Resolution 13398CITY OF ALAMEDA RESOLUTION NO.13398 APPROVING TENTATIVE MAP 7302 AT 3500 OLEANDER (BAY COVE DEVELOPMENT) WHEREAS, an application was made on September 14, 2000 by Carl Wesenberg representing Bay Cove LLC, requesting approval of a Tentative Map to create a 28 lot single family subdivision with an average lot size of approximately 2,800 square feet on a 2.8 acre site; and WHEREAS, the application was accepted as complete on June 1, 2001; and WHEREAS, the subject property is designated Medium Density Residential on the General Plan Diagram; and WHEREAS, the subject property is located in a R -2 -PD (Two Family Residential Planned Development) Zoning District; and WHEREAS, the Planing Board held a public hearing on this application on August 13, 2001, and recommeded that the City Council approve Tentative Map 7302: WHEREAS, the City Council held a public hearing on this application on September 18, 2001 and examined pertinent maps, drawings, and documents; and WHEREAS, the City Council made the following findings: The design of the proposed subdivision inconsistent with the General Plan which specifies residential uses for this site. 2. The site is physically suitable for the type of development proposed. The site will be graded to accommodate the proposal. 3. The site is physically suitable for the proposed density of development. The density is less than the maximum density of one unit per 2,000 square feet of parcel area. 4. The design of the subdivision or proposed improvement will not cause substantial environmental damage or substantially and avoidably injure fish or wildlife or their habitat. A Mitigated Negative Declaration has been prepared which evaluated the environmental impacts of the project. 5. The design of the subdivision or the type of improvements will not cause serious public health problems. The proposal is for a residential uses at the site. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council adopted Mitigated Negative Declaration, IS- 00 -05, to address the environmental impacts related to the project; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council approves Tentative Map, TM -7302, subject to the following conditions: 1. All improvements shall be designed and constructed at no cost to the City in accordance with the City of Alameda standard plans and specifications unless otherwise indicated, as approved by the City Engineer. City costs for review and approval (through acceptance of improvements) shall be paid for in a timely manner by the developer. 2. Maintenance responsibilities for public and other common facilities shall be as specified herein or as shall be stated on the tentative map. I. PRIOR TO RECORDATION OF THE FINAL MAP OR APPROVAL OF THE IMPROVEMENT PLANS 3. The final map shall conform to the requirements of the Subdivision Map Act, Alameda Municipal Code regulations (Chapter 30, Article VI), and shall be satisfactory to the City Engineer and Planning and Building Director. 4. All conditions conferred in the City of Alameda Planning Board and City Council resolutions approving the Tentative Map applicable to the Final Map shall be deemed satisfactory to the City Engineer and Planning and Building Director. 5. Deeds, title report of property owner(s), adjoiner deeds and closure calculations shall be provided. 6. The final map shall be modified to combine Lots 24 and 25 into a single lot. Subdivision Agreement 7. The subdivider shall execute and file an agreement with the City of Alameda specifying the period within which the subdivider shall complete all improvement work in accordance with the approved tentative map and the Standard Subdivision Improvement Specifications to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and pursuant to Section 30 -85.3 of the Alameda Municipal Code. 8. The Subdivision Agreement shall provide that if the developer fails to complete the required improvements within a specified period, the City may complete the work and recover all costs and expenses thereof from the subdivider or, his successors in interest. 2 9. The agreement shall provide for construction inspection costs to be charged as a flat five percent (5 %) of the estimated cost of improvements (excluding contingencies) payable prior to the issuance of grading permits, demolitions permits or Final Map Recordation. All other City costs shall be billed on a time and material basis. 10. The subdivider shall file with the agreement such good and sufficient improvement security as is deemed sufficient in the foil"' of cash deposits, bonds of duly authorized corporate securities or acceptable instruments of credit approved by the ` City Attorney. The improvement security shall be as follows: a. One hundred (100 %) percent of the total estimated cost of the improvement, except for landscape improvements, conditioned upon the faithful performance of the agreement; and b. Fifty (50 %) percent of the total estimated cost of the improvement, securing labor and materials. Upon satisfactory completion of the improvements, ten (10 %)percent of the improvement security shall be retained to guarantee and warranty the work for a period of one (1) year following the completion and acceptance thereof against defective work, including landscaping. The specific security shall be to the satisfaction of the City Engineer in consultation with the City Attorney. 