Resolution 052541 RISSOLUT1014 NC. 5254 DBCNARING Bh(ITAIN SMAIULLASICG THE dac OF ADATTBDA cammn Er -- combmwm_ m EmmEmEr in -;_=.1..L°' TF, gs. A FiK J10 18) WhERLA25,, the Nalliing Inspectog of tho City of Algmnda. ians• given nnfice in. teg mhnner mrovided by Section. 10-527 ef' the alrmede IgunicipsD. bode, directing the owner or owners of that certain. dwelling normboa dracnibed to agpedf before the Council of' the City of Alomwda. on. Thfrsday-, Fodor-gang 23, 1956, at the. hour of 7050 P. TIM, and. show caune why said building should not Pe connegned. as a. publib nnibanbe and. removed. or rased as provided thg Liameda Mbricipal. Code; and Egagnbaa, it appears that said nctice was ard reguiarly given in the form and. cEnner provided by said Code, and. the matter coring on negulfgly for Bsgib. ing before this GOUTICil. at this tige, ann nitresees being swohh. and testifbny being Liven by thr Bui0ding Inspector, the Health Inspector, anal other competent persons, respecting the cobeitiwn of said dwelling, aged. the owner of said buinbing being afforded an opportunity to. be heard, anb said ourgh rut prwnent in. psrson, the Dorrbil proceeded So a conuideration of sada mattern ehb after don consideration ef the testimony of all fatrwsees and stEgr evidenge presorted. in. said matter, Ia DfdECT RnOWLIANE), ighbandatiFED AND DECULFAUS, anh the Council. of' the City- of Alamedg finds that the dbbiling berelf described in the City of Elagnba. is in violation of aectitb 10-526 of the Al(mbfla nrniainel Code anb. is hereby de - claned. to be a nsUblic table:arse; and EE IT BLETLER BECCLVED, that the hereib desaritgr. agellinz be, ann. tire same is hereby condemned as a public nuirafce and the owner or pubrs thereof are hereby grphibiter ()Anon hts further use or,socupatish fgr the puipose of a. duelling, sair order to become offstive ttdrty (30) days from the date hereof. Elh IT AlIAMAIEIR LLOOLIED, that. thw Balidiug Inspector ls. (gumbog authorized and directed ta pose fn. a ponsbicrona place. on sear dwelling structure s. notice in the Norm. abd ib. thg mabfwr reqUired by Onwtion ibb529 of the Alameda faudripal. Code. EE rr flARTRER. BEBOLVMD, that if emEn zwaftaance be not so abated as ne gulrbd by the Alameda nbrdtipal Code Mnirty (30) drys. after the warpage of 'this hasclutior, the afty Rabbgar is (hereby afthoribed. and. directed to seize and/on rube. brie strubtago in the manher provided by Dectlons 10-5E10 an(1 10-5211 of the Aigredu harisigni Code. The dubiling heroic referred to is conntri.y known and. dfscriIed. ES follows( That pertalf ark shown as ARK 18 on City. of AlbrIcar Engineering Department Drawdrg 4220, idase 31, Sheet 1., estrd. fammbn 17, 1953, and. entitles) 'Location oi' Arks agutheast End Alageref. * * * * * * * * * * * * * I, the ufrlorsigued, hereby certify. that the fouegging nesplation K2S duly and. regularly int-seduced ans. adouted Icy the Council of the City of Alameda. in adjourned regular mgatitg gosornAg(d. or the 23rd. day of Februmng.), 1356, by the follisoing voten to wit( Ettongllmen baa.g, hove, fbresi, fneall. And. fresiewnt Kranelly, (5), RETBINSE ablIRSOF, I have hereunto set b. nab() and affignd the official. seal of sold City this hAth day of febrbggy, 12566 (),17 A.,175.17,777— ())reby ce.mtify that the foregoing in a full, tr)ue abd. correct copy of dhesolutiof. No. 5254, DSCILRING CEPPAIN ()CEILING Thn CATTY CI ALAPETO, D5TIFORISIA, TC BE A. ESTLID EbILANCE (ABB NT. 18)c, introgubea). and. aburted by the Council on the 23rd day pf February, 1956.