Alamedans for Better Schools 2004 460Reclp 1fent Commfttee Campaign Sta1ement Coveir Page {Government Cods ~c~ons a;4?00-84218.5l Type or 1)1lnt lru rn·k. su11a~1l ~overs period '6"' / I (J '1 1 from ------· 011te of elect~on if 111p ijMoolh, Day, Ye LE For O'f.cial Us.a Or.)' 1hroush _ 1,;;l~ 1 /u'{ ------~--~----~1..-.;._.__..,_...-..+-........... ----....aJC!:..CLEalCSJOESlCL--------- 1" Type of Aeeipienm Committee: All C.Ommittm -~ltt11hr'la1, 2, 3, and 4. see INST l!IUCTIONS o·~ IR£VERS£ O Olfoeeholder. CandiQjate C<Jntrol;rtcJ Comrr~tlee (12{ Bail~eMl.UEi Commit1e1~ 0 Stale•C!!ldidale e:ection C<l>rnrrittee ef'1illlla!fy Formed 0 Rleca>I Q Conb'o'.led tA:s.::0:"{.n.rePa~S'} 0 Sponsored O Gi~neraJ Pi.irpose Corn1'111;ttee 0 Sponsored tA.w~1Pa1s1 0 Smar! eon·.r:txitor Committee 0 Poli~cal Patty/Central Committee A"11:A. CODE!Fl!IOM: '"'11.tA""1-L1"'"111.,..G""'11."'"oo""A""E""ss""""r""'i:""o"">F""FE""cR~E""NT"')-.:lll':"!O:-. "'"AN,-::l~l ~sr=-=R"'E'=ET~OR~P.-=o-. e~o~x~: -·----- ff itt m etf 4 Qz <Jy;ft;" CITY s:r.o.~E ZIP COOe )/,I-7:(; '( "' 1)'/:fl. :t V: ) 2.. Type of S1atemen~: 0 ~a!ec6on1Sla,err-e~I (3"' ~ rnl·8JY\1'al Sta!emenl [] TermiN1~orr Staleme:i~ 0 ~nd<ineri! (E:xp;ain below) Treuurer{s) Ol'1lJONll\l.: FA.lC I E·MA'L AOOAESiS 0 Ovarte~ly ~a,eme~I 0 Special Ck.Sd-·Year Report 0 Supjl'emeri~al P1ee!ec0oo &.atemen\ • Attad'l foon ~95 STATE --z;;; CODE iliREA COOE;F rtON E --------------------------------·~------------------._. ______ ,........,. ______________ , __________________________________ , ________________ __ 4. Verification celltify vr4er peralty·ol perjµry under lhe laws o.! the Slate ol Calilomia 11\al th& !otE1going fs 1a!ld cor. I hal'B! t.Sed all reaso11a1Jre lll'lfsence irv prepalling and re•vi a·..,;ng this s1111emenl ~ 101 the~esl <llf •Y koo1vl~ Executldon '4/~ B';-......; .. "' E•ecuted on ____ _,,°"_,18------ Executed on ------=ci.""i,------ Exeout~ on -----o;...,.18------8'f---·--""Sq-1aiu'lol~~~~~""-°""'-.,.-1 ---· P:PPC P:orm 460(Jur,f/Ot) 1:ppc 1c41./re. Ht'plrnt: n&.IASIHPPC ,,.,,.. ..... ,... ... :1._ ....... 1"1 Recipient Committee Campaign Statement Cover Page -Part 2 Tl(pe or prlnt In Ink. S. Offi~eholder or C:andfdate Controlred Cemmilttee NIAl/.E CF OFFICCHOlOU~ OA CAND'O.\TE RES1Df:-;TIALJBUS!'JESSADDAE'SS (1'0. A.\IOSfREET) C~ Related Committees Not rnc!uded In lhtis Statement: List 11ny r.ommitreei1 11'0! /nclriJded In lhrs 111141eme111Iha!11"1 ccnl!o/14/<d by )'OU or 411'e prim11j/y fe<med 1111 ref)lliifv conlribufions ot nub experwiitures O(I Nhialf <>f your· c11ncfrdilcy. COMWITEE NAl/-C W.ME OF TRE>.SUREA COMMITIEEADORESS CITY COll.',o\i TIIEE w.ue N:AP.IE Cf TRt:ASUREI'! CITY CON~0~.1.111TTee1 DYES 0 NO STREET ADDR:fSS. (NO P.O. 90X) STATE ZIP OOOi CON11ROll LED OOtmllTEE? 