Resolution 02843RESOLUTION NO. 2843 DEELARING 'RESULT OF GENERAL, Lam:mipAL ILERTION dunk) TN TEE clay oz ALAMEDA OE MARSH ,,9L 1943 WHEREAS, a general muniwipal election wan SEAM. L the City- of Alameda on TuesdEy, March 9, 1943, under and pursuant to the provisionb of Article xix, oL the climartor of said city, for the purpose of electing officers ti till. the office of Councilman, for terms as folinws; Two (2) Councilmem. on the Coaacid of said city for two (2) full terms, eabh commbncing at 8 Weleck, pd m., on. the thard Tuesday in April, 1943, alad con - tinuidlg for four (4) years thereafter and until a successor is elected OTA ulified; One (1) Councilmn on the CounciR. of said city for one (1) unexpiren. term, comobacing at 8' o'clockg p. m., on the thErd Tunsday Ea April, 1943) and. con- TAnuing for two (2) years thereafter and until a successor is eibcted and. qualified; and WHAREAS, nominating petitions were duly and nos:mist y presented to, arE Tilted in the office of, thE City Clerk: of the City of naameda, in the thme, form.. and manwar prescribed. by the charter of said. citya nominating' for said off:Loeb the folinming persons, to with TR,,E i.):111112-E CCENCILEAR Walter Ed Howe. Sherwood Sanwa' Frank P. Osborn; ana Kai:NAAS, said nominations were entered in a List, with the affEces to be filled, which list was certiffmd to and, filed im the timE, form and nanner re- quired by said °hurter, whereupon an election proclamation signed by the Mayor of the City of Alameda and attested by thb City Clerk and containing a statement of the time of ita election she officoe to be -Pilled, tne namEs of tue candidates ahb eine prepositions to Pe voted or, as the ssab were by the Council of the City of Alamwda ordonee to be printed and appear on the ballot, WE0 duly and regnipriy issued mbre tran 10 days before sada election add was tarnished twice in Ems offi- cial newsnEbar of sald city, the last publication theroof beim.; more z...1,byi 5 days before the Pats or said olection; and WLEREAS, title OT tbe dity of Alamedu, belnu the libsisiativo Pody theroof, burs-Jane, to Hui provILLAns of' Aiticie EI, See. 8, of the Sonotitution of' the 3aait,: of Califerpla, on its owa motion Qflil by Rosoldtion Re. 2829, duly adopted 9R 2)218bNRY 28: 1.9C:, a:Roped suamitted, phd entaittod, to inn plea-ors oa said ciin, at sdid general. municipal. bloc:hien, semea separate optmemitis for amending hno cbarter of :add City of Alatsca, Mr-Min drodssain mere sof fsrth in amid mossittien smi separetsly aaa cot.aaaataTely ttm'ae_rad cs Pratoaai ;tat. 2 to Prouhenta No. 7 imhissiab, and which nroposals drh fully sht font, in soid Resolu- tion No. 282E and are Annaba pcNurred ts by tnib; reYibyzenoc. liaaa a tatt to ala attests ern pureodes as thodsh friiy sot fortn hcruile, )(SEMMES, by Aoselution no. ANSI, aloptdd lbornamy 1, Reif, tido Colncil ef amid city dhoihribed hie fdAm o2 the title dad statotbht el each proposal for the adoption of sold nrotosed caerfor amemamemts reopectivelAR us tne sett, aconud difidmr dn the trallst to Po ashd at said mensfel minim-Thai election, wdben titles And otetements as set fords dr said desorthlor are heresy re-furred to wad by thle rofdretwa tade a aat't hereof for dila intents and dorposas as theadan Eilly oet fortu heroin; WHEREAS, each, title and statehmat for