11. The subdivider shall file with the agreement such good and sufficient improvement security as is deemed sufficient in the form of cash deposits, bonds of duly authorized corporate securities or acceptable ' instruments of credit approved by the City Attorney. The improvement security shall be as follows: a. One hundred (100 %) percent of the total estimated cost of the landscape improvements conditioned upon the faithful performance of the agreement; and b. Fifty (50 %) percent of the total estimated cost of the improvement, securing labor and materials. One year after satisfactory completion of the landscape improvements, the improvement security shall be returned to the subdivider. The specific security shall be to the satisfaction of the City Engineer in consultation with the City Attorney. Dedications and Easements 12. All easements and street dedications shall be shown on the Final Map. 3 13. The portion of the subdivision within Oleander Avenue shall be dedicated to the public for the uses and purposes of a public street. 14. The private street shall be dedicated as an emergency vehicle access, utility, and East Bay Municipal Utility District easements; 15' and 22.5' wide public storm drain easements for the 30" and 54" storm drain pipe shall be provided. 15. No masonry or heavy walls or structures including eaves, foundations, chimneys, barbecues, etc. shall be permitted in easements dedicated within the Tract. Trees, wood fences, and minor ornamental structures, may be permitted within public utility easements only by written approval of the City Engineer. 16. Two copies of the Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC &Rs) shall be filed with the Final Map. These shall be submitted to and approved by the City Engineer, Planning and Building Director and City Attorney prior to filing of the Final Map. At a minimum the CC &Rs shall set forth the following: a. The criteria for maintenance of the private street and the infrastructure contained therein; b. The frequency for maintaining the tract drainage system including inlet filters, if any; c. Reporting mechanism for infrastructure maintenance: telephone /contact information for replacement of street lights, reporting of sanitary sewer blockage, etc. d. Include a requirements as set out in Planning Board Resolution PB- 01 -52, Conditions #17,20,22,36 &39. 17. A financing mechanism acceptable to the City to maintain the following common facilities and improvements shall be established as follows: a. The private streets including infrastructure elements within the private street (i.e. sanitary sewers, storm drain filters and pipes, sidewalk, curb &gutter /street pavement, signage and markings). b. All landscaping and irrigation improvements_ within the tract including curbside landscape strips and street trees. 18. Prior to recordation of the Final Map, the subdivider shall submit an instrument acceptable to the City Engineer, in consultation with the Planning and Building Director and City Attorney (e.g. CC &Rs, a declaration of conditions, deed restrictions, etc.) that alerts future property owners to the maintenance obligations and other limitations that might affect the use of this property. The CC &Rs shall reference Mitigation Measure #19 of the Initial Study (IS 00 -05) regarding aviation easement between property owner deed and Port of Oakland. 4 Improvement Plans, Specifications and Engineer' s Estimate 19. Complete Improvement Plans, including profiles, sections and specifications shall be prepared by the developer' s engineer and completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Improvement plans shall be provided on 24 "x36" sheets drawn to a scale of 1 " =20' or 1"=40'. All submittals (10 sets) shall be delivered to the Building Services Division, Room 190, City Hall, for routing and review. 20. Complete landscape and irrigation plans and specifications for street landscaping, front yard landscaping and common area landscaping shall be prepared by a licensed landscape architect and completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and Planning and Building Director. All submittals (10 sets) shall be delivered to the Building Services Division, Room 190, City Hall, for routing for review. Sheet size shall be 24 "x36" or to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Landscaping shall be in accordance with the City Ordinance No 2389 and Alameda Municipal Code 30 -58 (Water Conversation). Street tree spacing and species shall be to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and Planning and Building Director. Plans and specifications shall be prepared by a licensed landscape architect and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and the Planning and Building Director. Clearances of trees from street improvements and furnishings shall be as follows: a. Fire hydrants 6 feet. b. Driveways (top of wing) - 3 feet. c. Stop signs or curb returns -15 feet d. Electroliers - 25 feet on near side as a vehicle approaches, and 25 feet desirable on far side, but the far side distances may be reduced to 20 feet if needed. e. Storm drains, sanitary sewers, and gas lines (mains and services) - 5 feet. f. Water, telephone, and electrical mains- 5 feet. g. Water, telephone and electrical services -2 feet. 21. Improvement plans and specifications shall include erosion and sediment control plan incorporating best management practices as found in the latest edition of the Erosion and Sediment Control Field Manual produced by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, San Francisco Bay region and shall be reviewed and approved to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Runoff retention shall be maximized through natural vegetation and planting. The developer shall be responsible for ensuring that all contractors and subcontractors are aware of and implement all storm water quality control measures. Failure to comply with the approved construction BMP's shall result in the issuance of correction notices, citations and/ or a project stop order. 22. The project specifications shall also incorporate waste management practices and use of recycled materials to the extent possible and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Information on recycled content building products may be obtained from the City's Environmental Services Division or the Alameda County Waste Management Authority. 5 23. Geotechnical and environmental assessment reports shall be provided prior to approval of the improvement plans. A letter from the geotechnical engineer shall be provided to the City Engineer stating the Improvement Plans have been reviewed and that the plans are consistent with the recommendations of the geotechnical report. 24. Signatures of all utility companies shall be obtained on the Improvement Plans prior to obtaining the City Engineer' s signature. 25. Mylar copies of the Improvements and Landscape Plans shall be provided along with ten prints of each of the plans and specifications after obtaining the City Engineer' s signature. 26. An engineer' s estimate shall be prepared in spreadsheet foini'showing estimated costs for all proposed improvements. Quantities shall be in units with unit prices. The total cost shall include a 20% increase to allow for contingencies. Submittals (3 sets) shall be delivered to the City Engineer for review. 27. Standard City monuments shall be provided along Hillary Way at all street angle points and at intermediate points along the block such that the distance between monuments does not exceed 600 feet. Monuments shall be in accordance with the City of Alameda standard plan Drawing 3174, Case 54. Street Improvements 28. The private street name shall be Hillary Way, in accordance with the City's Street Naming Policy. 29. Street name signs shall be placed at all street intersections. Two street sign installations shall be installed at each intersection unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer.' The signs at Oleander shall incorporate both street names, Melrose Avenue and Hillary Way, with directional arrows to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Signs shall be in conformance to the City of Alameda Drawing 7025B, Case 404 and Drawing 5700, Case 404. 30. All curb and gutter shall be per City standard plans having 6" curb heights and 1.5' wide gutter. The private street (Hillary Way) shall provide for a minimum curb- to -curb width of 20 feet, and 24 feet at the S- curve. The street shall be signed for no on- street parking. Street cross slopes shall be 2% with centerline crown. 31. Private street cross sections shall include a four (4) foot wide sidewalk on at least one side of the street as approved by the City Engineer. The cross section of Oleander Avenue shall conform to the existing street cross section. 6 32. The driveway entrance to Lot 27 shall be reduce in width to 10' maximum for an approximate length of 40' to provide additional sideyard landscaping adjacent to Lot 26. 33. The proposed extension of Catalina Avenue is allowed per the owner' s statement of the final map of Tract 5527 (Lighthouse Cove). Catalina Avenue within Tract 5227 is a private street with a gate at the west end. 34. Curb returns shall be provided at the end of Catalina Avenue adjacent to the combined Lot 24/25 & Lot 26 to facilitate street sweeping to the approval of the City Engineer. 35. The stamped concrete entrance to the subdivision at Oleander Avenue shall be constructed consistent with the City' s standard plan for commercial driveways having a thickness of six (6) inches unless additional thickness is required by the geotechnical report. Stamped concrete shall be designed based on a 50,000lb wheel - loading for fire trucks. 36. The tract entry island at Hillary Way shall be configured to provide for adequate emergency vehicle turning movements from Oleander Avenue to the approval of the City Engineer and Fire Chief. 37. If the construction is to be completed in phases, it shall be planned so that traffic flow is allowed throughout the completed area of the Tract. Temporary paved turn - around shall be provided unless Hillary Way is completed in its entirety. Emergency access shall also be provided during construction. 