Resolution 0524201_,N TN 0 2 DFSIMM,IA TING- AND IOMBADTBMING TILIAMM M. MeMAII TO BE APPOINTED AS A. MEMBER OF 77T.R.ATM=NTF COMMINEFE F.2.13221BEAZDA COUNTY'S WABER FllIdC273 MEMBAS, the Board of Supervisoph of ths County of Alameda has reAue3ted that a member of the City Couhcil of the Dtty of Alameda be desIghated to serve uhon ah. Advisory Committee for Alanedh County's Dnter Policy; NEW THEREFORE, BE IT ADS.OLVED BY THE couNcai OF' THE CITY ON' ALAMEDA that Councilman EihDlam M. MEEall As bh‘reby desimEated and nhnomended to serve or, an Advisory Committee Nor Alameda County r.e Water Policy. I, the. undereighed, hereby certify that thh foregoing 13,h)o3mftel,h3 was duly. and. regularly intrchiDend and ahohted by the BoDheil of the City of Alameda in reghlAr meetinh: assembled on the 21st day. of February, 12hht, by thh following 2hte, to wit: ABES: Counhilmen Haam, Hove, Yhresi, McCall. and Presidh nt Afalmnfly, (5). NOES: hone. A2SENT: None. IN WITNESS WhEREGF, I have bhreunto set my. hand and. affAmEd thh official. seal of 3aid City this 2Ard. day of fhbruary, 1956, sTITLEy H. TEENIER CIty Clerk of thh City. of Allameda * h * * * b 2 2 2 A hereby Dertim"y that the foregoing ie a full, true and connect copy of "Resolution No. 5242, DESIGN...6.71-in !JED REhMABZENNA NG WIBAUFBM M. EhAIMIL TE APPOINITT, AS A MINADJAH C2' TEE AMMAN:NANA CABACENBIE FC.3.1. ALAMEDA COhAITY ,S NBTER BFALIMAr: intrchhced and. ahonted. by the Council on the 21st day of Fhbruahy, 1956. ty. Diehl ' the Cite of.' Alameda