Resolution 09606CITY OF ALAMEDA RESOLUTION NO. qh(;y ACCEPTING PROPOSAL AS AGREEMENT (WOODWARD- CLYDE CONSULTANTS, SOIL TESTING IN CONJUNCTION WITH TIIE FERNSIDE BOULEVARD EXTENSION) WHEREAS, this Council heretofore accepted the report of the Public Works Director and authorized said Director to negotiate with the engineering firm of Woodward -Clyde Consultants to perform soil testings in conjunction with the Fernside Boulevard Extension; and WHEREAS, Consultants have Revised Proposal for Engineering Observation of said Project; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT 'RESOLVED BY TIIE CITY OF ALAMEDA that the Revised Proposal f Observation of Earthwork, Fernside Boulevard California, dated August 3, 1981, a copy of to provide engineering observation services the earthwork scheduled for the extension of is hereby accepted; and resented a arthwork for COUNCIL OF THE Engineering Extension, Alameda hich is attached, n connection with Fernside Boulevard BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that said proposal and this acceptance shall constitute the contract of the parties hereto. Attest: C ity of Alameda City Hall Santa Clara at Oak Street Alameda, California. 94501_ Attention: Mr. )fl Sat- ez Gentlemen: Ashusir 1.981 Proieci: 14601B REVISED PROPOSAL FOR ENOTNEFEANG OBSERVATIOI ()1 EARTHWORK • FERNSIDE EOULEVARE EXTENSION Alameda, California. Asrequested, we are planning to. proviie engineering. observation services in connection. with the earthwork scheduled for the extension of Fernside:Boulevard in Alameda, California. We will serve as your consultant, observing the grading opera- tions and gathering data .as needed. to evaluate whether there has been reasonabfe•compliance with the project specifications and the recommendations of our geOtechnical report. During the earthwork construction, we expect that our .presence at the jobsite will be required every day that grading. work is in progress; however, time .spent on the job will vary from day to day depending on the progress of the work. During the course of the work, • we Would advise you of pur opinions regard- i1 g. 011'/ deficiencies in the work of the contractor. Based. on. the job specifiCations and the recommendations of our geotechnichl report for the project„ we proposa to provide the followano services: 1. Aaaeas the suiLability of efb;avuted ohssite macerial for reuse as engineered fill. 2, TesC and. assess the quality oroimport fill materials. City otchluffen Project; 14601h August 3, 1981 Page 2 3. Observe the stripping and site preparation operations. 4. Observe the sifte excavation and. filling. operations to develop the roadway embankment including placement of the aggregate base rock. Observe the placement of backfill behind retaining walls. b. Conduct compaction tests in fills, o required, to supplement our field observations,, 7. Provide consultation, as requesfedt.during the earthwork. phase. 8. Conduct compaction. tests in utility trench backiill as requested.. 9. Prepare a report covering our field observations and tests after cbMpletion o the earthwork operations. In addition, we will issuestO you, on a daily basis, results of field density tests. Our charges will be based on our standard hourly rates for the time spent by our engineering and oLhco technical personnel, and on our standard unit rates for field and laboratory tests performed. Charges, terms and. conditions for our services will he in accordance with the attached 1981 Schedule of Charges and Conditions. IP is difficult for us to ehtilmate the cost of our services hinge our fees will vary• accoltding to the Contractor's speed of operation, the quality of his work, climatic conditions, and the extent of„any constluct.isn protdssns, A well organized tawahO.chis with nominal job deficiencies and problems will minimie out: costs., A puold job ddlatatLsissd by slow and. .sporadic efforts, which do not oroduce acceptable rusults, 1 ill require considerably more time and effort 1 n our p11 t. Viii.,,,,...,.:.,,,,,,.:vdvilard-C.::•Elyciet•Cortstigtaras CiLy ot Alameda Project: 1460113 August 3, 1981 . :Page 3 • AE;•agr'eed, two •estimates coverfng--, ..„-„.„e,„,,.,,.., L.,, s.cheduled earthwork••operation's,-tb Oevelop•FerUside Boulevard. ..:F.:„.ktehUian, are made'.f)elo.• • • .. ..e •EstiMhte.A: . .