Resolution 05331NESOIJITICN NO 5331 CALLINM FOR BIDS FOR LEGAL ADVERTISING FOR THE CITY OF AleMEDEIHOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1956-195V._ RESOLVEE BY TEE COUNCIL 0? THE CITY OF ALAMEDA that said Council will re- ceive seaied bins up to the For of 8:05 P. M. on. Wednesday, June 6, 1956, for. the publication of all legal advertising of scid City during the fiscal year ending lune 30, 1957. Such advertising must be published in a newnpaper of general circulation pnblished in the City of Alameda for a period of not less than one yeam immediately preceding the making of such bid and. having a. bona. fide pale circulation of at least 2,500 copies. Said. advertising shall be in accordabne with the following specificationA: (1) All advi-i: ements shall be set in. solid six-point (nonpareil) type, in. columns of 24 ems to the line and 234 ems to the square, except that by. request of the officer authorizing the samt such advertisement may be set in such larger type and with such spacing between lines as such officer mAy direct; (21 Titles and. sub-headings shall be set in six-point capitals (nonpareil), black-face type, or in. such larger type as may be spncified by the officer authorizing the advertisement. Bidders shall state in their proonsals for doing said legal advertising the price per square of 234 ems, set in solid six, point (nonpareil) type, in columns (01 2M ems to the line, abcording to the following shed price per square for the ist insertion; A price 1 square for the 2nd ineertion; price per square for the 3rd and for CC. subsequent insertion. Bids meet be presented to the City Clerk, in tle City Hall, Alumeda, California, under sealed cover and plainly marked on the outside, 'Proposal for Legal Aevertising". Contract for such legal advertising, if awarded, will be awarded. subject to the provisions of the Charter of the said. City, to the responeible Ondder who submits the lowest and best bid. The right is reserved to reject any. or all bids. Tice newspaber published. by the bidder to whom such contrabt is awarded shall. be known, for the tern of such contract, et the "Official Newspaper" of the City for legal. advertising. Tht City Clerk is hereby directed tn advertise, in the kitnunda Tines-Star, a notice calling Mmr sealed bidA in accordance with the fitnvinions of this resolutiorm I, the undersigned. hereby certify that the foregbing Resolution was duly and regularly introduced. and adopted by. the Council of the City 1 Alameda in regular meeting assembled on tbA 15th day of MAy, 1956, by the following vote, to wit: AMEN: Councilmen Haag, Hove, McCall, MAresi and President franelly, (5). NOES: None. ASSENT: None, TE WITNESS cHERLINE, nave hAneunto set my hanfi. and affixed the official. seal of sald. City tbis leth day of May, 1956. SHIRLEY H City istrk of the City of Alameda