the adoption. af (dawn of said pro- posed (Smarter amendments was printdd. on. the ballot used at said. general. mbnicalpol. election) in fora. and contents as prescribed by said. resolution, and. WHEREAS, tab dity dounwil dammed each and all of sold proposed. charter mAdarlimmits to be publisheb and advertised in accordance wilth. the provisions of Sec. 81 of Article xa, of the Cohstitatien of tne Stabo of California, on thb 2inth. day of January, 1943, thb AlamebE Times-Star, a. daily newsaapbr of general culation,. ptimbed. and. publeMpihed. in the City of Alamedb.. and the official newspaper of said. city, and.. in each edition thereof during the day- of said publication; and. cosies of sean. proposed. anarter amendments ware printed in. con- 2 . . verient • , mmhiet f(dtm anb. in tgpe of not less than tawbrylEilta and an advertisement that copies tnefwmif could be had. appAiwation. therefor at the office of the City Clerk of the City of Alembda was nablished 3Lid Alameda Timws -Star, a. daily( newspaper of genwral circulation .arinted and publiteheM in said. oity, on the 26th Otaii IalludrilE 1943, a11 d. in. earn. thereafter until and italuding the day fixed. for shid amveral munictinal election. ell 99. '''Cr1.1,-,.'1 by' Article ith of the Constitution of the State of California, and copies of. said. pamphlet oculb be nad at thn office of said City Clerk daring: all of said tthmes; and. WHEREAS, a copy. of said proposed charter amendments, printed. in con- venient pamphlet form and in type of not less than ten-point, was mailed. to earn gralified. elector of the City of Alameda with. the sample ballot, and WHEREAS, thg Council of the City of Alamado, being the leghblatire body of said city, on. its own. motion. and without a ceaRtMko therefor, by. its Resolution No. 2833, dnay passed on Tabruary 16, 19'43, ordared sHamitted, and Mnkce was submitted, to the electors of 101 01 at said general municipal elec- tion a propositiob. for. tbe adoption of' an ordinance wartitic.A.: ORDINANCE MO. 82A, Ngw Series. AN ODIHIndfCE AREND-EEG DiRatICh 5, OD ORDINANCE O. 27, NEW SERIES, 21VIIIIED "AN ORDINANCE PROVIITING FOR A RELIEF, REALIE, LIFE INZUhkEES AND PENSION SEND FOR MEMBERS 02' THE MIRE AND POLICE DREARTIOENTE OF 1h1 CITY OF ALAMEDA; ALEO FOR TEE LOMTHISIREFION OF SAID RUED.", which ordinance is rullth cbt forth. in. SaiA Resolution No. 2'33, and hereby referred. to and made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, the statement of the proposition for the adoption. of thin afore- said ordinance was by the said Council ordered. to be, enM was, printed. on the baiaot used at said. general. municipal election, as follows: PROPOSITION NE. AMENDMENT 02' FIREMEN it ITITGEEN,s InENSION ORDINANCE. SHALL TITS ORDINANCE NO. 82A, Now Series, entitled: "An ordinance amending Section 5, of Ordinange No. 276; Ngw Series, ethaitiand„ 'An ordinanda providing for a relief, health, life insurance and pension fund for meribems of the Fire and. Police Departments of the City of Alamada; also for the adminintration of said fund2;" providing that if a person who has served ten years or more Da aRtner of said departthenia be discharged, suah person shall be entitled to eertair benefits under said. ordinance ex- cept when. such. discharge is for certahm. speci- fied. causes or offenses; providing that a per- son whw has resigned shall not be entitled to a pension; providing that when a persor dies after ha had become entithad to retarement but before applying for or being granted. a pension, than the persohm mentioned. in Saction 2(ba of said ordinance shall. be entitled to a 'pension. as arevidad in said Section. 