Tracy Lynn Jensen 470Officeholder and Candidate Campaign Statement - Short Form (Government Code Section 84206) Type or print in ink. Date of election if applicable: D Amendment (Explain Below} (Month, Day, Year) 1. Statement Covers Calendar Year 20. 6 Date Stamp ILE FEB 2 8 2005 2. Officeholder or Candidate Information 3. Office Sought or Held NAME OFO~OLDER OR CANDIDATE \, '. .. STREETADDRt;ac:/ L):(n n "J6'\~<Z/\ ) A' . / ZIP CODE 4450 l 6 OPTIONAL: FAX/E-MAILADDRESS- ~ ~~ i::.~~c.::.::::··i··· -~ ' ': '•. --------------------""'!t·~~-----------------------------,.--------·•M 4. Committee Information ::S'' '!£' ~::-~ ~,Y"''~'1 . · .. · .. ·.. .•. ,. . ' ·<-",,,,. . \_ ·. •. -~··" .. List all committees of which you have knowledge that are primarily formed to receive contributions @r..fo rtrake expenditures on behalf of your cantl(daejl.')' COMMITTEE NAME AND 1.0. NUMBER COMMITTEE ADDRESS NAME OF TREASURER 5. Verification I d.eclare under penalty of perjury that to the best of my knowledge I anticipate that I will receive less than $1,000 and that I will spend less than $1,000 during the calendar year and that I have used all reasonable diligence in preparing this statement. I certify un er penalty of R ·u under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. executec1on___;;~~Z_..;;;...~~'2lt2:;.--.6 ___ _ DATE FPPC Form 450 (June/01) FPPC Toll-Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC