Resolution 05232RESOLUTION NO. 5232 DICLAbb SiETAIN I/V.)6,661PG id TP6. CITY OF „ 6JICEMaa, the filkdin).5 IsstRotor pf tin) City of Ainmeda Inns notion in. the manRer provided by leoction l0-527 of the Alameda. MenCcipal Code, directing. the. onnnt cr owners of that contd.:1m dwelling heroin. described to appear before the Council the City. of Alameda. on Tuesday, k6bruary 72 1956, et the hnur of 8.00 o'clock P. R.., and show. coune why said building shnuld not be condemned. as publib nuisance and removed or remtl. aR. provided in th6 Alameda bunicipal Code, enn ealltada. it appears that seid. notice was duly and. regularly miyen in the form abd nAtner provided ley said GcdRy and thR natter comirno on hemnfleddr fox Neacw ing before this CoRnbil at thiR ann witnesses being owarn and teetimery being gdten. by the 'building Inciunclicr, baelth. Inopector, end other commRtent persons, reRpectdng the conditicb od' taid dwelling, ar.. the owner of said building being kff6rded on. opportunity to be heard, ant yield admen kAing. present in fdroon, thn Soutdil. proceeded to a coRsieRration of said matter, and after duA connideratipb. of the tostRmAny of add MCbiessos end. other evddonce prestineet in. sedd matter, It is h6rery resolved, determlneb and declared, eRd the CounRil. of th6 Sity of Alameda. fends thet the duelling herein lnbcribRd. in thR City of AldmRda io in violation of Section 10-526 of the alomedo Municipal Gode std. is hereby. declared to Re a public nRtnamco; and DE It tRETHEt aLcLvED, thRt the berein described dwRelling bR, abd. the same is hereby coonnmned eR a publid nuisance and the owner or elabRms thereof' are. hemby crphibdted from its furthRr ube of occupation. for the purpose. ob a dmRiling, sald order to r6came effective thirty630) elRR from the date hereof, Cie IT :::;t1nTlEa ESSLIAZD, that the Building Inspector is hRfeby authorized. and dirRcted to pest in a canspCbuous pinRe on scid deRiliny, otninture a hotiRe in thR fern and in tSR manRRr required by. Section 1° -52,9 of the Alameda. nnitipal Code. ISE ktilTHEE ESSOLVD, that if said nuisance be. not so alioted. cR re - unlined. bv the Alameda Municipal Code thirty (30) nays after the masoRee of this resolution, the City Nabager is hpr6by authorized and directed to seize and/eir stne said structure in the mann6r provided by Sections 10-5210 and iL -5211 of' the Alameda Fandcipal Code.. The dwpliing herein referred to lE commonly' knonn End deaeribed vs follonc: That certain ETK shcfm Es ARK 25 on City' of Alameda Enginnering Ikm6b,--lnuneM drawing 4220, Gaze 31, Cheat 2 of 2, dated labundif, 1:156, ann. entitled dbocetioh of arks doutheast ERE SAMmmTish e e e e * * * * e I, trn mdersigRed„ hproby certify that the foregoing ResolutiAR. mRo duly and roulnrly introduced. emd. adopted by tne Council of' tbb City of AlamRde. in regular rmetimm ansenbled en the 7th dsy Feb:cut:Ey, by tIne vote, te :Fitt aIREIR CouvloihnucR1 Faag, Pove, Koresi ann Vice Fresieeht (R). NIRKR Ione. Atiefiff: President franliy, (1). IN IIKKibfeb KR:ERECT, I have heretmto aet Ry herd ate affixd the offia vial.. seal of said City thic 8th envy of February, 1956: KNIFA NimE 7.7.T.ty 1ptk of it :772E= -- I hereby cortefy that the forego:Mg is a full, true and correct copy of "Resolution No. 5232, DROLANSIM anATRIN DOLLIlibld IN TEE a= OF AU'InEDA, TO lif A FtbLiff NUISANCE (ALL NO. 25)6, introduced an6 adotted by the Council on. the 7th cloy of Tenruary e City- of Alameda.