Resolution 05326RESOLUTION. NO. 632.6 ADOPTING SPECIFICATIONS, SPECIAL PROVISIONS AND PLANS FOR INSTALLARLION OF AN' IRRIGATION SESTEM rce THE SECOND PART OF THE NEW MUNICIREIT GOLF COURSE, CALLING FOR BIDS AND DIRECTING CITY" CLERK TO ADVEYRISE SANE, WHEREAS, the City Engineer Ras prepared Sliecifiations, Special. Provi- sions and Plans for the intalantion of an irrigation system. for the second. part of the New 1- (3 Golf Courke, numbered PW 5-66-9 and filed in. the office of the City. Olhrk on May 2, 1956; and NOW THEREFORE, BF IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF A1,6ERDA that the aforesaid Specification, Special Provisions and Plans, numbered. anh fiked. ab afbresaid,be, and thn skkhle are hereby approved and adopted. RESOLVED, FURMER, that the performanRe smR. comiiietion al' the work specified in. said. Specifications and Plrovisions be, and the samm is hereby auth- orized. RESOLVED, FURTHER, that the Council of the City of' Alameda. will receive sealed bids up to the honr of 8:05 o'clock P. M. on Tucsday, May 1:5, 1956, for the furnishing to the City of all labor, materials, machinery, tools and equi01m6nt necessary for the work hereinabove referred. to, in accordanos wIths aid Specifi- cations and Provisions. Bids must be hrehented to the City Clerk, in the City Hall, in Alameda, CsiEfornia, and scaled cover a0 d. plainly marked on the outside, "ProhoshE for Installation of Irrigation System for Second. Part of' New Municipal Golf Course or similar desgnatien, Contract, if awarded, wihl be awarded subject to the provisions of tith Charter of the City of Alameda, to thh responsible bidder wRe submits the lowest and. best bid. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids. Said Specifications and Provisions may be had. by any licoshectivh bidder en. anblication to tne City iln,61.nehr, at his office in the City Alhmeha, California. The City Clerk is hereby diEectad to advertise, in the Alameda Times- Star a notice calling for sealed. bids, tr. accorhakke with the provisions of tEls resolution and of ssid Specifications anil Provisions, I, tne undkrsigned, hereby certify that tine foregoing Resolution was uly- and. regularly introduced and aiEpted. by. the CounciR of tRe City. of haameda in. adjourned. reguikr mooting assembled. on the 2nd. day of May, by the follow- ing vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen. Haag, Hove, McCall, Mores1 and President Kranelly, NOES: None. ABSENT: None. TN. WITNESS WHER0f, I hhve hhrehnto set ny hand and hffixed the official seal of said City this Ird. day of Mayk 1E56, City ,Aerk City of Alameda * * * * * * h * * * hereby certify Vast the foregoing is n. ull, true and correct copy of Rehclution No. 5326, "ADOPTING. SPECI7ICATIONS, SPECIAL PROVISIONS AND ?LANS ERE INSTALLATION OF .A.N IRREIGSTION SYSTEM FOR THE SECOND PART Oli"Ii-LE NEW TAUNICITAL GOLF COURE, CALLING. FOR. BIDS AND DffECT-Pirk CiiRICLERR, TO ADVERTISE SAME', Introduced and. adopted. by the Council. on the 2nd dhy of Mayh 1956,