Resolution 05196RAGOLiTIOW NO. A1M6 NEMORIALAZING THE FETARAL GOVERNMENT' IN THE MATTER OF' F=YYTaNG TME TIME FOR ARAMINATION a?' MAMMAL ECUCYNG ARCJECT AALA411.5 TO PERMIT IT TO BE TAMEN aN" h LeIihr VmACMJITYT AGENCY WHEREAS, the, Public i1 AdmimistratiEn is now in the proceas of torrAnating Encinal housing kMoject Cal-411M; and. WHEREAS, the Aouncil of the aity of Alameda is seriously concernd Mmat if this project is terminated anC the project site is offered for sale on. the open market the property way not bq utilized for its highost and. best and. WAEREAS, in view of the limited Land area available in the Rity of Alameda it is imperative that available aand be developed without Andue delak according to an. efficient.; land use plaE hawmony with the City's comprehensive master plan; and WARREAS, accordin to the Cityis proposed master plan for land use the Encinal Project site, and. certalE. adjoining properties, constGtute a 1E7cal. site for a plannad industrial district that could be subdimided and redeveloped. acwording to a oomprehrsive plan with st17Ee4- s and atllities Installed before sites are sold. to prospective industrial oocnEants: and. WRECEAS, the mroposed redevelopmAnt of said project area can best be accomplished throukh iwts acquisition. by a refteveloonnt aehky; WHEREAS, the project area ik eligible Tor redevelopment under the California CommuEAty Redevelowmadt Law and for financial assistknos under Title I of the HnuslEk Act of 19499 as amended, by reason or defective design, physical. construction, faulty. exTerior spacing. obsolescenne, deterioration and dilapidation and other characteristics of blight; and WhENEAS, redevelEpment wilE eliminate the existing conditions oP blight and will proviGe for 4whe economic utGliAatiEr of tho area resuining in greatly in- creased. capacity to pay taxes by the openiEs up of a large additional area of ade- quat and useful sites for building unGer proper supervision, thus creating empleymert opportunGties and. iEcreasing tax assessmenms, in tke AlAy or Alameda; and. 4 MENE4S5 owners of priwate land within Mie proposed project area hawe indicated tnrir interest in participating in the plan by. JoLat action in corpolidat- inn their holdings for resale for industrial reuoe; and WHEREAS, other areas for redevelopment are Anders tudy in the community., incaudYnq temporary war housing sites contrelAed by. the hAusing Authority of the City of Alameda, which, (Rio to diverse ownerships, Ydli hAvE tc be assombld by a reovklooment awency: and. YiaMREAR, tke of ataneda wa, not hn R TRR'JiRlOR to ntocecd wlwR raans fR,:r a raJowelopment cryject rIvoiCing taw Gncina7, its. a, rh earilwr date becaysa of wIon rasneet ta a raster plan, wnlui Alan Rk5i, reddntiv b9en rreparod anG row in Tao process om beinw aGeotad 5 and ARRYTAG, the kAwlic Aikasing AdmInla'rayien now ih Arceeps NT kqrmiEat,nr TRO mkoject, wh'w- ant'oa, ay less ikmoa'atcfv wosponqed, RiA3 wasuld Er the romovsi oP Lho NT'yhted ,dontaotras npoewsary to qmalifp shm ,ite frh rwoeveiomtwany nkajwoy; RE-1 NE kTRM-A a readvehopgent aRwncy reqtlro consiporacAR tiae cokond the pwoLenAly AnopoReA Mwwo 3C5 MAWR Rommina-lon date tR ERCOMpliRh acqu.:-Iwirm of the projerd site Pow a variaveionr.ani project: THEREITOME, BA IT RASOLNED BY The COPT:tilt Oh' Tha, daTY Od' ALMADA that, saGd Neknail havInp; found. and determined R'dflf 'IR 'IP in the public Interest that tannidial Ihroject Oa]: -411d be acquited and. redeveloped aa a planned. industrial aistriat by a redepAlopment agenoy, apEoinmed by yhe Airy qopEcii, whe rEdAral Goverrnork, be, anw it iw hereqy (4. 4.4. urged and reutested to eatenliah a. new dna: different poihicy for tha terrhhation of Ennina]. Project. wMinh will. enable a redevelmornt agendy to quailfy for tna acquison of this property. for auch rodewloament project. I, the undersigned, hereby oertiTry that the forego:Ing Resolution was dITIT and regularly introduceC . and adopted by the Council. of the City of l'ilameda in regu- lar' meetileF:, assembled on the at.h. day of December', 1955, by the followin vote, to BS). T.o.GLelimc'e Leres,: (..nc NOES: None. A 5 NIES N on e IN W7.T.,11.-.M OTPFT-D,I)F, I have TTe-unto my hand. and affixed 1-':0H offIcial of Eal.e. thiT.1 7th day of December, 1955. STI.E1J,:V TENNIHTT, City Clerk of the LTity of Alameda By NBA_ So y * * * * * * * * * * I, hereby certify that the foregoing 12 e. fula true and corroct copy of °T:esolution No. bi96 :MEMORIALIZING THE ,NERNMEAT IN THE D,LTTER OF EkTENDT- TIME FOR TEEVINANNON OP' BNCISAL HfusiNn FITOJECT CAIT-4113 TO PYINT:II IT TO BE rTiiEEN OVEh BY LOCAL REDETIELOPENT AGENCTAY% introduced and adopted by the Council. on V:: 6th day of December, 1955.