Resolution 05228EESOLUT ICC 5'228 FECLA. YUBTTC INTEREST ANTI NECESSITY. sEsuss ThE ArldUisudInh OF CFRTAIN LeND FIAA FUBLId OFF-ahr61111 RLUOLI/Mal BY TES CREOECIL OF TEE CITY OF ALAMEDA, ere said. Council. hereby finds and. determines, that the cslalic interest and neceosity require the acquisition by said. City of Alameda. for une ty. soil City for public afftarreet mhtor votiele parking pluses, incihding propprty necessary or convenient for ingnoss thereto oh egress therefrom, thp fee of all that certain lot, piece or parcel. of land. situate, lYing and being in. main. City of almmeda, County of Alemedb, Otete of California, snd more particulamly deocrited as follows: IdlaTION of' Lot 8, dn. Slosh "Ud, an said lot, and block are shown. eh the "Mao of Lando Adjacent to the Toth of bnoinal, ALemeds County, Cal,", filed Lby 28, 1F67, in Runk 19 of' Maps, at page 53, in the office of the County Recorder of' Alameda. Countyg described. as folic:Ian: ISSEGlEVIL0 at 6. point on the nortrbrn line of Alempda Sherds, distaht thereon easterly 150 febt from. the point of intersection thereof :kith thb eastern line of Oal. street.; running thence nor- therly parallel.. kith said line of Chk Etreet, 22.0 feet; thence et right anglee easterly- 34 feet; thehbe southbrly in a direct line to a. ppint wtich would. be intersected. by a line eraym. chrtherly from. trb northern. line of Aibmhds Rauh-Tie, at rirht angles thereto, and. 190 febt at right ergieh easterly from trb said bantern line of Ook dtreet (shil pciht of intersection. to be 99 fbet northerly on sai line so arPsn from the chrthbrh line of Alamo...db. kvenue); therbe seuthbrier from said point, of intereection and. parallel with Oak Rtreet, 99 feet to the nortrbrn lire of diamedb Avenue; thence westerly. elorh: sell lest chpbed line, 40 feet, to thb point of. beginning. RESCLVLD, FUhlndh, that thh City atrednny bh, anR he is. hereby, didnoted to commends: condemnation peaseeddhsh in eminent domain for the acqbisition of trp fee of' eadt. piece or parcel of lhnd, end that the Mayor eh, and he ie hereby, inutructed, authorized and directed, for and on behalf of said City and its City Cop:null, to subscribe to and verify a complaint in the Suobrior Court of said diumeda County for the couribmnatiou. of said lot, piece or parcel of' land. fen thblic off-otreot motor rnricie parking pieces, lailudicy phopedty necessary or convenient fed' ingress theretc or egress. therefrom. I, the undereignen, herPhy certify thot the fergoing lesclIdalan ugh • duly end ree-ularly introduced Lend adopted by the Council o'r tide City of Alaupda in regular photin achRuabled on. the 7th dey of February, 1056, by the follooing vote, to kit: dounellRbn Ebug, Cove, Eohnsi and Vice President hcfrall, (41. dthi.1 None. LO5LY2: President Erenellyi (1). 00asss dEFRISOF, have rbreunte set my hand and affixed the official. seal of sate City thin 8th day of ihAr.dgerrym 115b. lEiaLLY deSNIEB 7Tv-7177-of I hereby. certify. thht the foregoing is s full, trmb end correct copy of "Ldneludjuhl Ls. 5228, szoisalis PUBLIC IhTEREST AEU EECES3fluf ILLSE12E TEL ACQUI- SITION CY' aralnill LAED FOR fiEBRIC ONF-Leflbral Lvadfladfl IlLidedead. 001101)8, intro ducen. and adopted by the Gunnell on the 7th. day of February, 10.56. , . 0sL/ 770 Olnrkkhdi AliiTede. ‘,,,,)