38. All street pavement sections shall be designed in accordance with the design procedure for Flexible Pavement as set forth in Section 608.4 of the State of California Highway Design Manual, except that such design shall not be less than the following minimums or their equivalents: The residential private street section shall be based on a TI of 4 and shall be minimum 2- inches asphalt concrete on 8- inches aggregate base. Pavement structural section calculations shall be provided based on R- values and recommendations contained within the geotechnical report. 39. All curbs, gutter, and sidewalks shall be installed in accordance with City of Alameda standards. Sidewalk shall be a minimum of 4' in width. Reinforcing bars should be installed in curbs where subsidence is predicted. Wheelchair ramps shall be constructed at all street intersections or crossings where the sidewalk meets the curb. A concrete valley gutter shall be provided across Hillary Way at Oleander Avenue. 40. A stop sign and pavement "STOP" marking shall be provided on Hillary Way at Oleander Avenue. A sign designating "PRIVATE STREET "shall be placed at the Hillary Way /Oleander Avenue entrance to the development. 7 41. Signage restricting parking along Hillary Way shall be required at locations to be determined by the City Engineer. Signage may be placed on street electroliers to reduce pole clutter. 42. If models homes are to be constructed, parking shall be provided on -site and shall be to the approval of the City Engineer and Planning Director. Improvement plans for the model home parking area (lot) shall be provided for review and approval. Street Lights 43. The subdivider has indicated street light locations along Hillary Way. Street light spacing and illumination requirements shall be to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and the City of Alameda Power & Telecom (AP &T). In general, spacing will depend upon type of luminaries, width of street, traffic and proper location of lights, and illumination level. Additional street lights shall be provided as necessary to meet illumination requirements of AP &T. A street light shall be provided at the intersection of Hillary Way with Oleander Avenue. 44. Reinforcing shall be provided in concrete sidewalks around utility and pull boxes in accordance to the City' s standard plan. Grading & Drainage 45. A grading plan shall be required as part of the improvement plan submittal for all areas within the subdivision to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Sufficient tests and analysis by an approved soils engineer shall be taken to determine the proper allowances if future subsidence is predicted. All swales shall be designed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. 46. Surface drainage shall slope away from all buildings. The minimum acceptable grade for surface flow and swales, except paved areas, after settlement, is 1 %. 47. Roof leader down spouts shall outfall and not be connected to pipes draining to curb face. 48. Grades along the exterior boundaries of the new development shall not interfere with the natural drainage of the surrounding areas. Slope areas or retaining walls shall be provided where proposed grades do not match existing grades. Sloped areas shall not direct drainage across adjacent property lines. Approved storm drainage systems shall be provided, if necessary, to ensure proper drainage of areas adjacent to the development. 49. Mitigation measure #4 of Initial Study IS -00 -05 states that the upper 3 feet of soil in areas to receive structures or improvements shall be subexcavated and replaced with compacted structural fill. Some of the proposed structures and improvements will be near the existing adjacent tract concrete retaining wall. The subdivider shall provide a letter from a licensed structural engineer stating that the proposed grading operations will not cause instability of 8 the wall. Any recommendations or special procedures for excavating near the wall shall be identified on the improvement plans by note and/or detail. 50. The existing concrete retaining wall has intermittent weep holes. The developer s engineer, shall evaluate the existing weep holes in relation to the proposed development finished grades. Any modifications, abandonment or relocation, shall be shown on the improvement plans and be reviewed and approved by the geotechnical engineer. 51. Storm drain design shall be based on a 10 -year storm. Calculations for pipe capacity including tributary map and hydraulic grade line shall be submitted and approved by the City Engineer. 52. Storm drain lines shall be a minimum of 12" in diameter and shall be reinforced concrete pipe /rubber gasket. The distance between storm drain manholes shall not exceed 350 feet. All stonui drain pipe shall be placed in a straight line between structures, both horizontally and vertically. No curved storm drain lines shall be allowed. 53. All storm drain pipes shall have a minimum cover of 24 inches. Storm drain pipes shall not be located under parkway areas (i.e., between the curb and sidewalk), curbs or sidewalks. 