Resolution 0525605:003,10SIO OS). 5255 DEALA5TAC GERJIN Did.S.I.M,F,J la MBE Bit* ' ALAMEDk, C.ALIPORN,In, '20, BEM " j AWNCE (ARK NO. .13). WHEREAS, the 51diding inspector of tho City of Alameda has mivon nosice ir. the manner providieu by Section 10 -mgn of the .,z,d.ameda Munibioad. Modo,..dnoting thp swor or, owners of tent certain dweliling herein doccribed to appear before. tro Counoil of the City of Alnmeda. or, Thursday, February 2g. 1q5B, at tee hour of 7:O.0 P. M., and show. cause wny said. enilding• should not be cendoEhed as a public nulnarne and. resvod or razed ea provided in the Alameda Municipal Code; and 5q7dantAS, opnears Mfat said notice sas du:Fe arb Popularly gioen in the form ann nanner provided by said Code, and tho natter zomjrb or rez:ularjoy for hear- ing before thln Counbil at trgs time, and wIthossez berm pwcrb sni testimony being glven. by the Buj11.5.1ng Inspector, tne Heall.tb T.nopeotor, aro 41 oompetont zeasons, respentileg the condition of said dwelling, and the zsaor en said building belmg affordom an opportunity to be heard, end. said owner nein present; in. pezen, the Councfl. procoodod to e consideration on said matter, ard after duo consideration of zno tostiomeny of ati witnesses and other eviepnne presented. in said. matter. IT IC dISAliz hESOlj.20, AmM5COUINE0 AS! 7,"AndmvSLA and. She Codooil of „-.1.1e City. of Alaneda finds that the dwelling herein described in the dity enameda in violation of Section 1C-523 on nbe Alameda Mmnicipal. dodo and is beasby. de- clares. TO DO a public nisance: and 5E j",1" fte5THE liES01WED, that the herein described dwelling be, and the • hgaaby condemped as 0. poplie nidisance the owner or ownoas Maereof are nereby. pronlbited from its furthenis use or ()sensation for the ourposo of a dwelling, said order to become effective thirty r,30) days from. tbe data hpreof. 'Ta9; Faa7aia'a PESOTWEFE Oha,„ the Budiding Inoestor Is hereby. autnnalsed. and directed. to post bn a conspicuous place on said dwelling structure a notice in the fore, and in the mannor asettlred. by Sectidn 10-529 of the Alameda Municipal. Code. T3al webezdTER RESOLVED, that if said. nbibange be not so abated as re- quires. by. the Alameda Municipal. Code thirty (CO) dnys after fae passage of this resolution, the City. Manager is hreby antdgrized anh directed to seize ar/or raze said strubture in the, manfles provided by Sections 10-5210 and 10-0E11 of ttan AEageda Municisal Codo. Tne hozeln referred. to is sprEonly ariCaM ann. described as fellows: iladat rertain ark shown az ARK on City. of Alameda Ensotneerine DepartAent Dusswing ,I22C, Case Bi, Moot 1 of 2, dated March. 17, 195B, and entitled "Location. of Arks 5mmxtheast n.(j. Alameda". I. ehn unders.j.gned, hereby certiny that the foregoing Aesolusion. was auly and reghdarly innreauned ano. adopted ey the Council of Pne bity ea wiamona in. adjourned regular meeting assembled on the 23rd day. of E,esrnary, 1956, by the following 'Into, to wit: AEB0z Ho...a5, Hove, Mbresi, McCall ann ."nesident Kral:lel:Iv, (5). 20E5: None. AB:2NT IN Eli:NESS HEREOP, I have hereunto sot my hand. and affixed tit.,o, official seal oS' Pito- this 2,1tn. dag of February. 1956. cf.t5E3lE 0ENNTER rk of the C..!ity of ,A7,1nmeda n d d * * * * d * I hereby oeatiny that the fotn.zoin ib a. full_ true and correct cooy of "Zosolztion No. 525B, 5ECTIA9TNI. Et7,2"'AIN Td"o5A..50. id TH7F. CITY- Ob' eE.AMF,DA„ CAJJ'YOT5A7A, TO BE M. FU5ljIC .N010ANCE (0P2A NO. 161 ", intreducod and. adoptnd by the Cennold. on the 25re day of snOruary, 12o6.