Resolution 11416CITY OF ALAMEDA RESOLUTION NO. 11416 APPROVING ALAMEDA CITY EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION SALARY RESOLUTION AND MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING WHEREAS, there has been submitted to this Council a proposed Salary Resolution and a Memorandum of Understanding between the Alameda City Employees Association and the City of Alameda/Bureau of Electricity; and WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Alameda has fully examined said proposed Salary Resolution and Memorandum of Understanding and finds and determines adoption of said documents to be in the best interest of the City. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Alameda that said Council hereby approves and adopts said proposed Memorandum of Understanding for the period July 1, 1987 through September 30, 1990. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the position classifications, salary rates, salary ranges and salary steps set out in said Memorandum of Understanding are hereby designated as those A7 applicable to the respective classifications in the service of the City of Alameda, effective July 1, 1987, January 1, 1988, ,c)July 1, 1988 and July 1, 1989. 'I= BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the provisions of this Resolution shall supersede any other resolution in conflict C) herewith. rfi ,ztfifi crrn OF ALAMEDA Classifications and Salaries Effective July 1, 1987 For Employees Represented by the Alameda City Employees Association (City of Alameda /Bureau of Electricity Step ** Step ** Step ** Step ** Step ** 1 2 3 4 5 ADMINISTRATIVE FINANCE & PURCHASING Code No. CLASS TITLE 1630 Payroll Clerk * $1797 $1883 $1976 $2073 $2176 1620 Senior Account Clerk * 1668 1748 1836 1927 2022 1610 Account Clerk * 1580 1659 1739 1826 1916 1510 Interm. Typist Clerk * 1383 1455 1527 1603 1682 CITY PLANNING 6040 Associate Planner * $2699 $2834 $2974 $3119 $3270 6030 Assistant Planner * 2286 2403 2521 2648 2779 1510 Interm. Typist Clerk * 1383 1455 1527 1603 1682 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 1740 Development Specialist * $2647 $2779 $2917 $3060 $3208 1760 Program Specialist * 2647 2779 2917 3060 3208 1750 Housing Rehab. Specialist* 2250 2364 2481 2604 2735 1610 Account Clerk * 1580 1659 1739 1826 1916 1510 Interm. Typist Clerk * 1383 1455 1527 1603 1682 PUBLIC SAFETY FIRE DEPARTMENT 1610 Account Clerk * $1580 $1659 $1739 $1826 $1916 1510 Interm. Typist Clerk * 1383 1455 1527 1603 1682 POLICE DEPARTMENT 4090 Supv. Animal Control Officer 1835 $1927 $2021 $2122 $2229 4095 Animal Control Officer 1626 1707 1792 1882 1978 1620 Sr. Account Clerk * 1668 1748 1836 1927 2022 1530 Sr. Stenographer Clerk * 1580 1659 1739 1826 1916 1540 Senior Typist Clerk * 1580 1659 1739 1826 1916 1510 Interm. Typist Clerk * 1383 1455 1527 1603 1682 1500 Tel. Operator /Receptionist* 1383 1455 1527 1603 1682 LIBRARY 3540 Senior Librarian * $2027 $2121 $2232 $2342 $2462 3530 Librarian * 1835 1927 2027 2121 2232 3515 Library Technician * 1476 1551 1626 1707 1792 3512 Interm. Library Clerk * 1304 1373 1441 1513 1587 -2- Effective July 1, 1987 Step ** Step ** Step ** Step ** Step ** Code No. CLASS TITLE 1 2 3 4 5 RECREATION, PARKS AND GOLF RECREATION /MASTICK 5110 Recreation Program Coordinator * 1540 Senior Typist Clerk * 2005 Custodian * 1510 Interm. Typist Clerk * PARKS $2023 $2123 $2227 $2340 $2460 1580 1659 1739 1826 1916 1387 1454 1528 1607 1683 1383 1455 1527 1603 1682 5150 Park Maintenance Supv. $2402 $2523 $2645 $2777 $2920 2520 Public Works Mtce.Wkr.II 1882 1978 2071 2180 2286 5160 Equipment Operator 1783 1872 1969 2060 2169 2510 Public Works Mtce. Wkr. 1699 1783 1872 1969 2060 5260 Golf & Park Mtce.Wkr. 1699 1783 1872 1969 2060 2020 Laborer 1513 1587 1665 1748 1835 GOLF COURSE 5220 Golf Course Maintenance Foreperson $2256 $2368 $2487 $2606 $2738 5250 Equipment Mechanic 2081 2190 2297 2415 