2th), -Ga ADUCHEDN' an d ° NO WHEREAS, the City. Clerk of the City of Alamwda canaed the aforesaid proposed ordinance to be printed and a copy thereof, enclosed in an enelope with said cample ballot, to be moiled to each voter at least 10 days prior ts said election; and li.dhEAS, there weme 108 election precincts wn. the City of Alasthaa fixed and. established by resolution.. of the Counchl of said city and designated and numnerad consecutively from. 1 to 108 inclusiyemas the election. precincts for holdhng the aforesain general. municipal elaction, said precincts being the same as ware last designated, fixed and established by the Board 32 Supervidohm of the County of A.Lareds, State of California, as the election precincts for rwidirm general state and county electiore within said City of Alameda; and WHEREAS, all. of the ballots used for said. election were prepared, as to form anA contents, as prescribed by law, and a sample ballot bar, mailed to eacn voter of the City of Alameda within. the time and in. toe manner prcided by law and such. mailing has completed. at least 10 whola daym nthicedirg thb date of said election; and. WHEREAS, the officers of election .for said election. were dbly appoirted and. uaed, and. all election surriles furniabad end elebtion boctin provhded for. each precinct ns provided. by law; and WEEREEE, the Council: of the Caty of Alameda an tisio, its next regular meeting follow:iris said election, has met and fully canvassed. tne returns of the votes oust at said geheral municipal aloction as fest:tired by- law, andbeiug fully advised in. the fusels:I:sod, and naving the returns of said canvass before it, NOW, TRUOURETOTCW, TT IS ItlinEEY RESOLVED, ETTTECTINET ANT DEOTAOSSAD RR Ira COUNOIL OF OfTA ALALITA and said Cconcil. finds, as follows: (a.) That said: general municipal. election was held and stanchufteSIA and the votes east thereat received and cdavansed, and the returns tnmreof adders: deterulnod. and. declared, in all respects and particulars in She time, form. end manner ursolled: by law. (21 That the number of votee given at each precinct to each of the aforesaid candidates, and for and assainst aeon. of said. prnuosals dna. said proposi- tion, was as folluwe: ildiesticast, CAEioCat TES E YEAST1dAL rittnfOnd OufflOh df 1AUUs ,-211, 1:0, 1 p. AO, 2.. li% 3 P9961.8,25 .,,,. 06583 -9-6 : -2360 518 -4 0 ....._ ...-.. 2 , 9 4 , 3 39 24 5 22 3 25 .5 14 42 35 :3'3.3 34: 3 5 .9 6 3o 36 3 2 8 68 6 , 6 ..,_ 3 5 36 21 I 1 2? 23, .,.. , 9 5 .3 2n WS Ai 2d 3 aPA 33 3 2 2 6, 3 2 2 a , - 2 7 2 5 2 5 2 3 a6 5 55 6 8 0 45 L 5 3, 9 22 4 24 le 6, 11 3 i 26 36 88 3 4 34 6, 4 13 9 1.8 8 00 2 5 -29 7 5 12 12 :37 2 6 32 32 16 3'31 12 1'4 18 15 9 15 2 I 3 - ,- 9 9 32 2) 4 98 3 3 40 8) 31 3 0 4. 2'5 2 24. 5 9 3' 35 75 2:3 10 6 28 6 4 4 3 o 43 3 3 43 0 34 21 3 33 6 45 21 21 19 2 1 ,.. , ' ? 59 4- 22 5 - 20 D 22 6 3, 54 34' 28 26 26 24 lo ... 5 5 3 26 5 7 9; 2 9 2 3 a ...,... 24. 