Resolution 05261RESOKIRMON NO. 5261 DER ISCAIDS ifERTAMN DWELLING IN TEE CITY 02, ALPROSIDA, CALJNORNS,K, TO BE R PUBLIC NEIRANCE LARK WHEREAS, the RullAing ihnsfoctor of thp City of splampds has given notice in. the manner provided by Section 10-527 of the AlamedR Nunic1 ps0.. Code, direotimg the owner or owners of that certain dmelling herein. dpscrIbed to appear before• the Counnil of tinp City. of Alameda on Thursday, February 23, 1955m at the hpur •of 7:30 P. M., and. snow cause why said bhildfnm sfnold rot be scrdemreM se a rublin nuinance and. remcved orrazed az provided in the klamedp Huninipai Code: and WHEREAS, it appears that said. notice was doly and. repuinolr 617os it) the form. and manndr prortdpd Py said. Codn, shod thd mattes, eoris, on refoirmly fofirear- ing before this ResheR1 at tfis tiro, and wii,nessen Peino swmein and. testimony belhg given by the Rol:Minn, Inspector, ffe Irepentco, sind other somnctsof pwronns respecting the condiltsion of said dwellinci„ and. the owns,' rif said fd lifities be afforded an opportunity. to he heard, an5. said owner beinh present lia nerdon, the Courmil.. proceeded to a corsiSonetinn. or said matter, and. after due consideration 01) Elea testimony of all 1 lone oe. s, and other nvader,,,,a; p,,,asarybed aadd matter, HElandaY RESOLVED, SEIT.Claall..7.ED ALIT; TSECI,ERED., :.het3. the .CoutlY111 of the City. of Aiamoua flnds that tne dweiiinK nerein cescrined in ifhe City' oi' siAmmea is iA variation of Section 10-526. of the rMamedA Municipal Cede and im hereby. de- clared to be a public noise-hoe; and le:: 1,hit,te,AY eiZAhViAti, eclat i:rae cerein Mescribed Awe:1111-m,, fe, on2 ,ne aame is herebi condemned as echRin pitipanns and shs embor p 6 theroef mip heresy mpohibi Led frmse pc eprsrier ose Pr coo'ima t ion .ido: m:e ff a ovRi L :n„,„„ rail ender to bocano oNfootizn tSiricy (I0) cpms from tho cato hereof. Ee icbsiNnd heSPLTED, Meal tse RuOininc Respestp- iz hereby, sed,cheiscd and birectpe to post in a cozppiceous place ce said foeiling seranture a nctinp in tee form and fp thp manner rnmdired by Section i0 -529 of Alameda fupinissi Code. ITS He Iff6THER HMSOLNED, that if said nuimsnce be not so abAted as re - opired by• the ,Llameda. Municipal Sodo thirty (RO) days. aften the passame of thiis resolutIoh the City- Manamer is npretps authorismd and dirootoe to seise anEKor raze sais erropinrm In the manner provided by 'Mentions 10 -5210 anh 10-0211 of the eIAmeds Mrhioloal Tede. ffe dweEffnz herein rcorcm0mml to nommonly known Rnd described as fctilMwmm Tha t rent a a a Jolt Ern own aro A on ay or Ai ararraal '.::.3aL,altaa, r -ton arra Cra Ind 4 PS C e Chie t 1 of 2, dateS P.sa o ..C7a, Tiadada ana ontitnea ...c.calflor, of ,,k, SOMoseda)% )6 ama- it ana )6) Is thp undersigned, hereby certify Mhat the foresoinE Reanbuteon W20 Piety and reetilmrly intrcduped and adopted by the Council of the Ritj of Riamoda in anjohnced hegaRar meetinc, assembled on. the 23rd day of February, 1956, by the fpliowing vote, to wit: ETES, fzebblihop heap, Tbve, Somon7, AcCall hneh. IN VOKTISESS WiTHPECF, I have fpreunto set my hand and affimpd the official seal of said City PRis 2.4.ehh day of FehroAry, 1956. yl pie ry, CiSy 7.so-Ma I Irpmpley certify that the forego-Imp Am a foil, true and oorrect of "spsolution ao. O23T2 loh6ifianiST CERTAIN DERMIENT) TN iffiE CITY OF ALSKriDA, ariElHKOWES„ TO CE NOHITO NOISRN2Tf OMEI NO. 8)", tntrodzmed and adopted by thm Coornii. or, the R,Ind day cf Rebruary, 1256.