„Irriiiidescouriservirie's •during earthwork operations:for.thodaortiOn •of•liheroadWay embankment fromOLiseDrive to the .area midway' betWeen•Calhoun Street1anda1 i1l1rIbre Stret.. (ahb1t.S1 ation:154-00). .Thio.wOrkJheihdes•the.embahkment•fil:14,•backfill behitA•the.reril-ling...'wall.••and •otility t.11ench 1 1111019. 4 lithe. CentraCter•figates:aboht•JOddays to complete9th1 .'.--1.'wOrk,•01 1 . O'0.1Oviees theil•-micjhtbe on therordet•01 -$6000,- • . •• • • jEstiMatc.r. 6:a "Inciade, buf•serVicel,i.during 10. ,)11(C . •. ..prepara1 ioU:farethe•entliterOadWay4extens1 onAF1nc1 110 l. • : Avenfie.•to•••Oti.U....priv6L'fOmaninfj.utility:•rreUch.:fiackfill ••Work..and-01eeftlenf:Of.rhe..ggre06re....bae...fdek..••••• The .••• C6htrueto•••dVis6U....'ui=5:•ttiAtHthi....wbfl;1 •ffli.(•,jht• 'take cabont• 1.904daYes-tO9bbM019ete.icoute'servie6as,theh:Mightlb0-about $8000...forHthla••PflUe•.o1: H0O1 k.....-: ..• 1f-both.:EstimailTes...A-and.•13..are.Eideptod„.ve•e'simatethat: our .• . •-tOtal•••feeii-light•be...OUHfhe•OiSclertbfa$14;000i d.E.3. 6••-tOgh•• .. •apProXiiilation. • • .• : -. : •.• • . ..• • ..•.• . • ••••••• • •• .• .• • ... •. • • IL .should be reali2edjliat.fhe::611)0Ve.ambutU..are've.ry•• app±6iMAte unci••Ve.....VOUId.•••bill•••••y0f.....for-the...aetdal-titheHperit••ty....• • OUTHOOrsOhnei..a..hd:::fhetests......p•etforfiect;..: jt-fer-ablile•reasoff4t..... 0111) e1 instlia1 sioilline01 il11 ire*Ocirefie0 hesestiimate:(s),a0ProVediby ..• yoa,C•We would-adViegOugef.. an.:ehange1.391.hlour,es.,timategbefore • . uf.riarivadditiOffliefeesi. .... '•• ite " .IL sh xl d 1 0 1 0 1 )W 1 1 01, every••• ineer6lie1 'upon g....0 : am.ifilza pftipcf:mi,iter.i.eIsnannl.toirepiyitho' 42rOpefacoMpactiveir:i: 1' (1 moiStilriiintd•fillSinwhethereernot oux iseptes(iiiitative • 'is observing. thomaperations.• Onr obscrvation nf fill placement must not be construed:a.,1:; relieving.. the gontractor of the sole responsibility of •prOperly l(' 11 f1 ll.' eii, of .1Ismudg Project: 14601S August 3, 1981 Page 4 If this proposal meets-with your approval, Estimate A. and/or 13, please sign where noted below and return. one copy to this office. Enclos,ure: •Sincerely yours, Pobert E. Johnston • Senior Project Engineer 1981 SCheaule of Tharges a.nd Conditions Estimate A: $6000. This is baSed.hpon the Contractor's estimate of 5.days of.gradingwork, 3 days of wall back- fill, and 2 days of trench backfill work. • Estimate 13: $8000. This is based upon the Contractor's estimate of 10 days of subgrade preparation work, 4 days for the remaining utility trench backfill wokr, and 5 days for placement of aggregate base rock. AGREED TO THIS. DAY OF . • f4... BY gi,.11KN,,u4.,,m3,4, "libf,Z!!444,4,- • • TITLF41-ie• a., 4 1,441,44 6441,444412444, yt„ , Conoultas 21�� �hl) The method or establishing the fee for our services is as set forth in Manual no. 45c of the American Society of Civil Engineers. 8 new schedule of charges is issued at the beginning of each year. Unless other arrangements have been made, charges for all work including projects initiated in the prior year will be based on new schedule o r charges, Our charges arc di v iu n into four categories: Personnel, Outside Services, Equipment Rental, and Tests. PERSONNEL: Personnel charges are for technical work. Charges are made for technical typing as in the preparation of reports and for the time and costs of printing as in the production of rconrtn, Direct charges are not made for secretarial service, office management, accounting, and maintenance since these items are included in overhead. Charges are computed by multiplying salary cost by two and one-half. Salary cost includes direct payroll costs, Payroll taxes, vacation,- holidays, sick 7eove, retirement, and employee insurance, For technical typing, printing, laboratory, and graph- ics, averages for each group are used instead of individual saloriey. For all others, individual salaries an used. Current personnel rates are as follows: Personnel xour'y_5aTai2Cost Technical Typing ,.......................,.......,........,,$ 1O.41 Reproduction (printing) .,.........,.,.,......'..,,.......,11.60 Graphics (drafting - illostrutiog}.,............,14.46 uauor^,ory xn"|yst ,...........�..............^..,.........�D.m Engineer or Geologist Assistant ..-,..,........,.'.,..,........, 5.40 to 13.64 Staff Engineer or Geologist .....'