2533 5230 Golf Course Irrigation 1969 2060 2167 2274 2392 Leadperson Golf Course Leadperson 1969 2060 2167 2274 2392 5240 Golf Course Utility Wkr. 1969 2060 2167 2274 2392 5160 Equipment Operator 1783 1872 1969 2060 2169 5260 Golf & Parks Mtce. Wkr. 1699 1783 1872 1969 2060 In addition to normal compensation, Golf Course Equipment Operators engaged in night watering for 4 or more hours between 4 p.m. and 8 a.m., shall receive a one step (5%) salary differential while so regularly and continuously employed. PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING INSPECTIONS 3230 Sr. Plumbing Insp. * $2582 $2712 $2847 $2989 $3144 3220 Sr. Building Insp. * 2582 2712 2847 2989 3144 3240 Plumbing Insp. * 2402 2523 2644 2778 2920 3250 Building Insp. * 2402 2523 2644 2778 2920 -3- Effective July 1, 1987 Code No. CLASS TITLE Step ** Step ** Steep ** Step ** Step ** 5 PUBLIC WORKS CENTRAL PERMITS OFFICE 3010 Permit Coordinator * 3000 Permit Examiner & Expeditor * 1510 Interm. Typist Clerk ENGINEERING $2403 $2518 $2646 $2781 $2920 1659 1741 1828 1918 2014 1383 1455 1527 1603 1682 3140 Asso. Civil Engineer * $2989 $3144 $3298 $3466 $3637 3145 Transportation Engineer* 2989 3144 3298 3466 3637 3080 Survey & Constr.Insp.Supv.* 2647 2779 2918 3065 3218 3120 Asst. Civil Engineer' * 2582 2712 2847 2989 3144 3090 Survey Party Chief * 2582 2712 2847 2989 3144 3075 Sr. Constr. Inspector * 2582 2712 2847 2989 3144 3110 Jr. Civil Engineer' * 2286 2403 2521 2646 2779 3020 Sr. Engineering Aide * 2077 2175 2288 2400 2524 3030 Sr. Draftsperson * 2027 2121 2232 2342 2462 3015 Engineering Aide * 1838 1929 2025 2123 2232 1546 Engineering Office Asst.* 1710 1792 1883 1975 2073 1 Those regular full -time Civil Service employees in the classifications of Asst. Civil Engineer, and Jr. Civil Engineer, who are listed as being Registered Civil Engineers in the State of California shall be eligible to receive $35 per month in addition to their regular gross monthly salary. Code No. CLASS TITLE -4- Effective July 1, 1987 Step ** Step ** Step ** Step ** Step ** 1 2 3 4 5 PUBLIC WORKS MAINTENANCE SERVICES 2620 Street Mtce. Supv. $2518 $2657 $2781 $2920 $3065 2650 Street Mtce. Insp.Supv. 2402 2523 2645 2777 2920 2640 Sewer Maintenance Supv. 2402 2523 2645 2777 2920 2380 Fleet Mtce. Supv. 2402 2523 2645 2777 2920 2630 Bldg. & Grounds Mtce. Supv. 2402 2523 2645 2777 2920 3070 Construction Inspector 2402 2523 2645 2777 2920 2370 Senior Fleet Mechanic 2256 2368 2487 2606 2738 2570 Traffic Signal Mtce. Tech. 2397 2517 2642 2775 2913 2360 Fleet Mechanic 2196 2310 2423 2548 2672 2540 Mtce. Carpenter Foreperson 2146 2256 2368 2487 2606 2560 Concrete Foreperson 2146 2256 2368 2487 2606 2530 Maintenance Plumber 2146 2256 2368 2487 2606 2590 Sewer Mtce, Foreperson 2146 2256 2368 2487 2606 2550 Mtce. Painting Foreperson 2146 2256 2368 2487 2606 2545 Maintenance Carpenter 1930 2020 2126 2230 2345 2580 Sewer Maintenance Worker 1882 1978 2071 2180 2286 2520 Public Works Mtce. Wkr.II 1882 1978 2071 2180 2286 2510 Public Works Mtce. Wkr. 1699 1783 1872 1969 2060 2020 Laborer 1513 1587 1665 1748 1835 1610 Account Clerk * 1580 1659 1739 1826 1916 1510 Interm. Typist Clerk * 1383 1455 1527 1603 1682 *Indicates classifications with 37.5 hour work week, all other classifications work 40 hour work week. * *In addition to salary shown, City pays 7% employee share of P.E.R.S. contribution. Any Public Works Maintenance Worker II who has the appropriate Traffic Signal Electrician Level II Certificate will receive a 10% skill pay differential while the employee is working as assistant to the Traffic Signal Maintenance Technician. EMPLOYEES REPRESENTED BY ALAMEDA CITY EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION (BUREAU OF ELECTRICITY) 372 Hours /Week Effective July 1, 1987 AUTH. POSITION CODE POSITIONS STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 STEP 5 Account Clerk AC 2 9.71 10.19 