Resolution 02858RESOLUTION' NO. 2.858 ADOPTING BEFIELBAIIENS FOR FURNISHING ONE (1) PORTABLE SELF PROPELLING MAINTENANCE ROLLER TO THE ClIT OF PEAS:and, CALLING. FOE BIDE AND DIRECTING INF CITY 'LEEK TO ADVERTIS1 _ THE SALIM RESOLVED BY TEE COLLOID OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA that the Specificationx ann, Provisions for fusnishing one (I) portable self propeillsm maintenance rollnr to the City of Aldmxda, 1 NZ 5-4E2, filed. in Etie office of the City Clerk on 1.8, 1948, be, and the samx are nnreby, approved and adopted. RESCLT8D, EUNTRIFE, Unit the Council of the City of Alamtact will receive secnea bias up to thn hour of 8:05 o'clock, p. m., on the lst day of ;rase, 1941, for the furnishing to the City of ohe (1) portatie maintenance self propelling roller in accordatce with suit Spenificatiths and Provisixna. Bids mtxt be pre- senten to the City. Cixrk, En the City Hall, Alameda, California, under sealxd cover and plainly' marked on the outsidn, "Rrocosal for Roller". Contract, if awarded, will be awarded, subjert tx thx mfyisituar of the charter of said. City, to the rexponsible bitidem Who submits the lowest arta best bid. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids. The City Clerk is hxreby aireetea. to advertise, in thn Alameda' Times- Stxr, a. notice cailimp for sealed bids in accordance with tnn provisions of this resolution and of said Specifications and Provisions. I, the uhdersittned, hereby. certiXy that the foregoing Nesolttlxn was duly and regAlarly introduced and adopted by thn Council of the City' 1A in rogular meeting assembled on. the 18tA day of May, 19/3, by thn follxwisx vote, to witt AYES: Gouhniimen. Branscheid, Howe, Jones, Osborn. ann, President Godfrey, (5). NOES: None. ARGENTA None. In. witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the offid cial seal of said. City this 19th day of May, 1943. LOREUE (BEAL) City' Clerk of the Gity of Alameda-- * * * * * * * * I hereby. certify that the foregring is a full, true and correct copy of "Resolution. No. 2858, ADOPTING 1PFEI1 ICATION3 FEE FURNISH:TED ao] (1.) PORTABLE SELF PFETILIMEG MAILETNANIE RUDIBE TO INF CITY OF ALAMEDA, CALLING FOR BIDS Ano DIRECT- ING TEE CITY CLERK IR ADVERTISE THE SELF," introduced and. adopted by the Council en the 18th day of May, 1941. museAnwitaxnaX y 1 lerk of 1 117 1 f Alamxda