0 YES 0 !WO SJRECf AOOAliSS (NOP.O. !Ml)() STATE 6. 821110,t Measure Comrnltte& tv<PJE OF BALLOT llE.e!Sl.IRE /) -- _flk:J. ~ 0 Oo,v{) (J?e-_~ c;. Y.c. / <L BALLor No. oR lEneR -pu~olCTIO<q . UPPOAT --C-_____ _j_{i.:z:z__ 01._/lb_"-<'l . 0 01'?0SE ldcinlify 1tle «introUing offlc::ehorder, c:an1Slclule, or s!a1e 1neasure propon1an1, i1 any. NAW)J?F CFFICEHOL.OE~CA.'lltllOATE. OR PROPoi:-eNrr ltiJ,d f"tt!L Gts CHA•tc .. m/f ,J OF~SCXJGHT<ORHELO ~~F A.'t-Y 7. Primarily formed Committee Us1 riames of offlcehofl:k<i•) or c111H1idar11(s) lo•· whfch this c.;mmittee /$ primarily fonned. -FFICEHOLOEfl CR CANDOCl.0.1'E OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELO QSU~T 0 OPl?OSE NA.',.IE()FO FFiCEHOLOEfl CR C.tiNOIO.O.TE OFFICE SOtJGHT OF\ HeLD 0 SUPF'Of\T 0 OPPOSI: OFFlCEliOLOEfl Ofl C,liNDIOATE OFFU SOOGHT OR HSLD 0 SUPo>O!>T 0 OPFCSE -NA'IE IDF OFFlCEHOLOEFI Ofl CANO-OA~-E OFFICE SOUGHT OA HELO 0 SUPPC~T 0 OPi'OSE -·-'"'-·---- A1tac1'1 conrinu1J1tion she_ets il Mceuary •; --~----------------.... _. ............ ._.._ ___ ......_. ...................................... ._.._........ -------= ---------------------·--------~------~-------- fPPC Form 460 (lul"a/01) fPl'C 1foll·Frte HtlplHl<•: S66/A$1<-FP!l'C Slat~ of Cs!i1lorr'lla Campaign Disclosure State men~ S:umrnary Page SEE l.'iSTF.UCTIONS 0'.I ~EVERSE Type a>r prlnl lr11 ln'l A.rr1ounta moy l>e ,ound11d 1•) whole dbll11r11. NA\1E?f FILIEA {1-fk,r i_~JJ.s 1.D. "'Ulii6ER 1Js· rsi l..J k. r-ne' r/c t:!> C:ontfibwUons Rece!ived --------·-------------------------------------·---·--...... ----..... --------·-------· CorumnJ' T:i~N. TMSPE~OO lfl'OI AT'! .. !>troSCHE~.<.ES) 1. Monetaiy Contributions ...................................... . $ __ Q_ ___ 2. loans Received ...................................................... Sc.hacJ.~.'~8.tme7 0 3. SUB:fOTAIL CASK CON'.l'AISLJTIONS .......... ..... . .. . AddLi'le.s 1+2 s <) (,I ~------4. Nlonnnonelary Cootributior.s ................. .,... .............. Scl'..s:N!f! c. u,,a 3 5. TOTAL CONTRlEIUTIONS IRECENEO .•.............. : ......... Arid tli':e;, JI~ 4 $ _Q _____ Column Bi CJU•l!)AA.'r'!>.;\ l•;P~TO~~!"E s BZ-:J_1·.--'--"--_ _£_? ___ s JY.-421 '.>-- -2. e,';CJ <..) s ~1'12.2:L£_ Calendar ''ear Summary for Candidates Running irl Both the State Primary and Generar Elections 20 •. Ccfitri0u~ons1 Receh,ed 2 L E~pe;ldit\.ir$s; 1!1 to Di:s $ _____ S---~-- Made $ -----s ____ _ -..................... __ ___ ·-+------·-----------------------------Expenditures Made S. P'ayments Made ....... ,, .............................................. .. s 1'i3 'lol. 3~ -~--- 7. Loans Made ............................................................. Sci>sdfr!sU.Lii?e1' ___ __!::.?..