10.71 11.24 11.80 Accountant, Utility AU 2 12.46 13.08 13.73 14.42 15.14 Clerk, Int. Typist CIT 4 8.52 8.95 9.40 9.87 10.36 Clerk, Sr. Typist CST 1 9.71 10.19 10.71 11.24 11.80 Clerk, Utility CU 7 9.13 9.58 10.06 10.57 11.10 Computer Operator, Sr. CO 1 11.26 11.83 12.42 13.04 13.69 Computer Operator, Int. COI 4 9.32 9.79 10.28 10.79 11.33 Customer Service Rep. RCS 5 10.56 11.09 11.64 12.23 12.84 Delinquent Accts. Rep. RDA 1 10.83 11.37 11.94 12.54 13.17 Engineering Office Asst. EOA 1 10.49 11.02 11.57 12.15 12.76 *Gardener GAR 1 9.60 10.08 10.58 11.11 11.67 *Laborer LB 1 8.71 9.15 9.60 10.08 10.59 Meter Reader -Coll. MRC 5 10.56 11.09 11.64 12.23 12.84 OMce Services Clerk OSC 1 9.51 9.98 10.48 11.01 11.56 Tel. Operator /Recep. TOR 1 8.52 8.95 9.40 9.87 10.36 Customer Servicc Coord. RLC 1 11.09 11.64 12.23 12.84 13.48 In addition to salary shown, Bureau pays 7% employee share of PERS contribution. *40 Hours /Week CITY OF ALAMEDA Classifications and Salaries For Employees Represented by the Alameda City Employees Association (City of Alameda /Bureau of Electricity Code No. CLASS TITLE Effective January 1, 1988 Step ** Step ** Step ** Step ** Step ** 1 2 3 4 5 ADMINISTRATIVE FINANCE & PURCHASING 1630 Payroll Clerk * $1842 $1930 $2025 $2125 $2230 1620 Senior Account Clerk * 1668 1748 1836 1927 2022 1610 Account Clerk * 1580 1659 1739 1826 1916 1510 Interco. Typist Clerk * 1466 1542 1619 1699 1783 CITY PLANNING 6040 Associate Planner * $2834 $2976 $3123 $3275 $3434 6030 Assistant Planner * 2343 2463 2584 2714 2848 1510 Interm. Typist Clerk * 1466 1542 1619 1699 1783 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 1740 Development Specialist * $2647 $2779 $2917 $3060 $3208 1760 Program Specialist * 2647 2779 2917 3060 3208 1750 Housing Rehab. Specialist* 2363 2482 2605 2734 2872 1610 Account Clerk * 1580 1659 1739 1826 1916 1510 Interco. Typist Clerk * 1466 1542 1619 1699 1783 PUBLIC SAFETY FIRE DEPARTMENT 1610 Account Clerk * $1580 $1659 $1739 $1826 $1916 1510 Interm. Typist Clerk * 1466 1542 1619 1699 1783 POLICE DEPARTMENT 4090 Supv. Animal Control Officer 1973 $2072 $2173 $2281 $2396 4095 Animal Control Officer 1667 1750 1837 1929 2027 1620 Sr. Account Clerk * 1668 1748 1836 1927 2022 1530 Sr. Stenographer Clerk * 1580 1659 1739 1826 1916 1540 Senior Typist Clerk * 1580 1659 1739 1826 1916 1510 Interm. Typist Clerk * 1466 1542 1619 1699 1783 1500 Tel. Operator /Receptionist* 1466 1542 1619 1699 1783 LIBRARY 3540 Senior Librarian * $2128 $2227 $2344 $2459 $2585 3530 Librarian * 1927 2023 2128 2227 2344 3515 Library Technician * 1513 1590 1667 1750 1837 3512 Interm. Library Clerk * 1304 1373 1441 1513 1587 -2- Effective January 1, 1988 Step ** Step ** Step ** Step ** Step ** Code No. CLASS TITLE 1 2 3 4 5 RECREATION, PARKS AND GOLF RECREATION /MASTICK 5110 Recreation Program Coordinator * $2124 $2229 $2338 $2457 $2583 1540 Senior Typist Clerk * 1580 1659 1739 1826 1916 2005 Custodian * 1436 1505 1581 1663 1742 1510 Interm. Typist Clerk * 1466 1542 1619 1699 1783 PARKS 5150 Park Maintenance Supv. $2595 $2725 $2861 $3004 $3154 2520 Public Works Mtce.Wkr.II 1929 2027 2123 2235 2343 5160 Equipment Operator 1836 1929 2027 2123 2235 2510 Public Works Mtce. Wkr. 1699 1783 1872 1969 2060 5260 Golf & Park Mtce.Wkr. 1699 1783 1872 1969 2060 2020 Laborer 1513 1587 1665 1748 1835 GOLF COURSE 5220 Golf Course Maintenance $2335 $2451 $2574 $2697 $2834 Foreperson 5250 Equipment Mechanic 2081 2190 2297 2415 2533 5230 Golf Course Irrigation 1969 2060 2167 2274 2392 Leadperson Golf Course Leadperson 1969 2060 2167 2274 2392 5240 Golf Course Utility Wkr. 1969 2060 2167 2274 2392 5160 Equipment Operator 1836 1926 2028 2122 2234 5260 Golf & Parks Mtce. Wkr. 1699 1783 1872 1969 2060 In addition to normal compensation, Golf Course Equipment Operators engaged in night watering for 4 or more hours between 4 p.m. and 8 a.m., shall receive a one step (5 %) salary differential