Resolution 05170EG1,,OLJATION 110. 5170 3 I SEC aa111.11DING LO THE PUBLIC HOUSINC, ACEEiliSTRATION nmm.li SG' DR: ly3:31:Jao3 OF :SRC EAT. HOUSING, PROJECT, CAL-R1.13 AND WESCLEtd, HOUSINC PROJECT, CAL-4116 AND CAL - 442 9 . F.E.Fa',A;S c. HO aa'a,iana' 1„,-ar. is encerawriyan to d.`a,T)Ca we Encinai Hone, in.c, Project Oa.14111.13. end Webster Hou.sinm Projects Cal-W.11,8 and. GaAs), :Irian cersistIn.m of 1113, e00 and lOn temporary family. units, respectively ann aa=Paa'-', ircarommen en t S WHEREAS, these Cl "„ 1.11.n.a ta are not sWitablo for lone Uaaa nee they do not mess bulle1nm codn reeuiremense anc, recoml'se te dated-Mc:rate -into slam ; and LREARECAS, ths, relocation of Chess sibs canclari units would. cepois Arm redevelopment eflorts erecentia seine mson nE civic cillclais, builders nrouss and CiViC -nind,T.)d citizens; snd undsr eto terms of the, Lanticer Act, tomeereny wwr noisuNsec units were so te esmnajenea wnen Lnwiw usefulness was ennedd; NOE LIILW EL,CAGAS.11. NOWERie 'REM OTTE: tEas by t es, OM sposit1ce o; ,ance., 1nes cd P`ar, jec CP7. -Weba .HCaa7 Ca 1 H's a all raa,1„,,,C, aGalt,,,laC.iat pants cos nyccn,,,eL- ySar cieG cersroc :ram ar,,$ Lae. ranewcy ens toned ee ten criaine I etc:Ls nt suns 1,s poseiLla T, tne urierslEned, neneby certify trict sae ConeFainm neseIniMwe arse inly en, .. remeiarly introdncod and acwntec by. 1,116 COafltal 04LF Adanwia in aeLlonrned reFttinte la,)Erti.ng assembled on. :11tr, Gay 0,1 neRsEmbcosa NC Ge folicalem, voice" tw. >t t, A1 ES: „it ,r_. -.a a: , s 21.a. ns fee WHELLEGF, I rsave hereunino set. my n.Rna and aiLeExei trlw off ie Se]. o f said City this lailc day of SeninrEner, 11,15. CLEW. SASI) I hereby cererify that the l'0,26Fa0 a a , trate; an. a COI' :CO CO -0:T a :a HEwsolution. No, 5170, REOCERSE1HING TO THE ISITHEIL ROUSIEG ADMINISTEATION JHANNER OF DISPOSITION OP _SILO INLEL HOUSING PROJECT, CALen.11.3 AND RECCSEETE HOUSING PROJACI, 01E.- 1.0„1.8 ATE) OUSE etaHiceJ' Inincoduaed and. a d Casaancil can cna„, c,r Sentaric Err, 1955.