___ __ _ () j-z,;.··, (; 1 8. SUB;TOiJ"AILCASHPAYMENT$ ................................... AclclLir--e$S1+7 $ -~~--$ ..Jj__ ___ _ 9. Aocrued Experises ~Unpaid Bills} .............................. Sdie<Me F. unio3' IO. Nonmonetary Adjustme.nt ........................................... Scll8'11111c. UnisJ' 11. TOTAL EXPENDITURES J..~DE ............................... Md LinllS It+ 9 • 101 S s ________________ _,, ______ , ______ ...... ....., __ , _______ ·~----·----------·----..... ----------·---------------·-a Current Cash Statement ~ii 1) 3 .... :?> To calcUl<fle (~Llril! 8, ~ 13.Cash Aeceip!s .................................................. CQJ~-:-"11A.fioa3abo1111 ___ O______ an-.ounitsinCO!umnAlothe· . . Q com1~ipo11ding al1'lOOl1:s. 12. 0egiinniing Cash Balante ....................... p.·Hiei..·s;Sl>"""7'i•yPa;;eA.ir.rt 15·: .$ 14. Miscet'aneioos Increases lo ·di.sh ........ :.................... Sehe<.tlfrll 1. til"..e" • • lr'rn Coll~'lYl 8 ol yoor last ~ 90 , ( '~ report. SM-~• amoun's in 15. Casfil Paymemls .................................................. eo.·~,,...1,,._ ~ir.68a!icve ----:.....;:;..J-. eo.·umnP-Jmc1ylit1negatl\'e 16. ENOll'llG CASH BALANCE .......... A~ L~ss le• 13 + 14, t!".ff'l i11~1.t1ct'tir.>f 15 :$ • ~ ~ t ·~31t '-~ f·~res tl\at shoi.lkl be· svotrac!&Q frl!Jm pre-.<!Ous If' this iS a termillit&:>n s1a1.ernent, Lin'e 16 must b6 z&ro. ~:iocll amovr1ts. If ~;sis ______ ,...__ ........ ,_. _________ •== ---------"""" t1'le first repoont belngi1 f!eid () for this calendar yem, only l7. LOAN GUARANTEES RECEIVED........................... w.9d'1'' o. P<1'1 2 $ ------------------------------~-----------------:-..... ----................ Cash Equivalents and Outstaridihg Debts 18. &ash Equivalenls ..... : ............... " ................. SHr:.~·-~wrlsooow•~&' S Hl. Ou~laindiing Debls ··: ........... .............. Add l.ir-9 z +I.int 9inColurmB11~r.ove-· $ cauy ove1 11\e amounts lr001 Lines 2, 7, &od 9 ff any). Expendutu11e limit Summa1y for State Candfdaites l~-CL1111urali•1e lhpendit~res. Made:• Ill .Su~ ID VolWn!"'Y IEJ:PGn•:fol•,_,.li<T•llJ Date~ Electi()('I (mm'ddlyy) _J ___ , __ _ _ _J ___ , __ _ _J _ _t __ ___) __ , __ _ __; ___ , __ _ __;_~'-- $ _ $ ____ _ $ _____ _ $_. __ _ $ _____ _ $ ____ _ •:;;nee Jarouarf I, 2cm. ArrlOIJ•lls in ttiis section l!l".ajl be 6fferent r:Olll amounts rE~por~ed in C~L1rm B. f:pp.c