while so regularly and continuously employed. PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING INSPECTIONS 3230 Sr. Plumbing Insp. * 3220 Sr. Building Insp. * 3240 Plumbing Insp. * 3250 Building Insp. * $2711 $2848 $2989 $3138 $3301 2711 2848 2989 3138 3301 2522 2649 2776 2917 3066 2522 2649 2776 2917 3066 -3- Effective January 1, 1988 Code No. CLASS TITLE Step ** Step ** Step ** Step ** Step ** 5 PUBLIC WORKS CENTRAL PERMITS OFFICE 3010 Permit Coordinator * 3000 Permit Examiner & Expeditor * 1510 Interm. Typist Clerk ENGINEERING $2403 $2518 $2646 $2781 $2920 1659 1741 1828 1918 2014 1466 1542 1619 1699 1783 3140 Asso. Civil Engineer * $3138 $3301 $3463 $3639 $3819 3145 Transportation Engineer* 3138 3301 3463 3639 3819 3080 Survey & Constr.Insp.Supv.* 2780 2919 3065 3218 3379 3120 Asst. Civil Engineerl * 2711 2848 2989 3138 3301 3090 Survey Party Chief * 2711 2848 2989 3138 3301 3075 Sr. Constr. Inspector * 2711 2848 2989 3138 3301 3110 Jr. Civil Engineer' * 2343 2463 2584 2712 2848 3020 Sr. Engineering Aide * 2129 2229 2345 2460 2587 3030 Sr. Draftsperson * 2129 2229 2345 2460 2587 3015 Engineering Aide * 1884 1977 2076 2176 2288 1546 Engineering Office Asst.* 1753 1837 1930 2024 2125 1 Those regular full -time Civil Service employees in the classifications of Asst. Civil Engineer, and Jr. Civil Engineer, who are listed as being Registered Civil Engineers in the State of California shall be eligible to receive $35 per month in addition to their regular gross monthly salary. Code No. CLASS TITLE -4- Effective January 1, 1988 Step ** Step ** Step ** Step ** Step ** 1 2 3 4 5 PUBLIC WORKS MAINTENANCE SERVICES 2620 Street Mtce. Supv. $2649 $2781 $2920 $3066 $3219 2650 Street Mtce. Insp.Supv. 2595 2725 2861 3004 3154 2640 Sewer Maintenance Supv. 2595 2725 2861 3004 3154 2380 Fleet Mtce. Supv. 2595 2725 2861 3004 3154 2630 Bldg. & Grounds Mtce. Supv. 2595 2725 2861 3004 3154 3070 Construction Inspector 2522 2649 2776 2930 3066 2370 Senior Fleet Mechanic 2335 2451 2574 2697 2834 2570 Traffic Signal Mtce. Tech. 2517 2643 2774 2914 3059 2360 Fleet Mechanic 2273 2391 2508 2637 2766 2540 Mtce. Carpenter Foreperson 2221 2335 2451 2574 2697 2560 Concrete Foreperson 2221 2335 2451 2574 2697 2530 Maintenance Plumber 2221 2335 2451 2574 2697 2590 Sewer Mtce. Foreperson 2221 2335 2451 2574 2697 2550 Mtce. Painting Foreperson 2221 2335 2451 2574 2697 2545 Maintenance Carpenter 1930 2020 2126 2230 2345 2580 Sewer Maintenance Worker 1929 2027 2123 2235 2343 2520 Public Works Mtce. Wkr.II 1929 2027 2123 2235 2343 2510 Public Works Mtce. Wkr. 1699 1783 1872 1969 2060 2020 Laborer 1513 1587 1665 1748 1835 1610 Account Clerk * 1580 1659 1739 1826 1916 1510 Interm. Typist Clerk * 1466 1542 1619 1699 1783 *Indicates classifications with 37.5 hour work week, all other classifications work 40 hour work week. * *In addition to salary shown, City pays 7Z employee share of P.E.R.S. contribution. Any Public Works Maintenance Worker II who has the appropriate Traffic Signal Electrician Level II Certificate will receive a 10% skill pay differential while the employee is working as assistant to the Traffic Signal Maintenance Technician. EMPLOYEES REPRESENTED BY ALAMEDA CITY EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION (BUREAU OF ELECTRICITY) 37i Hours /Week Effective January 1, 1988 AUTH. POSITION CODE POSITIONS STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 STEP 5 Account Clerk AC 2 9.71 10.19 10.71 11.24 11.80 Accountant, Utility AU 2 12.46 13.08 13.73 14.42 15.14 Clerk, Int. Typist CIT 4 9.03 9.48 9.96 10.45 10.98 Clerk, Sr. Typist CST 1 9.71 10.19 10.71 11.24 11.80 Clerk, Utility CU 7 9.40 9.87 10.37 10.89 11.43 Computer Operator, Sr. CO 1 11.26 11.83 12.42 13.04 13.69 Computer Operator, Int. 00I 4 9.32 9.79 10.28 10.79 11.33 Customer Service Rep. RCS 5 10.88 11.42 11.99 12.59 13.22 Delinquent Accts. Rep. RDA 1 11.15 11.71 12.30 12.92 