Resolution 05166PIE;OUIRMION NM, 6166 A PPRO I NG Inin N.GOEMMiG Mci Ddiscp Fussig THE ELI g °EL yeg -,1955E-1 95E); g cETMEIOMM MONEYS FOR THE; SENDEMiliES PICO VELTMED I RC 3 A. I D BEJEGO.7 ROE SURE.) IC SCAM YR fit?. .A.N.D NEMER CU?: TARN EMEITEDI 'MIME S MEMECCOSOME LIE DE WHEREAS , the r hcce been s utd, t an and. f d with En is Co unc .11, at tcd s eti rE-c, , blidget 1.-'epreS,OlOting f neje.'" plan for c on due Icing t affairs of the City of Alamsda for the ficeeR. year meg:timing jUly I, 195'.o, and ending juice 30, LEE6„ which. buEget is marked. 'Midge tOO 'OltY 1.O open meeting of thc City Coin a cil, mt cact e r 13, 1935;6" ; NOW TEREEMCER, SE IT RESOLVED BS THE COUNCIL OR' TRE CITY OF ALAMEDA thmt said budice t s Weld d tia. I s dung i 1. a t s mace IA .... .... Race and e mad- y p cia- the re of , e , and t. he s emu is her eby, a mccreurcni and O.O.Opted. OS the bugle; et for b :de City of" Alamdc. far tide fiscal year 19RM sid56, and tnat the expenditures of tbh varicric cams of money. thereln provides. to ne cpent for saiaries and wages, maiaternace and. operation and capital outlay ciya each department Of3 tIOOTOOlO listed in dema 11 cern Re re OW fipuro d d LIEU prized in -to -C a , tide rib o me objec -1; cniasnificati on „ OfOTIOO- priatlan.s fa r he Else di... ye ar stratine; Jona 30„ 193;6. 1.61TICM!,-1E1i. RESOLVED Mac. -it th. are be, end a re es re by , appro .pr d I' or the ci(mir 195-1066, UrIe scecified sums Mom tee purese of meetinm tce cost of' sclariwg anR. wamee raid. ciTicars Encl. employees, the aost or mmiEtencEce, operation, and f e e nd o th e r c o at lay of t ee s c ve d e ar Cm:cents, mi slams, offices and boardm of the City, anG for all. other purco3es designated. La reld cudget M 0 r tiae re specs-3i sr purr uses 't s d. e par tment s , di. visions, offices and begirds cc, City, cc.cul. fo r sue s cce cial fund c and o th n r pur ses degimn fated in cc i hadusEct ana ME IT IMTMTEER RES OL NED tE..a t all of the c.ppr o :Lai le ruc Since, in -cr mi de d. o ecre made out of the General. mund for the fiscal 7ear i*e5-1WEN except tnose made so c r fess pum poses Mc r c s pe cial undo are e qc sib 1 -Es E. , and as to sue h last mum t c ne mumps, s e s aper onr meg are made out of Mee special fund s red pc; c i 17- esti ablicaue d t r ECE MTERTHE ME:SC E "M-C: ID -the t nun h exp end -Cu res as may 'nesse a cui ma Me by t several decartmdwuss, divisions, offiRes ana boards of tne City alter cne ceginaiug cf Mani' cm,..1 sge ar 1.9E5 -19E6 and er ior t he a d omt Ion of Ma is resole LW, o n grad he. ve b e en or I3,e duly a acne° dbm the C Rs P,u.die or, are ecenegby rati ed, co sac 1 rine d. and approved, and. chill.," oe regnictimemy searm,ed. againct tne cppropriatimns eerein and in said budget provided for. t cse -und. e r s d , ee re by certify thc, t ice f or egoimsm, Reso Ration O.O",IS epic:cc rly inCes c d.d. e d. l'ad. a do t cad by Nee C o draid o f 1-se City of A Macsegic adjourned regular meatiug esidemoice che 13ce. CRY- Of sapbemeer, 19,7",:% by- tee, occi cms t to wit: C un die cem r Rams , C 1.1, licimuLL and. 'Pr adident elly,f, LMRS:.'S : ne .ARRENT Ot.; OrIO 5..Xec:1 Ola9 cfiftficy!,,I1 OeITII Of S trgot s iL.Lth dO.:,1 Of SCIO'J,C1I,ber, cot e mity 0 f' A iNaiiiSicdc.C.6-66— 1 heromg cermiry trat tee foregojnm de P. trre. anM. correct cocw of "FccoleCisn Ne„ 5166, APPROVING AND PoOORRING A ESEGET MOM ERE FISCAL YEAR. 1'9'55-G956m 4rmgnmEwsuniun nuwicalE moussys moR mi.-„!a! TMWRCTD,'EURR3 SPORED-GM) IN SAID SCEGET MOM SASE RESUME sEAR ANDIECTTEm6Mr, smmEDIN EMEENDISNEES MEMETSFORE NEDE", introduced anci adopted My the Council en the 1 "Mic clam of- September, iMsen