3 3 3 2 03 50 i 47,23. i 60 353-, 1 cl,3, 1 333.,3":;33) 21.11I52011222 F0S 17 (7 OSA: , R RC 20242 PR ONCSAL OF FiCE CF U ONI2.11NM20.1 110 . P11100 LNG 15 HOSE 203349 033930R34 3E9 6 0 3f4:35 150 12333 NO 51 53 64 511 52 57 08 59 71 73 74 75 70 77 73 83 81 82 83 84 88 05 62 88 98 91 92 93 94 95 56 97 99 99 100 101 402 10S 10/ 105 105 109 103 3:3 46, 2 „ 33 25 (3 25 o 30 38 37 26 23 3 22 2 21 7 23 6 „, 0 29 23 '6 223 5: 2171,L 3,9 _ 327 14 7 33, 2, 9 1 3:9 17 10 4 11 33 31 29 15 14 19 1.0 33 3 3 36 22 15 2C 1.5 2) 22 20 25 3 33). 33 30 17 66 2_9 6 43: 4 9 26 38 b 4:2 4 47 8 4,5 0 32 '7 27 27 45 5,6 43 176 133 179 10 39 54 35 18 6 18 2 27 2,27 27 29 5 36 55 ) ;32 26 9 272 7 35 '34 32, 22 8 „ 2 ,2, 2 6 26 27 22 27 '28 0 ' 1 7 34 .35 25 8 9 3 9 22 27 22 13 5 22 3 25 23 2:3 Li 9 325 7 45 55 13 15 4 3 53.2 25 20 2 b 15 7 27 6 27 1,3 4 12 9 93,3 93. 31 18 7 18 7 3. 9 82 55 19 15 3 133 4 12 3 24 3 15 17 16 30 2 11 2 3 17 15 9 6 3 235, 27 34 5 15 6 26 4 4, 527 6 3 5 5 2 36 3,2 5 20 5 2 22 22 332 20 2,1 33 13 7 21 .2.9 19 6 11 9 22 '27' 27 4 23, 3 27 24 24 1'3 10 5 5 - 3 5 31 23 62 15 24 222 222 .s 7 19 3 28 253 20 3 22 2 28 4.7 433 50 36 353 6 14 3 3 32 2 6 334 44 23 3 3 3 3 0 2 5 0 4. 3 „ 0 25 0 26 22 6 13 i 20 13 26 19 6 4-3 3 36 A 18 23 9 29 19 4 29 4 22 8 14 2 2 4 12 5 15 16 "7 5 5 20 9 2 11 3 8 4 332 9 11 9 8 11 4) 3 16 23 9 18 93. 2 3:3 16 2 5 8 5 4 0 PRO:PC:SAL PRO:80325 12112111CSAL PROPOSAL :PROPOSITIN NO . 1.': NO. 6 _2550 7 US 8 I yEs NO YES NO YES NO FES YO Y.(15''S N'91 11 2 11 2 13 1 12 1 2 18 1 14 4 12 1 4 3/, 33 26 8 35 7 30 4 3 25 8 3 2 3 3 20 2 35 4, 35 3 3,3 1 35, 5. 31 5 32 2 7 1 5 29 5 35 5 8 36 8 71 7 :03, 6 30 80 5 49 .8 11 , , 23 4 27 3 24 5 12 4,5 6 5 .5 5 4:5 8 3 49' 4 13 29 9 28 9 6 29 8 14 22 12 26 10 24 3 , 24 10 15 28 11 29 9 30 8 29 8 1.5 2 .6 , 10 2 0 2 :( 10 12 32 7 28 6 30 4 , 26 10 2e ,, 29 2 20 2 3 10 21 10 283 8 20 9 21 12 A 19 3 18 9 22 22 23 5 18 ( 21 5 5 9 5 2 3 16 5 -3 5 5 5 I 7 3 5 5 5 2 11 33 35 10 32 8 2, 853 35 5 477 5 22 12 26 7 21 11 85 10 4 ( 23 25 5 26 6 26 14 21 24 5 16 6 12" 4 0 PROP 028,511 266,218 2867125 5., 6'8222 02165, PROP 0832:61, LLS..1;C:L' C_i I PRO NO 82" PS ILO OP81381:11 IL 5,2,381:1512 ITO 182116 11 0 24 15 8 3 5 8 3.5 2 9.6 ' 0 / 211 "7 17 1.0 26, 6' 30 11 26 2,6 21 82 2 5 7, 27 2 2.8 97 2 , 23 20 6 2. 2? .10 7 9 29 .9 59 6 2? I 05 6- 120 3 1 '5 3 5 557 7 36 5.7 8 10 35, .,. 373 9.5 .3 5, 1.5 8 9,5 2 1 3 4 3 26 4 25 6 4,0 2',7 2 25 26 6 2 26 2, 2 8.1. 5 8 . 36 7 39 42- 36 5 30 6 1.0 44 0 313 5 36 4 34 .. 72 20 2. 1.0 I 23 ' 16 7 2 61, 22 0 , 5 4 9 10 e: 1 1 '7 112 0 11 '7 9 50 15 7, .24. 2 , 514 21 5 1 F.-, 55 27 56 2 7, 5? '25 22 2, 23 6 58 78 2 32 7 316 2 5 1, 2 ) 2 5 59 97 3 20 ', 7 7 61 2 6 0 2 5 0 • 75 0 25 0 5-1 3 ? • 27 5: 88 2 22 5 21 2C, 0 2 A 2 2 3 13 21 '1 625 218 6 22 5, 22 2, 3 65 1 7 4 07 21 6 371 0 2 ?, 0 a 8 9 19 9 8 1I 18 6 . 6 83 7 20 .7 , 72 A A 4 2.2 5 41 2. Ll 7 7' 2 3'7 8 7 40 336 5; 20 3 3 7 73 2.9 2 2 795 59 a 6, 2 51 4 19 :16 22 2 11 -3 6 22 J20 1 0 7 5 977 2 18 6:1 118 J. 18 3 ,...4 7 27, 17 7 8 f 0 17 6 /7 4. 17 5 77 2 b ;.3 7 1)1 25 215 -5) 78 2 8 8 2 01 10 2/, 6 61. 27 q ,7o 17 0 .21'; 8 22 8C 21 6 17 '22 3 25 2 21 9 Cl 8 2 3 9 10 '7 322 14 3 3 0 7 2 11 b 12 7 '0'3 9,3 23 13 7 933 2 12 7 2 8 6 5 8,4 12 85 17 7 9,3 1 9 1 17 6 0 5 7 83 b ,13 4. 