Resolution 099260 MAL c.ITY. OF ALAMEDA RESOLUTION' NO 9926 FINDING A PORTION OF SEA BRIDGE, A PUBLIC STREET IN THE CITY OF ALAMEDA, TS UNNECESSARY EOR.PRESENT OR. PROSPECTIVE STREET PURPOSES, 0. 100100 VACATION THEREOF SUBTECT TO RESERVATION ( PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMES AND RIGHTS OF INGRESS AND BORESS.THEREIN AS DESCRIBED HEREIN; AND DIRECTING CITY 05005 TO CAUSE CERTIFIED COPY OF THIS RESOLUTION TO BE RECORDED BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA that a• portion of Sea Bride, a•public street in the City of Alameda, between Dresden. Bay and Chatham Pointe, as shown upon Tract 3904, filed May •25,• 1978.fin Book 103 of Nop Naps at pages 15 thru 20 Incluslve,..CoUntyfof•Alameda ROC(*dC, . and described as: That portion of a public street known as Sca•Bridge (formerly Barley Neck •Road) situated .between the „streets known as Chatham Pointe • -• (formerly Pickieweed Way) and DredenBay..(fOrmerly Sow •This tie Way) as • • said Road .and Ways arcashOwn. Upon 'that. •certaih.• mai? entitled, 390)4,-ALAMEDA, CALIFEENIA," filed3.00Y •25.„.:1978 in Book 103 of •Mapsat pages...15. thru 20 .intquSive,County. of Alameda'RecordS, said portion•.is more partidularly described as fallews., . . • COMMENCING • at the•.City. Survey Monument having coordinates 4 76. 327 • feet • and ..X=1,..497677.091: feet.•baSed. on•.:CalliOrnia• Cciordin.,ate.8steln,...• • Zone 111, as are :all 7oearingsHanddiStandes•••in••thIS:Aesd.APtiOn„ said •• .• • . Monument being at the..intersection'cif :Sea. Bridge and ChahaalPein'te. • • ••• ••hereinaho've referred 067, ' • 'THENCE' S. 10'34'26."•E. .25.38 fOet-f.::c.•••the: TRUE••POINT 02 BEGINNING.•at:. . the.nerthwesterlyRcerner ()f•bot 20 in Biock 1 ef sai0.Map:of •Tract7904.;• . • THENCE • • :along: the edsterlylinc.of•::sald:.Sea:Bnidge •2,: 00°28'59.7.. W. 91,60 : • . • . • . • • •• • ••• •• .•• • • . • THENCE Continuing alOng•las:sjd.:11ne•OoUtherly ..ulong•the:arO:••of. a.••tunvetondaVe•wecterl'fnavAng.p....adiu::of..27Q.J.eet:thnpul,' Of•18°:24.':1.6fi•far•an: arb•dIstahce.off86...13•• • . feet.to:a.:point:bf.• reVeaaa•tuVat,a.re -through' mhlch a-rad141 • • line :df:8a.-ici•HcUri/e tearS.S...119.065" 13. • .• • THENCE c'eyitinuill.gHaroma..said'aaatarEHT..atn0'..of• Sea •Bridg snutherIy 0439..f.o.6t• hrouh'HaLcaEtaaA.BaraJ:1eLof•07035'15."Ofga.a.t...a.r.t'. • • distane-•ofi-66.35•f.(46,t().....'P'oill...:0T•••6ui?.thotie, • • r'ada1 41 of.:sate......eurveHbearEi.N.•:7902!•00."•1; . • • • • TADfCE •• • fom Bald •radaal 1 5 ..w6stel.7,-.07 • the • 05 tle.ave-outhwest.(.1:y••hvi.. a radiusof• 43.00•:•• • ...feet 00 )"1. •.a abgle of .106`1.91.40." for .• • • distance 1 f.7.9;80•fe'et".,• . • •• • ' '•• a • • •• • • THENCE, . ..•alung•a•lin,e.taneilt••to 11,P...f0 •said•cl..i.rve• So .814°S3'20'' W. 27. 1' to a.spoI)::lt o' •cusp.at.the •-weSterlY• line of .said Sea Bridge; T'AENCE . rcstrly 1 ..easter1 y•:an3 -lor.therT7 the are of a....crarve (..cyncavpor1 h,Aes.te:ri•.(5 said curvthrOugh la t• fsaid••point...bearA§ S. ..05011 80'..'•.0..) • 'having a radjus of .20.,00. feet-thrOUgh• a central 'ng. of 68022'43" for n arc •00stance.of23..87 fet to a poi.nt of reverae•curvature ..throUgh•which :a-radial. line of-said curve • bears 2. .7°411'23" F. THENCE continuing along said westerly line of Sea Bridge from last c said radial .line, northerly along the arc of a curve oncave easterly having a radius of 550 feet through a centrl angle of 02'37'38" for an are distance of 25.22 feet to a pcdnt of reverse curvature through which a radial line of said curve bears S. 71°06'45" E.; THENCE from last said radial lire and continuing along said westerly line of Sea Bridge,northerlY along the arc of a. curve concave westerly having a radius of 200 feet through a central angle of 18°?4,116" for an arc distance of 64.24 feet; THENCE continuing along said westerly line of Sea Bridge and along a line tangent to last said curve, N. 00°28'59" E. 54.00 feet; THENCE continuing along said westerly line of Sea Bridge, northerly along the arc of a curve concave westerly having a radius of 20 feet through a central angle of 45°37'46" for an arc distance of 15.93 feet to a point of cusp through which a radial line of said curve bears N. 44°5113" E.; THENCE along a line tangent to last said curve S. 45°08'47" E. 8.87 feet; THENCE easterly and northerly along a tangent curve concave northwesterly having a radius of 41 feet through a cqtral angle of 134°22'14" for an arc distance of 96.15 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING., is hereby ordered vacated pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 4, Part 3, Division 9 o the California Streets and Highways Code, and particularly Section 8334 thereof; RE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Alameda. hereby finds and declares that the said portion of Sea Bridge ordered vacated is an excess right-of--way of a street not required for street or highway purposes. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Alameda does hereby find and determine that the public convenience and necessity require the reservation of public utility easements and rights of ingress and egress upon and within a part of the above described portion of Sea Bridge and said vacation of a portion of Sea Bridge is subject to the reservation, purscanii te Sections 0340 and 8341 of the California Streets and Highways Code, of ti following described public utilicy easements, Ete,nts of ingress and egress by public mainLenance and emergency voi:cles and a non-exclusive easement for public pedestrian ingress of, ecress: BEGINNING at the scUtheasterlY:corner of Lot 25 in ocke of that certain Man ,entitle8, "TRACT 3904, ALAMEDA, CALIFORNIA,".:filasd• 1ay'25,:197a in Book 303 of Mees.e• pages 15 thru 20, inclusive,County• of. AIaMeda. RepPrds; THENCE • . along the canterly• line. o glald•liot 25ethefo11 owing courses and distanCes: • Northerly along a curve concave wesYerly liavin a radius cf 200 feet through-a central angle of 03°24'47" for an. arc distance of 1M.91. fCet, atliata a • line tangent to last said curve N. 00°28'59" •ET54.00 feet, and, northerly along the are of a curve concave westerly having a radius• of 20 feet through .a central angle of 40 .31!48" for an arc distance of 15.93 feet to a point of cusp through which a radial line of said curve bears. N. 48'51'13" THENCE along a line tangent to last .said curve S. 45°0847' E. 8.87 feet; THENCE eaterly along a tangent curve concave northerly having a radius of 41 feet through a central angle of 68°15'29 for an arc distance of .48.84 feet to a point through which a radial line of said curve boars S. 23'24'16" E.; THENCE southerly. along a non-tangent curve concave westerly (a radial Tine of said curve through last said point bears N. 51°45'28" E.) having a radius of 20 feet through a central angle of 38°43'31" for an arc distance of 13.52 feet; THENCE along a line tangent to last said curve and being parallel to and westerly 20.00 feet measured perpendicularly from the westerly line of Lot 21 in Block 1 of said Tract 3904, S. 00°28'59" W. 50.12 feet; THENCE southerly along a tangent curve concave westerly having a radius of 100 feet through a central angle of 14°0054' for an are distance of 24.46 feet; THENCE along a line tangent to last said curve S. 14°29'53" W. 80.46 feet to a point of cusp; THENCE westerly along a non-tangent curve concave southerly (a radial line of said curve through last said point bears N. 45°02'39" E.) having a radius of 43 feet through a central angle of 50°24'19" for an arc distance of 37.83 feet; THENCE along a line tangent to last said curve S. 84°38'20" W, 27.99 feet to a point of cusp at the easterly line of Lot 1 in Block 4 hereinatove refered to through which a radial line of said curve bears S. 05°21'40" E.; THENCE along last said easterly line the following courses and distances: Easterly and northerly along a tangent curve concave northwesterly having a radius of 20 feet through a central angle of 68°22'43" for an are distance of 23.87 feet to a point of reverse curvature through which a radial line of said curve bears S. 73°44'23" E.; northerly along a tangent curve concave easterly having a radius of 550 feet through a central angle of 02°37'38" for an arc distance of 25.22 feet to a point of reverse curvature through which a radial line of said curve bears N. 71°06'45" W.; and, northerly along the arc of a curve concave westerly having a radius of 200 feet through a central angle of 14°59'29" for an arc distadoe of 52.33 feet to the northeasterly corner o2 aid Lot 1 and the TRUE POINT 0 BEGINNING, Containln 0.179 acres or laJd, more or less. BE IT FURTEER• RESOLYRD•tbat the Cita,, Clerk hereby directed to have a cectiffed•cohy of this Resolution, atlesfse. • under .seol, to be recorded jn.theetlemodarCauhtY Recorder's office and upon such recovdstion this Vacation is complete. I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Council of the City of Alameda in regular meeting assembled on the 16th of November, 1982, by the following vote to wit: AYES: Councilmen Gorman, Sherratt, Stone and President Corica - 4. NOES: None. ABSENT: Councilman Diament - IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City this 17th day of November, 1982,