Resolution 02847199 (-,ro SESOLUTICF EC. 2847 FIXIlig,„pSALAJ17 CF C111n pE1E1FFEFA, 'WHEREAS, the work in tEte Legal Derartment of tnc City. of Alaneda, ens steadily ana greatly increased during the past bevendl years to the extent tdst tne average .mudber of hours nnlicft ins City Attorney is.: now required to devote to the duties of his office and position b„pproxinate full time; and WHEREAS, the present volume of the city's legal business will nudes - caTily donti.nue for an. indefinite neniad of title; DOW„ THEREFORE, BE IT RESOIATED RI TOE OfIfFSIL YIE CidEn ALA-SaDA thay tee aalcny of this, office and position. of City Attorney. of tne City. of Aldada. is nwreby .fixed ch the sem of ,',A.00,,00 par month; said sosibnon is neneby retained anu considered. as a punt njnne position, and 'see lnoupdbene theneof is pevEnnted to angasge in sther pnofebsional embloyment, asso,,v-LD, ECHIPAER, ttot tnis resolution stall be bffective OP and often Apnia 7, 1,-)4,3 and tnat resolutionc ar podticao 'u-t.ison in Ennfvh,iGt thonswith. are to hhe extsnt of such conflict hereby ncoi,eled and. ennualbd. n, teu undersigned, neraby certify. knat the foregoing ResoloUion was duly end fuGularly itnodesed acd. abonted by heis Council of ttie City af Alefseda. ithW; on lin e citey colt "'este .190 y •h, r 0.i ItrYN:i tc.) Wit: AYES: Souddinfen Fraisedheid, Howe, Jonsh, Inniaron and Pnesikbit APES: 'on.e. t,es,st,L,to set i'sy ep.e. tSe ottfi a eie acai Paid. City' tiiis 7th day of 11pr•'", 1943. of fAssolahloh AdP, CO441, adopted by the Ccdcbid of Lb a City tiost the fonanaidg. ip d full, true fund dennebt dopy. clay of Apvii 1O'fb„