Resolution 05258RESOLUTION NO. b258 DEGLAhISG CERTAIN DWELLING IN TEE CITY OF ALAMEDA, PUBIJC NTSANSCO. (14RX NO. 14). WREREAS, tbh SW.Ehina; Inpector of the City of Alameda has rniven notice in thy manhbr nnovidel by Section 1D-327 thh Alameda Municipal Code, directing the owner or owners of that certain dwelshinn Eerein described to anyear before thy Council. of the City or Alameda on. ThErsdayE hebrnary 23, 195d, at the hour of dm,S0 P. M., and shyw cauxe whrn shoulE not ce condemned 2S a public nuisance and removed. or razed as provided in thy Alanyda Municihol Code°. and 44EdS1 E iX appears that said notice was duly and rehularly aiven En the form and. manner provided. by said Code, anA the matter cominq on regularly for hear- ing before this Council at this time, mod uXtnesses being sworn arb testimony being given by tne Building inspector Tun Hea.lth inspector, and other homhetent persons respecting, the condition of said. dwelling, and the owner of said building being afforded an opportunity to. be heard and. saia owner being present 1E person, the Counoii -proceeded to a consioeration. of said. rnafter, and after due consideration of the. testimony of all atnesses and other evidence presented in said matter, la' IS dEREBY RESOLVED, DEhENINED AND DEC:LASED, arna the Council of thy City of Alamada rinds that the availing herein described. ln the Sity of Alameda is in violation. of Section 10 -b25 of' the Alameda Municipal. Cody and. ih hyreby de- clared to be a public rthisancei and BE IT FTHHEh RESOLVES, that the herein described dyeiling be, and thy same is hereby concyrnned as a pubfic nuioanme and thy owner or oEners thereof are proh4ited from its further use or occupation for the purpose of a dwelling, salE order to become offeotive thirty (30) days from thy date hereof. BE IT FlpibbiTTP. RESOLVED, that the Bdilainrn innuector la hyreby authbr4.rned anE directed to post in a conspicuous place on Said dwellind strucrnfre a notice fn. the form and in the marEer neahlred Ify Section 10-529 of' the Alnhda Mrnhicipal Code. SE it.' vORTH4M ROSELffe, that EC sada nuEsance by n.of so. abated. as re- quired. by the aiornado. Municipal Code thirty (30) dayy after the passage of this resolution, the City Manager hereby authorized and direrted to zeize and/or raxe saih structure In the manner provided by Cyotions 10-5210 and lid-5241 of the Alameda EunThirol. Cede. The dwelling harein raferred to is commonly known a.nd described as folloos: That certain arnms. shobn RS ARK 14 on City of Alameoa angineelMng Denartmeng Drawing 4220, Case 31, Sheet a of 2 dted March 17, 1953, ana entitieb. "Location of Ark's Southeast End alsmeda". I, tha undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly. and. regularly introduhed and adopted. by thy Counn14 of the City of almeda in. adjourned rehlar rneefin.x assemplya on tna fonan cay of Mann...shy, J.M.4...6, Ey the following vyte, to wit: ARES1 Councilmen daag, Hove, d'oresl, McCall and President EhatEmly, rn(arn. fEES: arms. AESENT: None. IN WIENESS WEEPEC I have nyrounto sot my hand. anE affixed the offlknial. seal of paid City this 24th. day cElfsbruary., 195S. (SEAL) (-,SPJTE;r( 75:17i 1-(7::1"(Z hits of o amoda * * b * a Oa X ha V I hereby certff that the foretnaffy to a funA, troy and correct copy of "Sesolution No. 52561 . , CERTAIN Da.TSESII4 IN SHE CITY Of' AI.,,bbEa,,.1, CAISIEESTEla, TE EE A PUBLIC OUISASSE (AtR4 NC. 14)”, ItEnradused. and adopted by. thy Council on the 23rd. ay- of Yebnuary, 1956.