Friends of the Alameda Free Library 461Majt)r Donor «:ind ONOR AND INDEPENDENT EXPENDITURE COMMITTEE STATEMENT lnd~pem:Jent Expenditur·e Cqmmitteel'~ Campaign Statement · l..A Type or print in ihk. (Government Code Sectibns 84200-84216.5) D Ari1endment Date of election if applicable: ! AUG 0 1 2000 (Montli, Day, Year) of~ sEE1Nsrnucr10NsONf!EVERSE __ , u.~--~-Clerk's Offic For Official Use Only 1. Name ~ind A~s of f'_il_e_r ___ _. _________ ,___,t-3-.-S-t-im_m_a._ry _ _.. __ _... ________ _.i. __ ,_ NAME OF FILER (Include name(s) of all affiliated entities v1hose contributions are included in this statet/BL!J./t.. '/ £ii>1io;{fsf t05 _DE. I H £ (NIJiitl%tfnQ4 F._IZ.fJe CITY 4-vr Ai/)" 1.1... r>A a~ STATE~· RESi 0 0NSIBLE OFFICER AREA CODE/DAYTIME PHONE (lffil.er is ~e.Hhan an individu~I) 1 J _;,ti/~ &.jJ_~J D;o 50?3~5ap; 2. Nature and lr'1teres;ts o"fFlief~p1e1e each applicable section.) 0 A FILER THAT JS AN INDIVIDUAL MUST LIST THE NAME, .O.DDRESS, AND BLSINESS INTERESTS ?F EMPLOYER OR, IF SELF-EMPLOYED, THE NAME, ADDRESS, ,O.ND NATURE OF THE BUSINESS NAME OF EMPLOYER/BUSINESS BUSINESS INTERESTS Ai3iJR'E'Ss. OF EMPLOYER/BUSINESS (Amounts may be rounded to Vlhole dollars.) 1. Expenditures and contributions (including loc:ins) of $100 or more made this period. (Part 5.) ............................................. $ L 01 0 q_Q_ 2. Uniternized e·xpenditures and contributions (including loans) under $100 made this period. .................................................. $ ----- 3. Total expenditures ~nd contributions made this period. (Add Lini:is 1 + 2.) ........... SUBTOTAL $ I 0' oe v 4. Total expenditures and contributions made from prior statement. (Enter amount from Line 5 of last statement filed. If this is the first statement for the calendar year, enter zero.)....................................... $ ____ _ 5. Total expenditures and contributiqns (including loans) made since January 1 of the current calendar year. (Add Lines 3 + 4.) ............................................... TOTAL $ _/. 0,• DD 0 0-A-Fl-LE-R-TH_A_T-IS_A_B_U_S-IN-E-SS_E_N_T-ITY--M-US_T_D_E_S-CR-l-BE-T~.H-E_B_U-S 0 IN--ES_S_A_C_T-IV-ITY~IN-·W-H_l_C_H-IT-IS~~:J.._~-------~----·-----..--------~------..:..--~,___--- ENGAGED 4. Verification f;J-"'\ FILER THAT IS AM ASSOCIATION MUST PROVIDE A SPECIFIC DESCRIPTION OF ITS INTERESTS I have us13d all reasonable diligence in preparing this statement. I have reviewed the statement and to the best of rl\Y knov.•ledge the informatior1 cohtaineq herein is true and complete. I certify uncler penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. FPPC Form 461 (8/99) iFor Technical Assistance: 916/322-5660 State of C~llfornia Major Donor and Independent Expenditure Committee Campaign Statement SEE INSTRUQTIONS ON REVERSE NAl'JjE OF FIL(:R Type i)r print 1'1 ink. Amount11 may be roundecl to w~ole dollars. 5. Contributicms (Including Loans, Forgiveness of loans, and Loan Guarantees) and Expenditures Made (If more ijpace is needed, L!Se additional copies of this page for continuation sheets.) DATE NAr,1E AND ADDRESS OF PAYEE (IF COMMITTEE, ALSO ENTER LO NUMBER) ·------·---.---·---. '-t £3 fl.1+.p., y Zoo o ~ 4 U} /1-t MA-t CA- °tY S-0 / ---.------.---·---. ---.---·---.---·---. ---!----·------·------·--- TYPE OF PAYMENT ' . ' ------~onetiiry Contribution CJ Loan CJ Non-Monetary Contrihution CJ Independent Expen(liture ------CJ Monetary Contribution CJ Loan CJ Non-Monetary Contribution CJ Independent Expenditure ·---.---· CJ Monetary Contribution CJ loan CJ Non-Monetary Contribution CJ Independent Expenciiture ·------· CJ Monetary Contribution CJ Loan CJ Non-Monetary Contrif:lution CJ Independent Expen(liture DE$CRIPTICiN OF PAYMENT (IF OTH~R THAN t.jONETARY CONTi:~IBUTION (/R LOAN) . CANDIDATE AND OFFICE, MEASURE AND JURISDICTION, OR COMMITTEE : ' ' ---------PR.0pos.-eD L.18M!<..y f3c) /) ,0 :---:---:---: a Support [J Oppos!'J . ' ' . ,---.---.---. 0 Support D Oppose ·------·--- :---:---:---: 0 Support D Oppose AMOUNT THIS PERIOD CUMUl..A TIVE AMOUNT RELATIVE TO THIS CANDIDATE, MEASURE, OR COMMITIEE__ Calendar Year $L~..:L_ Other $-:--·-- Calendar Year $-.--:-- Other $-:--:-- CalendarY!lar $-:--:-- Other $-:--:-----.------.----!-------·+---------- :---:---:---: 0 Support 0 Oppose SUBTOTAL$ Calendar Year $-:--:-- Other $-:--:-- FPPC Form 4(\1 (8/99) For Technical A!i>sistanc1>: 916/322-5660