Resolution 02860RESOLE:TINS: NO. 2860 kiJOINTING SIELISER OF THE BOARD OF ITIOSCATION, RENIXED BY' THN ONCE:OIL OF' TUN OTTE" u AIMMITA Mhat bursannt to the provisions of Article X of the Charter of the Chity of Alameda,. and maan nomi- nation cf the Eayes, Dt. Forbid Da Nom is hnrehy appointtd to the office of meritit of Mae Board of Eduration of the City of Alars.da for a term commensibg July 1, 1943, shC. evbiring on Jure 30, 12948, arb, until. his successor is appodhted abd qualified. I, the andLreignsay hereby certify that the fcregoIng Resolation wab duly abd regulatly Entroduceb. and. adapted by the Ocubbil of the. City of Alambas. in regular mbeting assembled. on the 1st day of June, 1943, by. the following vote, to witi AMES: Ocarailmbn aransouoia, brwe, songs, Osborn ens Fresiaent modfroy, (5). ENES: Nona. ARSERT: None, IN XIICTSN SNITiRENS, have hereunto set my rabb. and affixed Mae ofTirial seal of said. City. fhir 2nd day of juno, 1943<. ( f=1.) City olork of the City o. 2,18:MWda I rersby certify that the foregoing is e full, true and correct copy of "Resolution. Lo, 2860, ASEDINITIN =MEER OF THE BOARD XF EDUCATION'," intro - Soren ang adopted. by tra Council or. the 1st day of Janbu 1943,.