54. The improvements plans shall indicate that the existing 30" and 54" storm drain line, and the proposed 15" storm drain line on Oleander Avenue to the first manhole at the Tract are public and that all other lines are private. 55. Catch basin inlets shall be provided with curb inlets, not grates. 56. All storm drain inlets shall be stenciled with thermoplastic labeled "No Dumping - Drains to Bay". 57. No drainage shall cross any lot line other than for public /private streets or common areas unless an easement is provided. 58. Cut sheets for installation of pipe shall be prepared under the direction of and signed by a registered civil engineer or licensed land surveyor and to the approval of the City Engineer. Sanitary Sewer Facilities 59. Sanitary sewer calculations shall be provided to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. 60. Sanitary sewers shall be designed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. All sanitary sewer mains shall be a minimum of eight (8) inches in diameter with standard manholes placed at a maximum distance of 350' and straight runs between structures (no curved sewers). 9 61. Standard city manholes shall be provided. A manhole shall be provided at the Oleander Avenue tract boundary to differentiate between the public and private sewer main facility. 62. Standard City of Alameda two -way property cleanouts shall be provided at all house laterals and shall conform to Drawing 8397, Case 34. Utilities 63. The developer shall underground all utility lines and shall comply with the requirements and standards of the utility provider. Whenever possible, utility mains, sewer and other conduits shall be parallel and have a minimum of 5 feet horizontal clearance between each other. Where they cross, they shall cross each other at right angles or as near to right angles as possible, and shall have a vertical clearance of at least 0.30 feet. 64. All trenching shall meet the standards of the utility companies and as approved by the City Engineer. 65. Fire hydrants shall be installed to the satisfaction of the City of Alameda Fire Chief and the East Bay Municipal Utility District. 66. All utilities shall be shown on the improvement plans. Signatures from the various utility companies shall be included on the improvement plans prior to final signing of the plans by the City Engineer. 67. All manhole frames and covers, monument frames and covers, water and gas valve covers, or any other access openings through the street pavement shall be to final grade prior to the final course of asphalt concrete. Cutting of the new surface shall not be permitted in order to adjust these frames and covers to final grade. 68. Any existing streets that are cut for the connection of streets or utilities shall be patched with a standard street patch conforming to the City' s standard plan. II, PRIOR TO GRADING 69. Prior to issuance of a grading permit the developer shall provide to the satisfaction of the City Engineer that Mitigation Measures #1,2 &3 of the Initial Study (IS 00 -05) dealing with migratory bird nesting, Section 401 and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, and identifying and maintaining wetlands restoration have been completed or waived by the governing agency. 70. A grading plan, approved by the City Engineer shall be required. The grading plan shall be consistent with the recommendations of the geotechnical report as accepted by the City Engineer and per Mitigation Measures #4 -14 of the Initial Study (IS 00 -05). 10 71. A registered geotechnical engineer shall be on site to: a. Oversee filling of the site. Testing services shall be provided. The minimum soils sampling and testing frequency shall conform to Chapter 8 of the Caltrans Construction Manual. The subdivider shall require the geotechnical engineer to submit all testing, sampling and reports to the City Engineer. b. Observe areas of potential soil instability; c. Supervise the implementation of soil remediations; and d. Verify final soil conditions prior to setting foundations. 72. Erosion shall be prevented by stabilizing all disturbed areas and ensuring that debris does not reach stoini drains. 73. A traffic control plan (indicating number of trucks, hours, origin, and destination) shall be provided for approval by the City Engineer. Access to the site for construction vehicles and equipment shall be from the south end of the property (through North Loop Road and Harbor Bay Business Park, not Maitland Drive). 'A construction access easement shall be obtained from Harbor Bay Isle Associates to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. 74. A Storm Water Prevention Plan (SWPP) shall be provided to the satisfaction of the Engineer to assure urban runoff requirements for construction work between October 15 - April 15. III. PRIOR TO START OF CONSTRUCTION 75. All necessary City permits (i.e. building, grading, excavation, etc.) shall be obtained. All other agency permits as may apply (Regional Water Quality Control Board, Army Corps of Engineers, California Fish & Game), shall be obtained and if waived or found not applicable, supporting evidence shall be provided to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. 