Resolution 02859RESOLUTION NO, 2859 A.PPOINTIIRILITAIBIT es gLry FLATIING BoAinl„ RESOLVED HE TEE CORIAEIL OF TEE NICE' OF ABAIR:KEA "Tat harsh:Int to She provision of Art lolh X of the Charter of the City of Alameda, and upon. nhmlnatinh) of the Mayon', Harold. B. Fhoher is hareay appointed to the office of semler of the City Planning Board. of the City of Alatuda for a. term nommscohPag Ph ly 1, 1943, and expiring Jane 3E, 1948, era. "cm—. his successor appointed ard. I, undhroihaed, hereby' certify that. the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced amd. adapted by the Connell of the City of Alushsla in regular AshflAintm assemblhd on the iht day of Jane, 1943, by the following 'cats, to wdta AYES: Councilmen. Bratachoid, IlTme, Tones, Osborn and Presi dant Ch1fasey, (5). NEES: None. ABSPET: Nene. IX: WITNESS MITEHT5I, I havh threpnto set se,3 hand and. affirod the official. seal of sald City this 2nd day of Th e 1943., LORI= E. 'STEATITE sits Clerh of the City. of 1217:TRa I hereby certify. that the foreghihg is a. full, true and. correct copy of "Resolution No, 2859, APPOINT:TNT ATLEHR GI' CITY PL1 NET:5'ft BOARD," introduced. and. aaapted lay the Council or. the ist day of June, 1949.