f'otm 4UO (';Jur1e/Ol1} Fl>PC Tc-ll·Fiee Helpline: UlilASK·FPPC Sc:heduleE Paymen1s Made Type or ~11lnt ln1 ink. Arr.iounta mli]f be 110u111da'ld 10 whole dolr11u. SCHEOUlEE ~m 8/;. Jo·I SEE l:'><S!flUCT101\SOll Rl:VEllS~ t Sta.tenaenl c~vens per!odl 1.2. i /_ . ro119h fl1 l=lf.I_<,/ __ _ 11age l/ _ ol _:t__ 1u.Me OF FILER / 10. NU'~•aER Bkmed~ ~r &&~j~;L_~------------~------J CODES: II one 4>f the following oodes acx:~rately describeSi the payment, yc1u may entei:r tliia code. Otherwise. de~c~i~! the pa}1memt .. O/P campa;!}l'I i:a•aphe:ma::a.'misc: lv'ef! IT'U!O'lber~llication.s RAD rad\o a':rlirrre aM !Jl<Oduction eos1s CNS <:ampaigr1 oonsu11an:s MTG meefngs a11!S ai~eara:ice!I RFJ) reh.;lrned o~ntribu~~I CTEI oon1r:butiori (e•plain nonmooe~ry)' CfC office experi:sei< SAL carni)ai~ worlcers· salaries Cl/C civic donatiorls PET p1!ti':i(l(l circula~rig TEI. lv. OI' c:at:~ airtime a.10 f)roel.Jction oosr.s ffiL undida:e f~ing.'balk>t lees Pi-0 pl'Ol'-e banlls ir.~ calldidata travel, ~ll09ing. and m11a:!1 llNO f.1Mral$ir>g1 evenls POL poll in!) &nd Sllf'>e'/ n1sea1ch TR$ stalf/spous.e travel. i0dgi119. a.ndl m11a:s IND if:.rje;ier"dsr.t expencg1;:e s1.1ppc.1ingfop~'ng •l>thers fexp:airl}" POS poslaS$. delivery a1~d messenger s.e;V.Ces TSff tral"!Slei, bet..,een committee5 of Iha same car1d'4i;'.e!spor.wr LEG legal defer.se PR:> prore.ssio'1al serv'IC(!s (leg.;1r. ai::oc1ur,tirig) VOii' vollir rtg'.stration LJr 4ampaigl'I l~eratura a~-0 mai1;nws PITT print .Olds WE:B inlormetio<'i lechno!?gv ci~sts, Onlemet. e·meil) NA.!IE ANO AOORESS OF PAYEE (If CO'.e.A~U, .>...SQ E \TE.J>.11.D. 1VIEl£F.) ' Payments thal ame con!ribulions or Independent expenditures must also b& su1111na1iucl on1 Sc::1'1e1:8LJI•' D. Schedule E Summary SUBTOTALS 1. Pa:;·ments made this period of $'1100tormore. (Include all Schedule E subtotals.) ................................................................................................... $ ft I 15":'/'. (;'J 2. Unitemized payments· made this period of unde~$100 ... ;.;.,; ..........•. ,. ........ ,. .................... ,. ........... ,. ............................................................................. $ _,_=-.;. ___ _ 3. To1al interest piaid thus periodoo loans .. (Ente!r am'ounl rr<lm Schedu[e 8, P.art 1, ~tolumn (e).): ............................ ~ ................................................... $ ----- 4. To'.al paymenls made this pe~~. (Add Line!; 1, 2, alld 3. Enter here and Cin tne Summary Pag,e, Column Ai, Lines.~ ............................ TOlfAL S _J tCJ, 6 '1 Fl?PC: Form 460 (June/Of!) FPPC Toll-Free liefpline: S66JASK-FPP!l!