Resolution 05259RE301,baON NA. SE59 SEAAs Ai PS NESTLE DAEALT AA IL INE JILL OE A, ASESA L"L LIALL LILLIALL tre ituladitry (ttnurzectop of tne y .L.LY1 'LLYY'LLICLL r'LL NNErts" ATE! 'Le tr. 'the ALL"LLYILLLY drCALLILY'LLY-1 Y ,;:ALYIL IC-327 CV L.-110 LLIILY1Y.ILL ILY,Lryi C.1,,LyLL'LL CO.L.Lo, :EneznEps ozne r Are se L,L' Lupe t Certyl.:11 d EP! re; re re 1 h L. or: bGri ppetz ce cpLA tops SonoPl. NV tbe Pity of riadoeds cr AndoudaN, Lobdebbry l'At5d, tne Luton or 7:3S , sncs ca due ,kTy uaid Iddho, szch, oot nerdepbuse o orb; o, rout, per se Aso descved YLL'LZ9L: L'L YrAILY'L L".ICA2, tLILL „supefrode o,t yds:, Ledo; cybd ANEEAS, apsearz Edat settlee bar dely nze rcoblarly lc Ede forr sno dopareb dALvIcey fly CAce, and hhp zatzAzt pominn ob red-Po-1v vc, henry inv hofere StAc NcLobil at thls tItte, Ard ,Lfnez see hefrin usoph ahN pod oimonoo beinu AL tell LC:re dal ley c per tete tied:, tot "se es , e L'ILL-Ar LLOYI,LeLY.,,LIt LY'LLYT ere resceptSny tro CYLLYYLI' YILfl:fl: of na'_0. dwolifnA, add the eond- of oz,d b ba:ny aff (Lobed an corset bpi ,ty to be AddrdA sbd said csnes be ibcp p-cuorA r tbe Copro7a procen6pO to a corsidoratiop c' call Pa nerb A af tour 6A- cdtts'Perar'on or tho cest.t.(rvby of siJ tnesses YL" nAber reldence cepeebrec ln said matten, Id, ty Apppyo AnynLbA,L, hp-2,np, 'Fyo .vs TorpTA, 77",, and 'the ConnA',i ',L"Le CIY:LI of e7poodn fincs fbat the dye:HAS:hp horebn OcupoShed In tho Cdty oN AldneSs cEPti oh of fee: Lor ES yoNd cf tnp Eisrdcdp SApti EtAtts NoSe snr be rrzeby de- e:N-1[Pd to oe a pub !to rbEeAree: abd St", FLATTAR SESOEvNE, ppot tbe Pebetn decrbibed th, and the Frame is heroby corPeEtred as a publlo nyluance and ths dvtner or cAnoro thereof are hereby prohibited from. 1 ts fttrther use or occupation for the purpose of 2 dote)]ing, sold breur to Spcome effectio thirty' (30) daub from. the date Hereof.. BE IT 'PERTNESS RESOLvED, that: tEe dittddiny TpubActor iE neveny arvbrrIAAd and directed to pest in a conspicuous place or said AwEldErp strrhtpre a notice in 'ore form albi in the manner reps-Aped by Suction 10-529 of the Alameda Muntiolpad Code. Etd - oAd,POo NESbLYISTA, Anat ff said odEpance be not cc sbabcd ao - "fly by dAs Ala.:zeds tdonIclosi bode hnirty (AL) days alter Abe pasuage of LAY 'LEL rsecooLles, Aro City Panageb npreby aubhr-zed anA of reeded to ecTze and/or raze sali Atructfre 1- the A.Annnur provided Sectiurs AGAPSIA) and AP-Lbib of Pee Asa possoa -Ent. cf., t Thp dwellinp herein refenred to is popEonly known and decorbed as follows: That pertain ark abbmn as AEI'S 13 on City of Alameda ILbgineerinp Depantmert Draynt.o, A220„ Case 31, "Seet 1 of 2, dated. March 17, -1.95",, anr. entltied "LocatIon of Arkb Southeast idrd Aldamodabb, * * * A * * * * * A * I, thp andersignad, herob certify' that thp foregoing Resolution war duly and :re.ribtEolv. introduced. and adopted by 1,hte Councl of the City of Alameda in adiournbd Pegs-tar przetinp assembled. on the 23rd day of FelbrElry, 1.25A, by the folEcYing vote, to wit: ATZES: Coups:12E7En Psag, "Tope, Mornal, MbOtall and Presidebt KrarelEy, (3). IN WITNESS SPEREIEN, I hAve hereunto set idy hand and affiAed. the official seal of said City. idolo 2Atn day of StetrAyary, 1956. ' T PATTY E (SEAL) CILy pk of t hereby certAfv tEtet tIle foreftoino is a full tzdze porrect copy' of "Absolution. 17o. 5259, ETN'EAVAI N- c7TrATN- lATtIbLPANN tt7E Tr:77 oF AISIFIDA, CA INTdAFTE , TO SE A PI:BAJO NUISANCE OkiiK NO. EP)", AtrtnnEpped sEd adonted. by the Cur-tool-I cr thb LtAzA. dap. cf Afsbsd)..tary, 1256.