13.56 Engineering Office Asst. EOA 1 10.75 11.29 11.85 12.45 13.07 *Gardener GAR 1 9.60 10.08 10.58 11.11 11.67 *Laborer LB 1 8.71 9.15 9.60 10.08 10.59 Meter Reader -Coll. MRC 5 10.88 11.42 11.99 12.59 13.22 Office Services Clerk OSC 1 9.51 9.98 10.48 11.01 11.56 Tel. Operator /Recep. TOR 1 9.03 9.48 9.96 10.45 10.98 Customer Service Coord. RLC 1 11.42 11.99 12.59 13.22 13.88 In addition to salary shown, Bureau pays 7% employee share of PERS contribution. *40 Hours /Week CITY OF ALAMEDA Classifications and Salaries For Employees Represented by the Effective July 1, 1988 Alameda City Employees Association (City of Alameda /Bureau of Electricity Step ** Step ** Step ** Step ** Step ** 1 2 3 4 5 Code No. CLASS TITLE ADMINISTRATIVE FINANCE & PURCHASING 1630 Payroll Clerk * $1934 $2027 $2126 $2231 $2342 1620 Senior Account Clerk * 1751 1835 1928 2023 2123 1610 Account Clerk * 1659 1742 1826 1917 2012 1510 Interm. Typist Clerk * 1539 1619 1700 1784 1872 CITY PLANNING 6040 Associate Planner * $2976 $3125 $3279 $3439 $3606 6030 Assistant Planner * 2460 2586 2713 2850 2990 1510 Interm. Typist Clerk * 1539 1619 1700 1784 1872 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 1740 Development Specialist * $2779 $2918 $3063 $3213 $3368 1760 Program Specialist * 2779 2918 3063 3213 3368 1750 Housing Rehab. Specialist* 2481 2606 2735 2871 3016 1610 Account Clerk * 1659 1742 1826 1917 2012 1510 Interm. Typist Clerk * 1539 1619 1700 1784 1872 PUBLIC SAFETY FIRE DEPARTMENT 1610 Account Clerk * $1659 $1742 $1826 $1917 $2012 1510 Interm. Typist Clerk * 1539 1619 1700 1784 1872 POLICE DEPARTMENT 4090 Supv. Animal Control Officer 2072 $2176 $2282 $2395 $2516 4095 Animal Control Officer 1750 1838 1929 2025 2128 1620 Sr. Account Clerk * 1751 1835 1928 2023 2123 1530 Sr. Stenographer Clerk * 1659 1742 1826 1917 2012 1540 Senior Typist Clerk * 1659 1742 1826 1917 2012 1510 Interm. Typist Clerk * 1539 1619 1700 1784 1872 1500 Tel. Operator /Receptionist* 1539 1619 1700 1784 1872 LIBRARY 3540 Senior Librarian * $2234 $2338 $2461 $2582 $2714 3530 Librarian * 2023 2124 2234 2338 2461 3515 Library Technician * 1589 1670 1750 1838 1929 3512 Interm. Library Clerk * 1369 1442 1513 1589 1666 -2- Effective July 1, 1988 Step ** Step ** Step ** Step ** Step ** Code No. CLASS TITLE 3 4 5 RECREATION, PARKS AND GOLF RECREATION /MASTICK 5110 Recreation Program Coordinator * $2230 $2340 $2455 $2580 $2712 1540 Senior Typist Clerk * 1659 1742 1826 1917 2012 2005 Custodian * 1508 1580 1660 1746 1829 1510 Interm. Typist Clerk * 1539 1619 1700 1784 1872 PARKS 5150 Park Maintenance Supv. $2725 $2861 $3004 $3154 $3312 2520 Public Works Mtce.Wkr.II 2025 2128 2229 2347 2460 5160 Equipment Operator 1928 2024 2129 2228 2346 2510 Public Works Mtce. Wkr. 1784 1872 1966 2067 2163 5260 Golf & Park Mtce.Wkr. 1784 1872 1966 2067 2163 2020 Laborer 1589 1666 1748 1835 1927 GOLF COURSE 5220 Golf Course Maintenance Foreperson $2452 $2574 $2703 $2832 $2976 5250 Equipment Mechanic 2185 2300 2412 2536 2660 5230 Golf Course Irrigation 2067 2163 2275 2388 2512 Leadperson Golf Course Leadperson 2067 2163 2275 2388 2512 5240 Golf Course Utility Wkr. 2067 2163 2275 2388 2512 5160 Equipment Operator 1928 2024 2129 2228 2346 5260 Golf & Parks Mtce. Wkr. 1784 1872 1966 2067 2163 In addition to normal compensation, Golf Course Equipment Operators engaged in night watering for 4 or more hours between 4 p.m. and 8 a.m., shall receive a one step (5%) salary differential while so regularly and continuously employed. PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING INSPECTIONS 3230 Sr. Plumbing Insp. * $2847 $2990 $3138 $3295 $3466 3220 Sr. Building Insp. * 2847 2990 3138 3295 3466 3240 Plumbing Insp. * 2648 2781 2915 3063 3219 3250 Building Insp. * 2648 2781 2915 3063 3219 Code No. -3- Effective July 1, 1988 CLASS TITLE Step ** Step ** Step ** Step ** Step ** 5 PUBLIC WORKS CENTRAL PERMITS OFFICE 3010 Permit Coordinator * 3000 Permit Examiner & Expeditor * 1510 Interm. Typist Clerk ENGINEERING $2523 $2644 $2778 $2920 $3066 1742 1828 1919 2014 2115 1539 1619 1700 1784 1872 3140 Asso. Civil Engineer * $3295 $3466 $3636 $3821 $4010 3145 Transportation Engineer* 3295 3466 3636 3821 4010 3080 Survey & Constr.Insp.Supv.