Committee for Frank Matarese 496Late Independent Expenditure Report Type or print in ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. Date of I j This Filing I l { l, 02..- NAMEui' FILER COMMITTEE FOR FRANK MAT AR ESE AREA CODE/PHONE NUMBER l.D. NUMBER (if applicable) (510) 522-1154 1247509 Report No. _____ _ STREET ADDRESS [!(Amendment Lt ~ _ I to Report No. ____ _ 2850 JOHNSON AVENUE City Clerk's CITY STATE ZIP CODE (explain below) '.'.L No. of Pages ____ _ ALAMEDA CA 94501 · List Only One Candidate or Ballot Measure NAME OF CANDIDATE SUPPORTED OR OPPOSED NAME OF BALLOT MEASURE SUPPORTED OR OPPOSED , FRANK MATARRESE OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD/DISTRICT NO. SUPPORT OPPOSE BALLOT NO./LETIER JURISDICTION SUPPORT OPPOSE ALAMEDA CITY COUNCIL " 2. Independent Expenditures Made Attach additional information on appropriately labeled continuation sheets. DATE DESCRIPTION OF EXPENDITURE AMOUNT P 1tA.H.J ~ c L£ Ptttuna .iG-($ftHS (j) l l If /tJL /;) ~L{lf2: (OL 3 %9,70 AL *11 tsb>4 cA 94S-OL T it-1\111.-t fl' L-"'. Pt.\ ~UL r{061t-t lki2cn.> (b) t\)t/OL- is-oo. oo {)A..t:..1..-~{) ~ 9'1-6 (\ O? -n_,B/r":"1/iil1-,.. /l...ILTi 1111.1'-/'-"'l'1J/'i.Z.. t@ 11,,.,\..CillTJ•'\; c._ef Reason for Amendment: ---'"'-l'-'1_ ..,·ri-_· __ 1 1 "'"_v_""_,_fi_•_ ''-~-"""-"'----'~"---'--""-"-'-"-"'-"--....i-t-__ 1.:_vv-'-~J_"l~v_VV---'---'-~~·""---------:,) FPPC Form 496 (June/01) FPPC Toll-Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC 866/275-3772 late Independent Expenditure Report NAME OF FILER COMMITTEE FOR FRANK MATARESE 3. Contributions of $100 or More Received* DATE RECEIVED I tJ f lDjoG.. ID J'2.I \ O'L 10/ 2..?[0'l... FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER 1.D. NUMBER) Nklttitµ H(L..~Y O/"rV:.i,,ftp!J C* 94 00\ At'P.:it:')J.r f)i;: WtTT A i..ft<ttO ~ o~ C} <-t'S""OI F(l,.rnJG\. '=> J" M A-il\-t2-lt0.Jt: ' &: !\i..Af'icD¥\-cA 9'-1'!.Vt **Contributor Codes IND -Individual CONTRIBUTOR IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER OCCUPATION CODE** AND EMPLOYER (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME OF BUSINESS) ~IND A1..Miel)/\-[(){,t..J.J"CY DCOM DOTH ~ i..l Pc;vi Vl '>Oil. D PTY A1..~~id. c Oi.-t , •. n-y Dscc ~IND l\l11Vtr Hilt-YOI{_ DCOM DOTH DPTY CITY {)f: A"'~~A- Dscc (BIND Di rt~c rz>i.e,... c.Jf-CoH ()1..l IOXC DCOM DOTH Ctt \ V2.<:)J!.) @o!U'. D PTY Dscc LJIND DCOM DOTH D PTY Dscc DINO DCOM DOTH DPTY Dscc DINO DCOM DOTH D PTY DSCC *Major donor and independent expenditure committees that do not receive contributions are not required to complete Part 3. COM -Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH Other PTY -Political Party SCC -Small Contributor Committee LATE INDEPENDENT EXPENDITURE REPORT CALIFORNIA 4no FORM au l.D. NUMBER (If applicable) 1247509 AMOUNT INTEREST RATES RECEIVED If loan, enter .interest rate, if any too % If loan, 2.00 enter interest rate, if any % &.oou .~ enter int te, if any D % If loan. enter interest rate. if any % If loan, enter interest rate, if any % If loan. enter interest rate. if any % ID/3o/OL FPPC Form 496 (June/01) FPPC Toll-Free Helpline: 866/ASK-FPPC 866/275-3772