3 20 22 6 '81 9 i R :021 6 7 2 2 1 2 3 8 2 0 7 1 9 8 5 5 22 27 20 11 7 1 5 2 9,1 5 25 9 97 .3 7 22 4 55 - 3 8 — ) 26 8 1130 5 3,9 778 5 133 20 PROPOSAL PROPOSAL PROPOSAL PROPOSAL PROPOSITION N9it. 4, PT, 6 Y06_7_ NO, 1 _ _ copo. PEEOpINFT IINIep NO yi52. pic, YES NS YTS NO 101 iSi 2 20 2 22 2 22 o 21 102 39 10 21 10 40 36 16 44. 10 109 sg o, 4 29 26 3 2 28 L :104. o o 7 n +1- 105 3 2 2 2 o 2 4 1 t 0 106 3 0 3 0 5 0 0 3 0 107) 3 6 u 6 108 , L 4 0 3 1 4 0 Scattering le Votes (3) saall. election was 3,619. APLENTEE Waiter V. Howe 2 Sherwood Jones 4 Frank Oa Osborn. 2 On. PToposal Db. 1: Yes 1 No 1 On Proposal. No. 2: ifss 2 No 0 On Proposal. No. 3: Yes 2 No 0 On Prop:Os:al Fo. 4: Yea 9 NM 9 {jr.,' Proposal o. 5: Yes 2 No it On FToposal No. 6: Yds 2 No 0 On Pmoposal No. 7: Yes I No 1 On Probosititn Ns. 8 Yes 1. No 1 That the whole number of votes cast in tbe City of Alameda at (4) That the total mamber of vttns case in the City of _Alameda at said election. for each. of tht aforesaid candidates for tbe 0.011ce of Councilman of said city rts ow follows: Walter V. Howe 3)217 Sherwood Jones 5,205 Frank F. Cnborn 1,102 (5) That tte total limber of rotor cast !n the Clomp of Alanedo at sail election far ohl against said Probers' io. 1 tan 2,e72. (a) That ids -dotal nuaddeg of votlls cast in too 0Ity of ntamoda in favor of tot adoption of s'aid Proposal SID. I was 2,190. (b) That thw Ostal number of votes oast in ths City of Alswitda. :against the ntoption of sold PTopcsal No. 1 Was 682. (6) Thmt thm total number of votes cast in the City of Alameda at said site:Pion tor and. against said Proposal NW. 2 was 2,800. (a) That the totol number of rotes cast in the City of Alamwds in favbr of the adwptior of said Proposal No. 2 was 2,214. (IN) That the total. number of votes cast in thw City of Alameda against the adoption. of soad Proposal. NS. 2 was 56 (7) That, the total number of votes 71 in the City of Alameda at said. eltotion. for and. against said Proposal NM. 3 wao 2,839. (m) That the tots1 number of votes cawt in floe CJirt of Aitmella in fallor of the adoption of said Proposal Ns. 3 12023 25228. (b) That tne totai uomber of vote's cast in the City of Alameda. agnarst toe adoption of sold Proposal NW. 3 591. (6:4 That the total number of votes cast in tho CAty of Alameda at said pdoction for and mgainot sold Proposal No. A was 2.6992. (a) That the total nuisbar of votes cast in the City of Alommda in favon of ni0 adoption of said Proposal P.0. WE15 2:2Ve. ) vbat 771 41 trio a-dash ' tijsb!...doPtioo :if sot: (9) Thot the toton number of votos cast in Nue City of Alameda at said electIot fo2 null against said Proposal ho. 5 was 2,5'67. (a) limit the total nuFber of votes cast in the Nit))) of :lamella in favor of the adoption of solo Proposal So. 5 was 2,205. (b) That the total number of votes cast in. the City. of Alameda. against. thm adoption of said Proposal No. a vas 562. (led That the total number of votes cast in the Cifty of Alameda at said election for and against said Proposal Nn. 6 was 2,887. (.a) Th(t the total number of Totes cast in Mho City. of Alameda im favor or tlie adoption of saia Proposal No. e was 2462. ( 0, That the 'betas nmnoer of votes cast in tne City. of Amarroda sgainft the adoption of said. Proposal fio. 6 was 4.55. (11) That the total. number of votes cast in the City of Alameda at said election for and. against said. Proposal. No. 7 was 6,851. ( u) Tent the total number of' votes oast