* 2919 3065 3218 3379 3548 3120 Asst. Civil Engineerl * 2847 2990 3138 3295 3466 3090 Survey Party Chief * 2847 2990 3138 3295 3466 3075 Sr. Constr. Inspector * 2847 2990 3138 3295 3466 3110 Jr. Civil Engineerl * 2460 2586 2713 2848 2990 3020 Sr. Engineering Aide * 2235 2340 2462 2583 2716 3030 Sr. Draftsperson * 2235 2340 2462 2583 2716 3015 Engineering Aide * 1978 2076 2180 2285 2402 1546 Engineering Office Asst.* 1841 1929 2027 2125 2231 1 Those regular full -time Civil Service employees in the classifications of Asst. Civil Engineer, and Jr. Civil Engineer, who are listed as being Registered Civil Engineers in the State of California shall be eligible to receive $35 per month in addition to their regular gross monthly salary. Code No. CLASS TITLE -4- Effective July 1, 1988 Step ** Step ** Step ** Step ** Step ** 1 2 3 4 5 PUBLIC WORKS MAINTENANCE SERVICES 2620 Street Mtce. Supv. $2781 $2920 $3066 $3219 $3380 2650 Street Mtce. Insp.Supv. 2725 2861 3004 3154 3312 2640 Sewer Maintenance Supv. 2725 2861 3004 3154 3312 2380 Fleet Mtce. Supv. 2725 2861 3004 3154 3312 2630 Bldg. & Grounds Mtce. Supv. 2725 2861 3004 3154 3312 3070 Construction Inspector 2648 2781 2915 3077 3219 2370 Senior Fleet Mechanic 2452 2574 2703 2832 2976 2570 Traffic Signal Mtce. Tech. 2643 2775 2913 3060 3212 2360 Fleet Mechanic 2387 2511 2633 2769 2904 2540 Mtce. Carpenter Foreperson 2332 2452 2574 2703 2832 2560 Concrete Foreperson 2332 2452 2574 2703 2832 2530 Maintenance Plumber 2332 2452 2574 2703 2832 2590 Sewer Mtce. Foreperson 2332 2452 2574 2703 2832 2550 Mtce. Painting Foreperson 2332 2453 2574 2703 2832 2545 Maintenance Carpenter 2027 2121 2232 2342 2462 2580 Sewer Maintenance Worker 2025 2128 2229 2347 2460 2520 Public Works Mtce. Wkr.II 2025 2128 2229 2347 2460 2510 Public Works Mtce. Wkr. 1784 1872 1966 2067 2163 2020 Laborer 1589 1666 1748 1835 1927 1610 Account Clerk * 1659 1742 1826 1917 2012 1510 Interm. Typist Clerk * 1539 1619 1700 1784 1872 *Indicates classifications with 37.5 hour work week, all other classifications work 40 hour work week. * *In addition to salary shown, City pays 7% employee share of P.E.R.S. contribution. Any Public Works Maintenance Worker II who has the appropriate Traffic Signal Electrician Level II Certificate will receive a 10% skill pay differential while the employee is working as assistant to the Traffic Signal Maintenance Technician. EMPLOYEES REPRESENTED BY ALAMEDA CITY EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION (BUREAU OF ELECTRICITY) 372 Hours /Week Effective July 1, 1988 AUTH. POSITION CODE POSITIONS STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 1 STEP 4 STEP 5 Account Clerk AC 2 10.19 10.71 11.24 11.80 12.39 Accountant, Utility AU 2 13.08 13.73 14.42 15.14 15.90 Clerk, Int. Typist CIT 4 9.48 9.96 10.45 10.98 11.53 Clerk, Sr. Typist CST 1 10.19 10.71 11.24 11.80 12.39 Clerk, Utility CU 7 9.87 10.37 10.89 11.43 12.00 Computer Operator, Sr. CO 1 11.83 12.42 13.04 13.69 14.37 Computer Operator, Int. COI 4 9.79 10.28 10.79 11.33 11.90 Customer Service Rep. RCS 5 11.42 11.99 12.59 13.22 13.88 Delinquent Accts. Rep. RDA 1 11.71 12.30 12.92 13.56 14.24 Engineering Office Asst. EOA 1 11.29 11.85 12.45 13.07 13.72 *Gardener GAR 1 10.08 10.58 11.11 11.67 12.25 *Laborer LB 1 9.15 9.60 10.08 10.59 11.12 Meter Reader -Coll. MRC 5 11.42 11.99 12.59 13.22 13.88 Office Services Clerk OSC 1 9.98 10.48 11.01 11.56 12.14 Tel. Operator /Recep. TOR 1 9.48 9.96 10.45 10.98 11.53 Customer Service Coord. RLC 1 11.99 12.59 13.22 13.88 14.57 In addition to salary shown, Bureau pays 7% employee share of PERS contribution. *40 