..,...,,............,9.74 to 18.24 Field Engineer or Geologist .,..,.....,..,,,.....,...,z«.so to ,o.na Senior Staff Engineer or Geologist .,.,,'.,,,..,,,...,.....,,13.32 to 20,14 Assistant Project Engineer or Geologist ...........,,........., 17.54 to 21.02 Project Engineer or Genlogist.....,..,.............,.,...,16.22 to 27.92 Senior Project Engineer or Geologist .,....... . ..... 23.36 to 37'34 Associate .................. ..... ........ ... ... ...... 29.20 to 35.40 Senior Associate ...................... ....... . ......... 36.00 Principal .,...... .................... ........ , .......... 38.00 Senior Consultant 40.00 For all unionized engineering tochniciuns, hourly salary cost rates are derived from salaries paid as for all other personnel described above. These salary cost rates are then multiplied by two and one-half. Hourly salary costs are $17.70. Time spent in travel in the interest of the client will be charged at hourly rates except that no more than 8 hours of travel time will be charged in any day. When it is necessary for an employee to be away from the office overnight, actual ccsts of, or a negotiated rate for, living expenses will he cxarnco- x multiplier of 1.15 will be applied to all personnel expenses. 0 0[ SERVICES: .nr�lling, bolldodog` t Tench `nn and cimi|ar gruding contract work in connect ion nn which wCC administers n subcontract will be charged at the cost rote times 1.25. Other outside uerviccs and equ|nmeot rental itemu vil7 be charnmd at the •hil7ino or cost rate times 1.15. Cnmnv^ outside items to which this 1.15 multiplier app7ian include: equipment retal, nriot'i"g and pxntoyrnphio work,: computer time purchases (which are ',ncrcused uy n factor of 1.17-0 cover computing equipment 7coscs), special insurance, outside consultants, travel and transporta- tion, subsistence (ur room and hoard) and long distance communications. EQUIPMENT RENTAL.: Automobiles (travel plus man hours on sitc),..,.........,.......'...,.,.. $ 4.50/hour Vans and Small Trucks (travel plus man hours on sitr)...,....,....,.^.... 5.50/hnur Soil Sampler, sample tubes, and pickup truck use for exploration ..,,,,.. 9.50/hour Automobiles and light trucks may be charged at this alternate rate by prior arranSemcr� .-..,...,......................,...^...�....�..,. .30/mile cnuics(por�ncory> -.........................',..............,........... .12/cnpy wirrocmnnmcr ....',............,..,....,,..,.,,...,..,...'....,.'..,..'. 30.00/^nur (over) TESTS: Field Tests/Field Density Tests (sand method or nuclear method)........., $ 4.50/euoh Laboratory Tests Fixed unit prices for Iaborutnry tp`ts are based on tmm-om.-un-balS b�:� salary cost ter laboratory personnel plus m charge ter laboratory overhead which includes nqu,- ment, equipment maintenance, and supplies. Prices are based on the average nmning time required for each teot. Special sample or equipment preporntion or laboratory consulting will he bored on hourly personnel charges. Fixed unit prices do not include preparation time for Shelby tube samples; this time will he billed on a per hour basis. A charge will be made for tubes rendered unusable by required handling in preparation and testing. Charges for special testing not covered by this schedvle are based on two-and-one-half times salary cost for personnel making the test plus a laboratory charge per man hour. An extra charge may be added for the use of certain special equipment. Sieve analysis - coarse and fine, including wash (3 in. to 4.200)' pertest .,.,..........,'........'....,-.,...',....,..,..`..'....-.'. S «s-nV Sieve analysis - fine, including wash (#4 to #200). per test ,,,...,...'.. 35.00 Wash analysis (#200 only)' per test ,.....,....................',.,.,..... 30.00 Hydrometer analysis, standard xJTn .....,........,........................ ^s.on Hydrometer analysis (modified 3 point), per test ...,...............,...,. 30.00 LiquidLimit, per test .,..,......,....,...........'..''.,,........,...... Z5'V0 Plastic|`mit, per test .......'..,................,.........,..'......... 25.0O Shrinkage Limit, per test .,...,.........,...'....,..,....,.'...,.,,...... 5O'nn Specific gravity of mils, per test .....,,..........'.........�.......,.. 40.80 Moisture determination and/or dry density .,..,.,...................,,,... 10,08 Moisture content, dry density and unconfined compression test (set) ...... 