76. Cut sheets for installation of pipe shall be prepared under the direction of and signed by a registered civil engineer or licensed land surveyor and to the approval of the City Engineer 77. Prior to start of construction work the developer shall submit a waste management plan or report for the construction debris to the approval of the City Engineer and City' s Environmental Services Division. This can be in any foiinat but shall include the following: a. Contractor' s name, address, and telephone number b. Project location and/or street address c. A list of materials expected to be generated (e.g., concrete, asphalt, wood), the tonnage or volume of each material, how it is to be reused, recycled, and the destination/processor 11 for that reuse, or recycling. If unable to reuse /recycle, document quantity and type of material generated, and explain why the material could not be reused or recycled, indicating the final destination for disposal. 78. The subdivider shall prepare a project public informational handout to the satisfaction of the City Engineer for distribution to adjacent property owners prior to start of construction. IV. PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION WITH COMBUSTIBLE MATERIALS 79. Required water system improvements shall be completed and operational prior to start of combustible construction. V. DURING CONSTRUCTION 80. All construction vehicles shall adhere to City of Alameda truck routes using Doolittle Drive entrance to Alameda. Access to the site for construction vehicles and equipment shall be from the south end of the property (through North Loop Road and Harbor Bay Business Park, not Maitland Drive). Traffic control shall be maintained and may be adjusted accordingly as conditions warrant, as approved by the City Engineer. 81. The following control measures for construction noise, grading, and construction activities shall be adhered to, unless otherwise modified or approved by the City Engineer. These control measures shall also apply during grading activities: a. Construction activity is limited to 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Noise- generating construction activities shall be limited to the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. No construction activity shall be permitted on Sundays or State and Federal holidays. Work requiring City inspection beyond 3:30 p.m. will require payment of City inspector at time and one- half (1 -1/2); b. Grading and construction equipment shall be properly muffled. Unnecessary idling of grading and construction equipment is prohibited; c. Stationary noise - generating construction equipment, such as compressors, shall be located as far as practicable from occupied residential housing units; d. A noise disturbance coordinator shall be designated who shall be responsible for responding to any local complaints about construction noise; e. All dirt, gravel, rubbish, refuse and waste shall be removed from the sidewalk, street pavement, and storm drain system adjoining the project site During wet weather, driving vehicles off paved areas and other outdoor work shall be avoided; f. Clean up daily of trash and debris shall occur on all public streets in the project vicinity and along fill haul routes. Broom -sweep sidewalks and adjoining public streets on a daily basis. Sweep with water sweepers, as required, all paved access roads, parking areas and staging areas at construction sites. g. The site shall be watered as needed to control dust emission; h. A contained and covered area on the site shall be created for the storage of cement bags, 12 paints, flammables, oils, fertilizers, pesticides, or any other materials used on the project site that have the potential for being discharged to the stoini drain system by wind or in the event of a material spill. All construction debris shall be gathered on a regular basis and place them in a dumpster or other container which is emptied or removed on a weekly basis. When appropriate, use tarps on the ground to collect fallen debris or splatters that could contribute to stormwater pollution. In order to retain any debris or dirt flowing into the City storm drain system, filter materials (such as sandbags, filter fabric, etc.) shall be installed at the stout' drain inlet nearest the downstream side of the project site prior to the start of the rainy season (October 15, 2001) and prior to initiating any of the following' activities: (1) site dewatering activities; (2) street washing activities; (3) saw cutting asphalt or concrete Filter materials shall be maintained and/or replaced as necessary and shall be disposed of in the trash. k. Machinery, tools, brushes, etc. shall not be cleared or containers rinsed into a street, gutter, stoinu drain or stream. See the City's Building Maintenance/Remodeling flyer for more information. 