Resolution 05246R6310.nTRAZ NO. 5246 rial.,11h1d'hO DaTE OF OPENENC et' SIDS c.-1 1956 LATEOT 46DCL 4-60aL ehLATIS MehT afrD nrfriNzthm:, Remu4n. nn " - • • • -------- derltUij4 by Uusolution Nn. 5238, tha CctIncil adopted. 3pacjfimations for furmishdrg to the City. of dAamena niele ()) me,, 1)56 Antest model 6 or 8-cyllnder sedahnt pith. standamd shift, for the cartmeht, Ict 43 2 -56-2, and deternotne.d that thin Uo6nnid. would. reccive seale bids up to the hrur of 8:05 cdcdrnh j1. h. on Tuesday', 1/13rurery di, 1656; nnd annreetad, trio City harager of the City. of AlLmecd„. stparte thdt some hiddrrn .11arse recanztad an outarsiod of tizeui. for' schmittirg omd UnrsUred, this City Caursda. has deterrilned" that it it fcr thn bmst im- teretta of the City of tislieda tc entolid thn tine hn.r rareiyinz proporeete,; the tine for receivierp analer Idis dtrenuct fc the Pnanificatirra dnetted by rMet- VY he ,h46Tfv6 uhernienel' ffdrf 647 60154 611 cninh have besh subritte to tht CoonnIJ. hurtnant to Cettleficen In. 52d8 ert hermhry rojecrnd end the City' faufaude is hereby marnurdzod and diencten to return to Hadd hddders their seaded bids in thu unopened arnelo.per, and. the City Manager is further authorized and dirented to issue an addendum to the Cpecifications N3 2-56-2 provining that the Council of fIra City of filsmeda 5441i receive seeirl bids up to the hnur 21405 .otclock P. 1Z. on Tusedby, Namch. 6, 1)56, for the furnishing ro the City of the andorbiles Cd(3.6Crib,:3,6. in Eradiation ht. 542148 ed41 the 3soildmatinha referrud. tr therein. I, tjm undarsidaen, Leraby certify. that the. :11,nerd.rnng 'resolution pmn duly radminrly inbrrtnnad erd aIonted by rbe Council. of the City of iblereadda Ln resadlein ttetinn atantbled on tne 21st day of' rebmhbvny 1)5(N tie the faidossines vets, to Ydr6 ,;:ld President frenoliv, (5). Th tdira.33 chrErr4N neve herpunto set u seal cf shier (iity h Mcduddbh rtImpid. eh tee al" re ru the tv arnh' nrc Zist des of fehrstrze Incr. TITTE;(1W-