17.00 Additional chvrge rvr stress-strain curve ..................^.......� 30.00 Directshear test, per Point .....,...,..................,.......,........ 150.00 Residual direct shear test ,.,...............,..........-...'............. Charges quoted on rdeuesc Consolidation test, h. load sand 2 unload jncremrnts per test .............. 220.00 Each additional loading u, oolnadivg increment 23.0G Permeability on undisturbed sample, rar test '...........,..,...,,.,,..... 10*.00 ycmeabi7/ty on fabricated sample, per test .......,......,.......^.,,..., 125.U0 Maximum-minimum densi(y. wC[ Special Method ...................,.......... 100,00 Laboratory compaction, up to 4-dn. diameter mold ......................,. 90.00 Laboratory compaction, 0-i". uiaMoter mold ,..........,............,.,,... 125'00 Swell test, at one load (each additional loam increment. $20.80),'''..,... 100,00 SandEquivalent .-..^,....°._.,..,^,,.............,......,.,....,...,.. 30,08 Rock core testing ,..............,.,,^.......,..,..,...,.....,........,... Charges quoted on request Triaxial compression test ........ Charges quoted on request High-pressure triaxiol cunprestion test nnrock mres..'........,. ...... .. Charges quoted on request 1004.ir c7o,vd-loop universal test machine, per hour (normnnel charges extra) ...,...^,.,.°..,..,.,,~,.,.,....,,...°,,,.,,,,..,.,,.,,...,.,. 40,00 MIS 20-kip cyclic loading en"ipment', per hour <ner,onoe| charges extra) ,. 40,00 MIS 5-kip cyclic lwdino,qvipm=nt, per hour (prrSonnel charges extra) .,. .40.00 INVOICES: Invoices will be rendered monthly, either as a final or partial hi7}ino, and will be payable upon receipt unless other arrangements have been made nrovious7y. Interest of l-l/Z% per month will be payable on accounts not paid within 30 days. Any attorneys' fees or other costs in- curred in collecting any delinquent amount shall be paid by the Client. CONDITIONS: Woodward-Clyde Consultants warrants that our services are performed, within the limits prescribed by our Clients, with the usual thoroughness and cmnpctencc or the engineering profes- s/nn. 'Kn other warranty or represaototivn' either expressed or imp;iod` is included or intended in our provnsu}s, contracts, or reports. For any uapmne on account of any cr'or, omission, other professional nenliy^nce, nvr•,iaui)ity will be limited to a sun not to e,ceod $50'000 or our fee' :huhevrr •is less, In the event that the Client does rest wish tu lim1t our $ofessiona7 lioh7itx •tn Mih/s "sum; we will waive thae ldmitotfon upon the Client's written request rrov/Jedtnat •the Client •ugees to nay f"r •this_xu,ver, an additional consideration of lc% of nxr total fee or C1.,00U, vhi:hevcr is greater. Client further agrees to notify any contractor and subcontractor who may oerfonv work in connection with aoy dusign, report or study. prepared' by Woodward-Clyde Ccnsul1auts of •ouch 7imitatinn of professional liability for dcsigv defects, errors, omissions, or professional negligence, aod to require as d condition precedent to their performing their work, a like indemnity and limitation of liability on their part as against. Woodward-Clyde Consultants. In the event that the Client makes a claim against Woodward-Clyde Consultants, at law or nthrrwisp, for any alleged error, otadss�n^ or other •act arising out of the performance or our professional services, and the Client fails to prove such cluim upon final aJ:iudicudox. then the Client shall pay all costs incurred by wpcdward'Clydu Consultants in defending itself oyairot the claim, including hot cost limited to, personnel-related cost,, attorneys' fees, court cots and other claim-rNnteu expenses. We will not he liable for damage or injury arising from damage to subterranean structures tanks, telephone cables, etc.) *hinh are not called to our' attention and correctly shown on plans furnished us, in connection with work performed by us. FORM on? p • }` thg .undersigned, hereby Cerifv that the foregoing Resolution was dUly and regularly adopted and passed by the Council of the City of Alameda•in regular meeting .aSsembled •0n the 15th of September, 198 by tho f0llowing vote to wit:. AYES: Councilmen Diomant, Gorman, 3herratt" Stone, .and President Corico - 5. NOES: None' ABSENT: None. , IN'WITNES5 WHEREOF, I .have hereunto Set wy hand und'af[ixed the Official seal 0f .said Citv this 16th day of September, 1981.