Committee to Elect Janet Gibson for School Board 497Late Contribution Report Type or print In ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. CITY Lato ContribLition(s) Received DATf: FULL NAME, MAILING ADDRC:SS AND ZIP CODE OF CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR RECEIVED (IF COMMITTEE. ALSO ENTER l.D. NUMBER) CODE* CtA_1>rr;/ti..... //la_c.Ji12.r-s ~so.ic. D IND /J.> vc.~ 13eJ·~~ rP/!Jt il::: 74 I <f '-11 ·-'-'--'-· ~IND G~~~L/d~w : ; D COM er la //Y] ~ ~/!-9 .!::> {) / 0 OTH 0 IND D COM DOTH D IND 0 COM 0 OTH D IND 0 COM 0 OTH ~ntribut~>r Codes ~' -Individual COM--Recipient Committee OTH-Other I erk' s Office IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER (IF SElF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NAME OF BUSINESS) AMOUNT RECEIVED FPPC Folm 497 1~8199) For Technical Asslsi:ance: 016/324''.··5660 State of Call'/ ornia City Clerk n_:.L TT __ 11 \ ..... ,dl.-.Y .LJ.U...l.l Alameda, CA 94501 11-05-2000 I am the treasurer for the Janet Gibson for School Board Committee here in requirement to fill out a form 497 for late contributions of$ I 000 or more. The Janet Gibson for School I3oard Committee did receive a contribution of $1000 from the Association for Better Citizenship, a committee of the California Teachers Association on 10/31/2000. The lack of reporting was in no way intentional. I tried my best to be informed (I attended the FPPC training in San Francisco in August) but this was just my error or oversight. Please take this lack of knowledge into consideration as you review this. Thank you SharonBrunetti ~ ~~ Treasurer 1813 Fremont Drive Alameda, 94501