Resolution 052681 NhtNi I 00 EESOLUETSS NO. rmedt8 "taCI4CHINO OEHTAIN ItIVELIONT IN 'EH. fITY CT' ;0.:041tlik, "l".4 Oil id EOST.172 1). erm ritryht.a. '3 , he '04 1 I t, itt .70 nr 7., cf r;'" ty at" atter,' la !121' 2'1700 rt :Tine 4- the hauneb on:aided ov Sedtdoh 7 ,-Eat7 TS' the rmaiono plamlladook eoko, di thht1N4 the cnne er dsne cf 0dei her hodr dkelEllre he bhdr eadordaed to ohnear boforo tho °boned, cO tido dity of stameda on Inhradav, :harmony 26, 7Ead, at oira bohe of 7:d0 h., and :Mob oahso why radh au'ddiht srmandd not be non -okasd ah a phaldh noisance 222 ren,,OVed 03 raLbh as osbvihj db the sdaldeda Ermibiba. Cade; ask t, opkeEkt skkt balk hitIsh daa Out; Lind toga:held ytivyr lb Lk - fork gnu kannop pboy:jnd hy ,ald fake, anh ,be ae, ey 12022!013 eO2.0J111,213,1 !!."Ye - ihFhdpi nrit I.:Etna-11 L' :hip t,ma, ako nttnesoha 12.13,"! 232022 and teLdirmar alvph k. the "t La5ry Ihiunnahl, ,he hermikh prabermath, arn °Leon ponitedent heaskbp daphrotdrm kte cdtaibieh Larm caellide, ha._ the urnor df ba4d Eolasdu icitk, orOot-Joh ok eprohdrmdty Le Ito hhark, 2,13 3%10 Ceded nolt be:a' aseabat in "onset', thh debnoi7 prohnodr- to acroInhhatirm of paid kaktor, Pah artna des hosbdkafatior on ter, ree3i12,23'0T -f 21' Wie-,211d322 dnn 01,113,fJ3 hat-troupe, „J32111d1307„ dr sada Talton-, id IS rESEE1.4 didu1,770, 0a0 ain the 303133-, 3! the itlay of." E"chauta, hdrob khah 333 3 0:3J1,13 112-e.0.1 3r:bird:Loh ih tho ldiddy o: Edrubho dn bihkdtion of djaatior in -InC,6 of' tho Alakkda Enni odpal dido anc io hokkb, do- :tic:and "h he a bktlly kbitaran: and BE IT FO4al 1-02 !E!33:',fEr, thad kir tocraib de orihhd taybdIdkrt oh, Prd "jb case to kb a pY0I1'..:, ndliarhe akdl ehh okidh ar that:ado, a -e ttatdaadlb, dadedbithl 'rob furbEhr 1106 GT' ermakbatihr idtar uhrphoo of dwellini, Ladd Pt4st tb 7ash"La JCSna'isk lrmipt" lffS) day: 'sad Ihk ketb Jeetier. IT lobETEH iFOLIUTTO, that tba '0u.taJJ.:10.2, ittpihter "n LaTeby adbporidol ano did:armed to poet !a a hhashdpboup Plahe Do sh■h e!rfdt33'12 botdco in the farm Lad 'h ttb rah -kr Theulre iv Ndh'ich "40 -CP, oil ark dia-hde Hhudddeed f"te. EF IT aFk77747da FaffliC-TE tbat I' sa'd nhisarce be rot sh 'abated ha re - giAil-ed ay tho a„..amena EurApihet Cede ntdety (Odd) daab afhop tde oabsahe ol this armheidtinr, the fday rInhohar da hbreby hathertaeh drb df,,reC°,311311 30 .13(1121.0 aro/or racke !,1!aqei 133'0,3e1.320 dh tbe Eannee y.revidah Ida Sec:lads 710 -4,2014 223.1 -321:„ the Elaneha itindohal Eche. The dwellleg herein referred to is 1110MM3,213y known and deseribod. folloadd Ihdt certain. ark. snewn as ahla 2. on Pity. of klameda Enatineerdny relpartmah: Peed!!! ec,, dhatn tsead sh pegs:- 1 Ea 9 dEt,tal dadaa, lk tabs, .•.. p and entitled 'Location of Arks Southeast Ent: ah.ameha E I, hhe anheasErmed, dereed: certify ttrent the foreacting Ituosoiraion adha duly and. 'regularly introducer". and adopted by the Council of the 013y of ermoreha Lej !hit: AIMS: Chhaeolken Haag, Epee, kcaead, IdeCall and Preaddent kencitklyk, (.5)„ IICES None . AIESENT: None. IN "74744,"70)7, habd hrounto ttahrm my hand an.h. alTrmked the official sha" aadd Cita- thins Orith. dey Of robruary, cdormI) PE n' 'He kty anygrady, 1 hermay or:rale:a ilia: she foregoing to a full, true and. ohrbect GOpy of "4db:solution No. :Eked, DeCkekINE fENTEIN LaaTidielidi. IN TEE Oldelk. OF aiedhaIDA, TC' DE A I'UDLIC idelSaNfE liaffEl NO. 1)", lintiehecel Lori. adopted by the Conholl on the. 23rd day. of tdobruarah, dijah.