Resolution 02845129 REJOLVIIIP1 h10. 2845 AfTROVIEG ACIMP.Maabd MITE STA= OF CALTEORKIA, DETIPITEENT 09' dATILEC (Uodtb, CP HTMEWATC POP IVIE IMPROVEMEPT AFT) MAIEMEAARCE GF AT,11,1= AT=1). BE IT RESOLVER) El MEE COTINCRIL OF THE CITY Of MAALLEDA that. the City of Alameda cog:cute arM. enter into a contrart with the Steto of Gehifornia, Depart- ment of Public Work's, Division of NUghways, widican contract shall be substantially in words and. figures as follows: ellhaflalf919 MATWEEN Tab) CITY OR ALANFDA. AND THE STATE OF OALIFOEPIA Thdr Agreement made erd ozbeated thio 9a9 °2 19L3, by anal betwteh OTTT Or ACA(MEDA, COMETE7 OE AITASTEne, STAPE CA CAbblalPfdl(m Lerciaafter referred Le as the "ditya and the ETATE CT CIITANORWIA, MIPARII:1192 Of difahIC AT(RKS, DIME3I09: Of EIGHPAYS, hereinafter referrea to as the "Depart - cwrt". Recitals. (a) Umtler thw provisions of Section 6 of the "Defense HigLaway Act of lAbalt.", enacted. by Congress and approved by L.:dr President on. Nova:Ibex 19, if(4.1, as amended, the Navy Department haw certified. that the construction of a navwl reservation access road, to wit: Atiantir lateice from. Nein Street to Wobater Street, designated by the Public Rawls AdmIndotratirm. as frojert MA aliR 35, access road to the Alameda Naval. Air Case, sail rwad. being approximately 0.94 mile in, langthg Au important to rational defense add. that said road i3 eliglble for' allocation. of funds! from said. VC:stance )4(intimay Art of 1941" as amandrd. (b) it is atticipettd thot federal funds will be math; ovallable for the cost of aehstrortirg 26.W read. (c) Ito Deportment bac been assign:mace as the agency to construct owid heal with mbhmsfal fonds) Sala cocoas road is not a oaft of the Mosta hid:atm:9 oyoted and Pouts nighmtty funds are not available for its reMcwenahre. lh error to secure ?carrel funds for tae construction of said rosd, it i2 nececoarp to yasside by agreement for its mairteahnco as a public road thrrs- ofts:d MMadrfarh, in conairevation al arc motraa promises and csysuanto herein contrired, the bart.eu agree foaarws: I. Ins becurtment will ase its beat efforto to obtain Federui fund.: for (embolnwtatiph and, if cafe fandm are made avadiabis, tns Occartheht drovidt fcr tle of said reed without expense to the '3J.ty. M. 7f.C.: City agraos thwat aftcp corciatina of said pooject, wad ocoh notice we sued comoletion, is .941.1 sthe road at ito ton hate:rot and it a Thxdoo satisfactery so the nothorized agonts of Nth lini.ad Stilton, and ti-JZt in Las event toe Cit:y tO hi:int:Ain said rood, tde Asporthent, may maintain ia dursowht to tau dcomMiloos of of rho Approve° ao to frrm and procedure 7,1-7:71,7171,7— Imcommemedd for appcoyal cou,z,ry aF (STATE o)(4 CAETEOPRIA hth me(7)5E- DERAMTLEMI Of hoLNITC MARES DiTa4smt tat ..i.=HWAYS PESCI:TR:Om tLiat tnr hammx of Wis. Oily of liscrew be, and br is hereby., ,,,uLhoTi7e6 a:no di rented. to execute, onTi tTe Cdty Cl,FTIA,;: to .atte.,,,Tu., on TAPP. ovh. deed ad' the 0°,, - of Alam.ed, the, reeeeent. T, the undeTsjg..ned, hersUy G.)Aat Tne ToreoinF dude' and. reeLadarly introduced acid. adopted. by the Caut.cil of the City' of Alazied.e. 17e.,„;:,115...at.' ,aeuins on. o5h. day 0.1.' April, dil43, ALie followin,s vota, 'Go wit: AYEL.5: Councf.Tmen Jones, nr...!...uTer and Pre3ideEt (1) 71.1' ',..11TNESS "Xideihife I have hefounto uot my hnee and affixed tee off' 9.7,91 cif saltd. F clay RV April , BEAM • A-CLEy 01 i nereby cerLiry tne foreEola 3 a ruli, tree eyed cor:rect copy of "Resolution fi.,!(:). APP-aCTTNO- 'ZITH T;TATE CALaFC'ONIA, U-o .DIvaEIou THE Ow ' iTtr3d.ucer-T1 and odoeted by. thh Co __1. on the 6th (ley 3f APril, 19434 r;2' c ty , 071 17-AP,7;'"