Resolution 02865RESOLUTION NC, 2865 AUTURIZING TEE ACOUEESTION OF CSRFAIN NEEL FRC:PARTE FOR STREST AND ETUEWAY PURPOSES CATLANTIC AVESSE3). AND ACCESTING AND COFFFETISS TO RECORDATION OF LETO. WUFFEAS, by dmed, dmted May 19, 1943, made between Southern Pacific Coticempm a. cbrporation, as First Party and. the City of Alamedn, a municipal.. cor porntUon, as Second. Party, said. Souttbrn. Pacific Company has conyvyad to the Multi City of Alemedm. certain reel, property, hereinfter more pattioularly dean cribed, for touglic street end highway purposes, inbludimg all primary end. secon- dary strowt or highway uses, subject to the reversion of title to said First Party under eertain contingebmies in. said. deed. more hbrticulerly specified; and iTEN74146.42, the raal property described in. said. deed. ib thnt certain real proparty ib. the City of glanada, Couhty of Alanada, State of Califsamle, more pa riatitilemify desc rib ed as follows ; Commencing at Station 60. 3 lb the lire segregating tne nagg and dry lend from the marsh land as sums/eyed by the Pacific Emproyemunt Company as saia Station and lime are delineatsa and dmoignntod upon the Tap entitled "Lap of Alamissm Harsh Sepsis as naftitioned amens the ohmers thereof in the suit membered 8929 alba entitled Pacific Imnrovement Company, PiairtilED V3. Farms M. Waymics at al. Defesdents, Superior Court of' Alameda Donnty, State of 0aIgfornieF filed in the effibe of the Sourty Necorder of ssid County of Riamede in gab Look 29 at nagee 74 no 78; M.ence herth 894 34f West, 20.99 feet to the bestorly line of tle right of way of the southern Sacific Comps:by as aisoted the Sinai. Decree ln Partition in said suit; thence 'Furth OF 34' Teat along said lihe 3f right of hmy, 142.99 fael to the point of begirmimp of the percei of taad to be described, thence North OF 94' 'Fest continuitm along sand line of right of way, 80.4,6 feet; therce Routh 824 28' 80'' East, 100.84 feet to the easterly 'lime of chic right of way; tacube Souvn C' 21i Nest along said lino of said rignt of way, 80.44 feet; thence Reath 83f 29' 50" Neat, 100.84 fort to tho point of beginning, contaihinit 0.184 of an acre, nerd or less; and PILMNIES, said, dedd ha3 beor duly exoceted ash. dellvered to the Oily of Alameda sy said First Party; emd. 0D2FACiffn the consideration for seia conmeiranme is a nominwl consideration. of 972 -00, ard. the prime to be raid. for said. real. property together nith. all. obli- gations Unposed on the City in connectivn with the acamisition thersof dcvm not. exceed the sum of "211..,000.00; finUNISFORF, 19F IT RESSIVES aY Thl o:ciurcIL OP THE CITE OF ALAMEDA bib follows: ls That the real propeuty hereinbefore dascribeb be, anh the sava is haraby, sem:Eve:1 by. the City of Aimmeda, virject to Vie cormitions emM reserva- tichms contained in.. scald, deoa_ 2, 121.8 smini 82 ODA D311.0.2 1021.00si asidisyriested frau, the Dusan:1 fvna ef' tne ot Alamble for the e4.4rte:','Se of paying tte pumcbase price of dead reoi brosonny, anti a wannsnt af Coo :Julius Uf1.09M. is nwvaby orlerue issued dayeatho to the order of saiM Soh:fauns, Pacific Curap,,,,Fy. DE if FUSILER RLSDEVES that the afonementionen deed be, and the same it hereby, accented en totnisf of the City of Alaredm, ani said Ctty Soubsil, ecnisa for dish in behalb of said, City, hereby consents to tha recordation of sajd deed end orders tsas resolution to ne attached thereto, ee roptired by Patties 1198 of thm Civil Code of the State of dallfornia. I, the limMmrsigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly ibtroguced and. adopted by the Council of the City of Alameda, im. regular meeting; sober-Med on tne imt day of June, 1943, by thm following vote, dottociImen Dominscheid, 'Howe, Jones, °storm and President Godflohy, (5), (TIES: None. dOCUYISIC None. TN wiTNTss WELT-ICOR, I have hereunto set my naiad and affixed the offi- cial seal. of raid. City this 2nd dmy of jure, 1943. LOP= Rd ElEATIIMy VOCAL) City Clerit of the City. of AloricTdo I hereby certify thut the feregoirt7 is a fual, true uhd ()offset copy of "flesoimion No. 2MdC5, AUTOURI'Xilitj „C.CJISITI0,2 Cid CHRTATC PERI PYCOPIRldd OfOR CdREET ARC ICCITiti,j. fj,),COSES jeCENiE); IND ACCiNdINI APR CONSERTIRS TO RECORDATION at' D22,2," intredmceo end adopted by 'tire CounriT on the ist ;f12y of jane, 1923. d / hisouctte