Hours /Week CITY OF ALAMEDA Classifications and Salaries For Employees Represented by the Alameda City Employees Association (City of Alameda /Bureau of Electricity Code No. CLASS TITLE Effective July 1, 1989 Step ** Step ** Step ** Step ** Step ** 1 2 3 4 5 ADMINISTRATIVE FINANCE & PURCHASING 1630 Payroll Clerk * $2031 $2128 $2232 $2343 $2459 1620 Senior Account Clerk * 1839 1927 2024 2124 2229 1610 Account Clerk * 1742 1829 1917 2013 2113 1510 Interm. Typist Clerk * 1616 1700 1785 1873 1966 CITY PLANNING 6040 Associate Planner * $3125 $3281 $3443 $3611 $3786 6030 Assistant Planner * 2583 2715 2849 2993 3140 1510 Interm. Typist Clerk * 1616 1700 1785 1873 1966 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 1740 Development Specialist * $2918 $3064 $3216 $3374 $3536 1760 Program Specialist * 2918 3064 3216 3374 3536 1750 Housing Rehab. Specialist* 2605 2736 2872 3015 3167 1610 Account Clerk * 1742 1829 1917 2013 2113 1510 Interm. Typist Clerk * 1616 1700 1785 1873 1966 PUBLIC SAFETY FIRE DEPARTMENT 1610 Account Clerk * $1742 $1829 $1917 $2012 $2113 1510 Interm. Typist Clerk * 1616 1700 1785 1873 1966 POLICE DEPARTMENT 4090 Supv. Animal Control Officer 2176 $2285 $2396 $2515 $2642 4095 Animal Control Officer 1838 1930 2025 2126 2234 1620 - Sr. Account Clerk * 1839 1927 2024 2124 2229 1530 Sr. Stenographer Clerk * 1742 1829 1917 2013 2113 1540 Senior Typist Clerk * 1742 1829 1917 2013 2113 1510 Interm. Typist Clerk * 1616 1700 1785 1873 1966 1500 Tel. Operator /Receptionist* 1616 1700 1785 1873 1966 LIBRARY 3540 Senior Librarian * $2346 $2455 $2584 $2711 $2850 3530 Librarian * 2124 2230 2346 2455 2584 3515 Library Technician * 1668 1754 1838 1930 2025 3512 Interm. Library Clerk * 1437 1514 1589 1668 1749 -2- Effective July 1, 1989 Step ** Step ** Step ** Step ** Step ** Code No. CLASS TITLE 1 2 3 4 5 RECREATION, PARKS AND GOLF RECREATION /MASTICK 5110 Recreation Program Coordinator * $2341 $2457 $2578 $2709 $2848 1540 Senior Typist Clerk * 1742 1829 1917 2013 2112 2005 Custodian * 1583 1659 1743 1833 1920 1510 Interm. Typist Clerk * 1616 1700 1785 1873 1966 PARKS 5150 Park Maintenance Supv. $ 2861 $3004 $3154 $3312 $3478 2520 Public Works Mtce.Wkr.II 2126 2234 2340 2464 2583 5160 Equipment Operator 2024 2166 2235 2339 2463 2510 Public Works Mtce. Wkr. 1873 1966 2064 2170 2271 5260 Golf & Park Mtce.Wkr. 1873 1966 2064 2170 2271 2020 Laborer 1668 1749 1835 1927 2023 GOLF COURSE 5220 Golf Course Maintenance Foreperson $2575 $2703 $2838 $2974 $3125 5250 Equipment Mechanic 2294 2415 2533 2663 2793 5230 Golf Course Irrigation 2170 2271 2389 2507 2638 Leadperson Golf Course Leadperson 2170 2271 2389 2507 2638 5240 Golf Course Utility Wkr. 2170 2271 2389 2507 2638 5160 Equipment Operator 2024 2166 2235 2339 2463 5260 Golf & Parks Mtce. Wkr. 1873 1966 2064 2170 2271 In addition to normal compensation, Golf Course Equipment Operators engaged in night watering for 4 or more hours between 4 p.m. and 8 a.m., shall receive a one step (5%) salary differential while so regularly and continuously employed. PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING INSPECTIONS 3230 Sr. Plumbing Insp. * $2989 $3140 $3295 $3460 $3639 3220 Sr. Building Insp. * 2989 3140 3295 3460 3639 3240 Plumbing Insp. * 2780 2920 3061 3216 3380 3250 Building Insp. * 2780 2920 3061 3216 3380 -3- Effective July 1, 1989 Code No. CLASS TITLE Step ** Step ** Step ** Step ** Step ** 5 PUBLIC WORKS CENTRAL PERMITS OFFICE 3010 Permit Coordinator * $2649 $2776 $2917 $3066 $3219 3000 Permit Examiner & 1829 1919 2O15 2115 2221 Expeditor * 1510 Interm. Typist Clerk 1616 1700 1785 1873 1966 ENGINEERING 3140 Asso. Civil Engineer * $3460 $3639 $3818 $4012 $4211 3145 Transportation Engineer* 3460 3639 3818 4012 4211 3080 Survey & Constr.Insp.Supv.