in the City. of Alameda in. favor of the adoption of' said. Proposal. NM. 7 010,9 2,305. ( 0) That the total nombev of votes cast in. the City of giarmdm against the adoption. of' said Proposal No. 7 was 526. (12) ThaT the total number of votes cast in the City of Alameda at said election for and against sadd Proposition. DO. 8 was 3,u7Y. ( a) That the 6otal 0000Der 00 Totes-cast Ln the City of Afameso in favor of the adoption of said Proposition. NM. e was 2355. ( b) That ttm total numter of votes cast in the City of Alamndo against the adoption of. said Proposition No. 8 was 722. NOW, TEEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, DETEREINED AND DECLARED that the afore- said Walter V. EfTwe and Stare:nod Jones having received, respectively., the highest and. next to the. highest number of votes cast for the office of Councilman, were, and. are nnreby. declared. to be, dmly and regalarLy elected. to. the office of C00101- oilman and ob•dembers of the Council of thm City of Alameda, each. for a term. be-. . ginning at 8 o'clocb, g. fp-, OD, tte third Tuesday in. April, 1913, ant) continping for four (1) years and. antAT a 00130OSSOT is eameted. and.. ()modified; nE if itififflagg ESOLCED AND DECLARED that tha aferesai. Frank P. Osborn having received the. next highest number of Totes cast for the office of Couhmilmang was, onn. he io hbreby dnciared to be, dmly and regularly elected. to tne office of Coadailman and as a member of the Counmil of she City of' Alameda for a term. begin nips( ph C oMilmok: p. m., on the ftriedi Tuesday in April, :1943, n2o.d. chnbinuing for two (2) years thereafthf and unfil a. succesdos is elected and qualified; alf IT FUDiEltb. 72ESIVES, DECEREINED AWL' C2CLAREC thpt a mojosity of the euallfind electors voting on each of sale Proposals for the 2A0001.00( of said pro- posed charter' amend:toots, :003. I to 7 ihmiusive, voted in favor thereof, .,.),ii. that said proposed. arnrdments aTe, and eaca of them do, hereby declared ratified and. angrovmd as and for stospOpents to, and as part of, the °tortes of said. City of SE if OMTMST2 DICOLVDC, DATChuvelh ShD DCOPANJD that the trososition for the adoption of the aforesaid ordirnsce So. STX, New Serios, received. a. ma- jority of pne voted cast tnareon at snob. election, 0010t a majority. of th6 quail g rim()) elm° toss voting or) sold spooposso 0rd:fronds vm Ped •.( r ta,inr -Gumboot, ano. tngt said prof:monde atm, oho is nereby doctored, ld mit bnantee. and. admsted and. haul'. 20 into affect 1U days from. thls date, 0., 00.0 00,0,00001b(1, 0Cieby 0e,221.1j Ibbu pne lossahroz 106301U'01011 W(I0 defy Elia reguTarly infshammed ana abentea by ale Coons)] of tne CiLy GI: Aldoeda vote, to els: AYES: CoundiTmen Howe, JOnso, "(Poorer and residia:ft Godfrey, (2j. PPESM Whim. ANSEWT, Councilman. Sramadhoid, (1). IN. WiliirfN5 =CREPE, I have hereunto set hy. hand and affigmd. the offi- cial seal of said. City this fifth day of 100T0h, 1943. LOI(EIHIE 26 SESTIE 1 SEAL) City Clerk of tho City. of AlongTeda. lei ,r certify that the foreasmtlig is a nuff, true and. correct copy of ”Rpsolution No. 2843, DECLARIDN. RE3ULT OP CIENERINO NFJNICIPAL DIECTION HELD TbE NITS' OE Alual,PIDA ON MINZOdi 9, 1943,' introdaced and adonted by Mie Council on. Uce 1.Oth day of Mahhh, 1943. ,/ ity Plonk :DI' ace City of Alameda.