1. Concrete /gunite supply trucks or concrete /plaster finishing operations shall not discharge wash water into street gutters or drains; m. Site inspections shall be conducted before and after each storm event, and every 24 hours for extended storm events, to identify areas that contribute to erosion and sediment problems or any other pollutant discharges. If additional measures are needed, revise the SWPPP and implement the measures immediately. Document all inspection findings and actions taken; n. All erosion prevention and sediment control measures shall be maintained and repaired throughout the season. Replacement supplies should be kept on hand and/or on site; 82. Testing services shall be provided. The minimum soils sampling and testing frequency shall conform to Chapter 8 of the Caltrans Construction Manual. The subdivider shall require the geotechnical engineer to submit all testing, sampling and reports to the City Engineer. 83. Upon approval of the plans and specifications by the City Engineer any changes to the improvement plans necessitated during construction shall require approval of the City Engineer through a change order submitted through the City' s Building Services Division by the owner's engineer. Change orders shall conform to City' s format which will include listing of changes with signatures by owner, owner's engineer and City Engineer and the revised improvement plan sheets. 13 VI. PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS 84. No building permit shall be issued until the final map has been recorded except as otherwise permitted by the Map Act and as approved by the City Engineer. 85. Individual plot plans showing building foundation foot print, lot boundary, offset dimensions of buildings to property lines, swales and drainage inlets, hi /low /spot/pad elevations necessary for final grading shall be provided to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Sheet size shall be 8 %2" x11 ". 86. All applicable fees including the Citywide Development Fee shall be paid In accordance with the fee schedule in effect at the time of issuance of building permits. VII. PRIOR TO ACCEPTANCE OF IMPROVEMENTS 87. Any improvements damaged during construction shall be repaired to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Pavement repair, reconstruction, or full asphaltic concrete overlay will be required by the City Engineer for pavement damaged during construction. 88. All tract improvements shall be installed and the tract final inspection shall have been performed and approved by the City Engineer. 89. Landscaping and irrigation improvements shall have been installed and certified by the landscape architect, and shall be subject to final inspection and approval by the City Engineer and Planning Director. 90. Developer shall obtain signatures of approval of all utility companies as to installation of the utilities to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. 91. Developer shall have completed all permit conditions, paid outstanding bills to the City, and obtained final permit sign- offs. 92. As -built plans of all tract improvements including landscaping and irrigation shall be submitted to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. As -built drawings shall be provided in Mylar form. As -built drawings of the improvement plans shall also be provided in AutoCAD CD -ROM form. ALAMEDA POWER &TELECOM 93. Primary distribution line extension will be required to provide electric service to the proposed residential development. The developer's electrical consultant or contractor shall coordinate with Alameda Power and Telecom's Engineering Section regarding power requirements. 14 94. The developer shall provide all necessary underground substructures, including conduits, primary and secondary pull boxes, transformer pad, etc. to the satisfaction of Alameda Power & Telecom. 95. The developer shall furnish and install Code -sized copper service cables in Code -sized conduit from each house to Alameda Power &Telecom's nearest secondary pull box. Alameda Power & Telecom will connect the customer's service cables in this secondary box. 96. The developer shall furnish and install EUSERC - compliant service equipment to each dwelling unit. 97. The developer shall furnish, at no charge to Alameda Power & Telecom easement and access to all electrical utility facilities that are in the private property. 98. Alameda Power &Telecom will take ownership and will be responsible for maintaining the new underground primary and secondary distribution system including the transformer. The customer shall be responsible for the service conduits, service cables, and the service equipment. 99. Alameda Power &Telecom will charge the owner/ developer for all expenses associated with the utility duct system engineering design, plan review, and construction inspection. A check or purchase order shall be required to initiate a work order. Estimated cost for this project is $8,000. 100. The developer's electrical consultant shall submit two sets of approved drawings showing the required electric utility facilities. 101. The developer shall submit an electrical plan for service with Alameda Power & Telecom. The customer shall coordinate their design with Alameda Power &Telecom's Engineering Section. The developer shall pay for all engineering costs incurred by Alameda Power &Telecom. 