* 3065 3218 3379 3548 3725 3120 Asst. Civil Engineer' * 2989 3140 3295 3460 3639 3090 Survey Party Chief * 2989 3140 3295 3460 3639 3075 Sr. Constr. Inspector * 2989 3140 3295 3460 3639 3110 Jr. Civil Engineer' * 2583 2715 2849 2990 3140 3020 Sr. Engineering Aide * 2347 2457 2585 2712 2852 3030 Sr. Draftsperson * 2347 2457 2585 2712 2852 3015 Engineering Aide * 2077 2180 2289 2399 2522 1546 Engineering Office Asst.* 1933 2025 2128 2231 2343 1 Those regular full -time Civil Service employees in the classifications of Asst. Civil Engineer, and Jr. Civil Engineer, who are listed as being Registered Civil Engineers in the State of California shall be eligible to receive $35 per month in addition to their regular gross monthly salary. Code No. CLASS TITLE -4- Effective July 1, 1989 Step ** Step ** Step ** Step ** Step ** 1 2 3 4 5 PUBLIC WORKS MAINTENANCE SERVICES 2620 Street Mtce. Supv. $2920 $3066 $3219 $3380 $3549 2650 Street Mtce. Insp.Supv. 2861 3004 3154 3312 3478 2640 Sewer Maintenance Supv. 2861 3004 3154 3312 3478 2380 Fleet Mtce. Supv. 2861 3004 3154 3312 3478 2630 Bldg. & Grounds Mtce. Supv. 2861 3004 3154 3312 3478 3070 Construction Inspector 2780 2920 3061 3231 3380 2370 Senior Fleet Mechanic 2575 2703 2838 2974 3125 2570 Traffic Signal Mtce. Tech. 2775 2914 3059 3213 3373 2360 Fleet Mechanic 2506 2637 2765 2907 3049 2540 Mtce. Carpenter Foreperson 2449 2575 2703 2838 2974 2560 Concrete Foreperson 2449 2575 2703 2838 2974 2530 Maintenance Plumber 2449 2575 2703 2838 2974 2590 Sewer Mtce. Foreperson 2449 2575 2703 2838 2974 2550 Mtce. Painting Foreperson 2449 2575 2703 2838 2974 2545 Maintenance Carpenter 2128 2227 2344 2459 2585 2580 Sewer Maintenance Worker 2126 2234 2340 2464 2583 2520 Public Works Mtce. Wkr.II 2126 2234 2340 2464 2583 2510 Public Works Mtce. Wkr. 1873 1966 2064 2170 2271 2020 Laborer 1668 1749 1835 1927 2023 1610 Account Clerk * 1742 1829 1917 2013 2113 1510 Interm. Typist Clerk * 1616 1700 1785 1873 1966 *Indicates classifications with 37.5 hour work week, all other classifications work 40 hour work week. * *In addition to salary shown, City pays 7% employee share of P.E.R.S. contribution. Any Public Works Maintenance Worker II who has the appropriate Traffic Signal Electrician Level II Certificate will receive a 10% skill pay differential while the employee is working as assistant to the Traffic Signal Maintenance Technician. EMPLOYEES REPRESENTED BY ALAMEDA CITY EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION (BUREAU OF ELECTRICITY) 372 Hours /Week Effective July 1, 1989 AUTH. POSITION CODE POSITIONS STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 STEP 5 Account Clerk AC 2 10.71 11.24 11.80 12.39 13.01 Accountant, Utility AU 2 13.73 14.42 15.14 15.90 16.69 Clerk, Int. Typist CIT 4 9.96 10.45 10.98 11.53 12.11 Clerk, Sr. Typist CST 1 10.71 11.24 11.80 12.39 13.01 Clerk, Utility CU 7 10.37 10.89 11.43 12.00 12.60 Computer Operator, Sr. CO 1 12.42 13.04 13.69 14.37 15.09 Computer Operator, Int. COI 4 10.28 10.79 11.33 11.90 12.49 Customer Service Rep. RCS 5 11.99 12.59 13.22 13.88 14.57 Delinquent Accts. Rep. RDA 1 12.30 12.92 13.56 14.24 14.95 Engineering Office Asst. EOA 1 11.85 12.45 13.07 13.72 14.41 *Gardener GAR 1 10.58 11.11 11.67 12.25 12.86 *Laborer LB 1 9.60 10.08 10.59 11.12 11.68 Meter Reader -Coll. MRC 5 11.99 12.59 13.22 13.88 14.57 Office Services Clerk OSC 1 10.48 11.01 11.56 12.14 12.75 Tel. Operator /Recep. TOR 1 9.96 10.45 10.98 11.53 12.11 Customer Service Coord. RLC 1 12.59 13.22 13.88 14.57 15.30 In addition to salary shown, Bureau pays 7% employee share of PERS contribution. *40 Hours /Week 1, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Council of the City of Alameda in regular meeting assembled on the 1st of March, 1988, by the following vote to wit: AYES: Councilmembers Haugner, Monsef, Thomas and President Corica - 4. NOES: Councilmember Camicia - 1. ABSENT: None. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City this 2nd day of March, 1988. , /V ,11\ ,7„,,c,/- City C2„erk of the City of Alameda