforinAllowance Effective juiy 1, 1979, (11 in sworn so:ferny ofricer classjfieations covered by 101 Mororanduti of Understanding shall be paid an annual nniforti allowance of Three Uondred Dollars ($300.00) and omployees in non -sworn classifications covcxed by this Mmmorandum of Understanding. who two required h the City to wear a uniform, shall be paid 11' inorrbo in the annual unirorm allowance or Sixty 1,011010 ($60.00). 3. Sehg oave Tho City shall condohl an actu:lrial study of sick leave servfte credir basod on 250 1 oy5 accumulotion and suph sludy shall bo compleged by September 1, 1980. 1. CoaoenhaJ on of Pr000rfy r4fff-Jciod in hp Cettreo 1 junitoynent Tha City sh,J.11 carpenhatJ Pn eoployea up to OrIG Hundred Pollar pot yepr for the reaJir or re....,1a,gro.,5t crf darhgged in lho course of the ocTformance of the cgcloyeela dJUgs 'the City of' Alaffeda Pnd reoloce is kind an employee's glasses brekeo on the cooree of Eie pet5pup5nce of the obp!pyrois duties with fho riry of Alameda. delo1 1 rt1irb1 11 o City shall coroile m Cemprehersive Morert duo nf UnderstJn.lihg for -the Alameda Police Areecielioe 1 y AprH 1, 1951. During the term of this 114e1 orendum of Understnding the City and the Association shall conduct d review and ti.dy of the job boloction procedure 1 be set forth as Alameda Police aeparteent General Or 79-100. Section 2-547 of -Hle Alameds l:alnicipi))1 Code shall not be applicable to the classifications repre))anls.).d by the A5sh.A..1).-lion 1 iTated these cissificafien$ shall be covered by Hem 7 (Fmeral 1 and item 8 (illness in ttle Imediate Faz•illy) of Ibis Memorandum of Undersindince 7. 11 111 ra I f.wive In the event of a dealti in the immediete family of an employee who has ono (1) or- more years of uninterrupted service with the. City, the employee shall, upon request, be granted such 1 10 o with pay es is necessery to make arrangements for the funeral and attend same, not to exceed -three (3) regularly scheduled working days. This provision doos not apply if the death occurs during the employee's paid vacation, or while the employee is on leave of absence, layoff, or sick leave. For the purposes of this prevision, the 11 ed1 a1 e family shall be restricted 10 father, mother, brother', sister, spouse,.chitd, mother-in-raw, father-in-law, grandparents and grandchildren.. At •the. realuethof he City, the employee will furnish • a death serificate and proof of relationship. Funeral leave applies only .in• instances in•which the employee attends. the funeral or is. required .to makefuneral Esirr.angeMents,•••but js not applicable for other purposes such DS settling -ttre estate efjhe lo-- '0t01. 8. Ajjpess in the Immdiate Fryjjy.1 An employee may use up to twenty (20) hour s• of aecruod sick leave in any twelve (12) conseciJtive montt ps,riod for i in. the ilsmedie.te family. For the purpose of this provision, Lchediate family moan's spouse,• 11 01 dependent living within the employees housctold. Atethe City!s• rley.lhcsi• -fte 11Y' /111 provide satisfac11 evidence the ihets juOifyine swat absence. _E iEn)Coi c), Lffeci'iv e July le. 1)1)w.))), the City shall contraibute Twenty-two Dollars and Forty-ono Cents (1).22,41) per. mr.)th par elielble.eMpleyee.teWand the Gaitylls dental plan and effective July 1 1980, this cowaTheationeshalL be IncreDsed to Twenty-four Dollars and Sixty five Cent% Cli)24.65), 1 0 . I n . ary....es Effective July 1, 1979 the City shall. make.the followin contributions per month per eligible epleyee loward the Kaisc4- Health Insiirance Plan: $311qa irivloyee ern. one dep)ndon! $61.b0 ImPloYe hh 14a, or mare deeodeola Effecive November 1, 19179, the contribution shall be incieased 1.0 the following rate: Hiployee $11.91 Fmployee and one .)ependent 1)63.8? Friployee and or more dependents 192.11 Effective Noverber I 1)1)60, The contribution shcill be increased to -the following rate: • Employee Employee and one tepandout :00,20 Errl1// 11 dc)pcmdenls Si01.)58 11. Blue Cross insurance Plan Fileclivc July 1, 1,)/(,1, Iho Cily thdll make lee 'ellowing conlribt„Hion peer month per oiMiihle employee 0 he iHue Csott lw,indnce I Idn: Employee 144.03 Employee and one dependent. $105.95 Fmpimyee and lmo OF more dependents $131.32 Effective July 1, 19M, the contribution ehall 1 increased to lte following rate: Employee 148.4:3 EMployee and one dependent $116.55 Enployee and two or more dependents 114-4.45 12. Health and Welfare5tu.dy„ The City intends to evaluate the hospital-medical, life insurance, and dental plans which ore currenity available to employees. In tte event -ffiat it may be possible to )0 hospital-medical, life Insurance and dental coverae as nearly comparable a5 possible to the benefits in effect on July 1, 1979, without additional cost to the City or the employees, tfie City may substitute new insurance carriers. The Association will be given an opportunity to review the coverage afforded under such substilute plans before they are implemented. . 01 of Agreement This remorendum of Understanding. shall be effective upon mptification by the Association and approval by .therAlaiWda •City•Councii, for the period July 1, 1979, through June 30, 1981, but in no event shall it become effective on a date earlier. than july 1, 1979. This Memorandum of Understanding is subject. to all existing State laws and the City Charter, ordlnances, mesolutions and administratiVe rules of the City except as expressly provided to the contrary by this tilemorandum of linderstanding. The City of Alameda agrees to continue with any and all benefits and conditions of employment contained in this and prior Memornda of Understandng width the Association except as specifically superseded y subsequent agr&erent with the Association. ALAMEDA POLICE ASSOCIATION ,/ B 7;fx /77 CITY Or ALAMEDA