102. The developer shall be responsible for payment of all construction inspection of electrical substructure by Alameda Power &Telecom. 103. A minimum of 30" clear space not to cross property lines shall be provided for all meter cabinets. ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION 104. A turnaround shall be provided for any street that would otherwise` require the collection truck to back -up a distance grater than 150 feet. A 40 -foot turning radius is adequate for solid waste collection vehicles. 15 105. At the end of the demolition, remodeling or construction project, the contractor shall submit a report to Environmental Services on actual tonnages disposed or recycled for each material, and the actual destination/ processor. 106. The applicant shall insure that non - recyclable construction and demolition debris is removed from the site in one following ways: a. Removed from the premises by a State licensed contractor as part of a total construction, remodeling or demolition service offered by that contractor, rather than as a separately contracted or subcontracted hauling service using drop boxes or similar apparatus; b. Directly, loaded by the contractor onto a fixed body vehicle and hauled directly to a recycling or disposal facility; c. Source separated recyclable or organic material may be collected by a recycler under contract to the City or though private arrangement between the generator and a recycler; d. By contacting the City's franchised waste hauler, Waste management, to arrange for use of rolloff drop boxes or debris box containers with sufficient capacity to store all construction and demolition (C &D) materials to be land filled. 107. Each dwelling unit shall include an area with a minimum of six (6) cubic feet designed for the internal storage of trash and recycling material. A minimum of three (3) cubic feet shall be provided for storage of trash and a minimum of three cubic feet shall be provided for storage of recyclable material. Each single family dwelling unit shall include a minimum of twenty -seven (27) square feet of garage floor space with 48 height clearance designed for internal storage of one trash container and two recycling containers. Alternately, exterior trash and recyclable material storage may be located on the outside of a structure, in a designated interior courtyard with appropriate access, or in rear or side yards. External storage area(s) shall not be located in any required front yard, street side yard, required parking areas, landscaped, or open space, or any areas required by the Alameda Municipal Code to be maintained as unencumbered. 108. All garbage containers, including dumpsters and individual cans or carts, shall have fitted lids which remain closed at all times when the container is not being used or emptied. ALAMEDA FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU 109. All areas of buildings shall be within 150 feet of a road serviceable for a fire apparatus. A secondary means of egress in addition to Hillary Way and Oleander Avenue shall be fumished to the satisfaction of the Fire Marshall. Fire sprinklers are not an option in lieu of a second means of egress. 16 110. Fire hydrant shall be required; the hydrant number, spacing, and flow requirements shall be subject to approval of the Fire Prevention Bureau. 111. All sleeping rooms shall be provided with rescue windows per the 1998 CBC. The Fire Prevention Bureau requires that the fire department have free access to those windows in case of emergency. HOLD HARMLESS 112. Pursuant to California Government Code Section 66474.9(b), the City of Alameda requires as a condition of this Planned Development and Preliminary Design Review approval that Bay Cove, LLC, or its successors in interest, defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of Alameda or its agents, officers, and employees from any claim, action, or proceeding against the City or its agents, officers, and employees to attack, set aside, void, or annul, an approval of the City concerning PD -00 -02 and DR -00 -104 and the proposed construction at 3500 Oleander Avenue which action is brought in the time provide for in Government Code Section 66499.37. The City of Alameda shall promptly notify the applicant of any claim, action or proceeding and the City shall cooperate fully in the defense. If the City fails to promptly notify the applicant of any claim, action, or proceeding, or if the City fails to cooperate fully in the defense, the subdivider shall not hereafter be responsible to defend, indemnify, or hold harmless the City. C: \WPDOCS \DATA \RESO\3TM7302.WPD\Revised 10 \03 17 I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly adopted and passed by the Council of the City of Alameda in a regular meeting assembled on the 18th day of September, 2001, by the following vote to wit: AYES: Councilmembers Daysog, DeWitt, Johnson, Kerr and Mayor Appezzato 5. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTENTIONS: None. IN WITNESS, WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of said City this 19th day of September, 2001. Lara Weisiger, Acting City Clerk City of Alameda