Resolution 05346REEOLT777 ON NO. ne7X7,'7. A SF; S 05575 T dehe TT NG TTTE liffilid7hil Of AND Pi7COTEDIING T7 0 7:77E C PE NSA ON OF C E Fede. It! OFF I CE S AND OfTIE Mt F. OP THE f7 I TY OF' A T..A Awn: rer T T T.4.41b4 S BE IC RESOLVED BY '7E7 COUNETT. CT' fteTT Of' XMAS:Thai AS XOthOsetel _LfleelLf. leLf72.7Lie„ ETEm htesoloticT snad I be Entwe as the "Ca They Fes° lhtrion her the ffirei yedhe 1956-195E7." _§_c_ctieLthapp haPdffixXf77,PPhilx 1. The following paragraphs explain all of the rates oh comperheatton app.11 cable to positions in the service of the City, the setting of.' whose salaries and rates of compensation are speolfically allocated to the City Council by the City C!ho, r r T. The holloming salary ficherEile inclu.dee, cemstain indivichual adjust...slants to faske ratsv oh compensation mere nearler comparable to thhee peinm, paib by pullih juriedicrions end -private indararry i..n Mae Bay Ared. ithe emenarab71e evices off work. 2. Incumpents of re -assigned poirtiona. In those masec where certain classes *hay be aboltished and ided Ens oche allocated. to new or other exi.sting ciecalhicethns, the incegibolite or soca re-assigned eosirionh shall he plidchd at tee same relative srbp in the salary range tor the new class as tney occhnied in their fOrTTVi:' (Thee' 3 t on . 6„ Exhfdt as norein otherwise prorMyied, persons in. wositionw Peartng fiat rates oir erwmpenzatice shalA oe paid the designated. fibt rate erring the tiscat yease . Cabi 1 a T tme fisay 0 yrce nt a4Ye ba ra Le a as specified in the Oarreensation. Plan shalt. be, eandioened. gross comedensetion. for hull-time employment, arm are ex-hies - ive oh vacation, nrelfriay, snick, or arbor 'leave with pay. 5 . 'eine e ys ne cessa ry to c carce ns ate ni rith y employee for service 0777 a daily compute partlal eel-en:ft-gee, hred daily heats of pay eaceil he determined by cil y4 di rib: t. be la ant 5,4 t e nie the total ne.nen r d 33e in the month invelved. e. ?art whime Emplawnenv. Those mnployees appointee in. accordance witn ,-...7.,feEthren '7, I e ar the fiL777,1 Service lirries., shall be paid for C nee '.(31 On re en_nene at n leniar in,IT rate eetablightog hoc the e lass ificati or Pseud of,. thee apperodelete step in tne salary. range for classirleations whose rates a re comhuMed on a menrhiwr Oasfm. In the latter mace, the noon:Ty rate ,e teal]. be e tztlte te tee the basis of a 2, 08C-hour me a 1076-houn year, wit', orneveal aPP2177able a. 'In the, matter,' of tbta c amps ns 1; on of Emergency Si:reef:tog (Fart-time) in ohch clessifitation shall become vacant, the edmainlex EMereeney 7Curgeons who safill servo wore than one weche co.ch home-week pert ed. chant reactive additional thempensation :for smile servings a t the ra te ch 4150.00 peon Week SeVen ein it becomes necessary to call in. doevers not rewularix employee by the Citv" as part- time Emerseincy Surrixeche c e rya f tise bible left caber,. by arm; synch xacancy 0 13 vechnpies, sehh doctors edam., De canabonsatea 'or their nerv!ices at the rate of Thter0„C.70 ter weal< al' seven V!! a4:in. 7. Salary etdvancement. Ealary aovancement for classes in_ tne step plan. 244211 be ma de sub Ject to fibs foil ow in5 or i s ons a. ,eppoinhment po nocition will narmalier be at tne first stem in, the s la r ba 'age . ban slab" C) ye e elley be a pp el. n te e to other to.o.n ohe normaaa enoering selpre. step hpon hhh recemmenhafihn. wh Mae Appointing Authority, when. it is eecleed t hat wo.ch action is in the beat .in t ca s of •i:abe Cfbanyabbas the second. oh made hpun. Mae sa tifedee homy emaciation ch a probationary period. This 31 3 X n Orre3 n the case of all olassificationa excepting Ecti.I.ce Of ears and "1.,h aemen‘, Such increanee will become effective on the fewest day of the page period following reix men:tees oh service.. 'Para=aftor, ar esap:loyoo r?7,(7, 'pa'a -also a oatisSaatoPy :ovo,1 of vancf,j 1 S'ha. 0 r t he, V19,: a S. ry salose SO Is poso.soaso wai. e Po the ansvarpc.sra, sate aS Insassoo ta EEe c cone cc, .:-Psy os,roon Pso is ao.sol..s -ea as a ooplpjos aO a 94cp aeove the -'.. s stes of' tho C S r a a oas PSI !so a p aoa.,S o sho noxs ef:9-544 c749 2 4,4 se52472. ce 29325 ..5490,999 4,2 1 c e Ve t, cf -744e ea y :De a! 795 f 54„ 1-52, ono year 05 sew omoloyeas emspal.rop,. sns Solis° ano ?ire Service anass se ecrEplo3432. a 1::; the rEEnicara ter; of the solc. ry range. if or 4:,92.1.r positlopP. Annual lanoseases to each ssoppedin step will c ass effee 194199 t t or Cf ',Ice pay -2447-744oci f ollowing ecenpla on of ea ca year of 77495971 co . 3ale re: 5.92277-44.4 _Le Step S p St2p P 212 2,,,O SPC 4: 24.4 ;544: 2547 2,44„. 2.4 24S SPis SIC ?SS '.3 27 '..) 29297 '922 432 eflE 9 222 502 i -9 290 4-4,5, 575 c4C 5 S.,s S60 ..i 2, Ss.) 542 :2429 EEL., 1.95 5994 3'75: .5907 5295 0773 714.4.; 497,5 lc 549) 372 4259 32E '472r 445 425 445 IC CEO .4.9Th 4E2: .''' EE 1.3 422 442, 4724 495 ,, 4'9;5 471E 454E. 535 4.297, 24 4:55 44.45 55,0 24 4'75 422 .245(.1; 54e 5'79 25 4445 3 4 525, 52E2 :.,-7 455 5545 E42 520 522 505 555 :CSC' SC5 4C' 524, CSC; 22E 5,52 2 ;52, 545 5E74 447E, ,'; ' 24 2.5,9 52 5;59 29j2 5445 5932 ss PaPs ,.SS.,,, 522 562 599: 2915-1-4 - - 25E2 ;52, ;7:4745 5729 OBC 22.0 SS SOS ,;Y:". 72b e0 4211 Pater) 5:, ^,p Step - a 710 700 72E pm 5 705 ? J` 303 710 780 171114 1,012, 723 700 700 21i 5 5,55 45E '745 7120 17,11,5 2E5 1, A 0 2125 5,171 070 920 7 d ea, 14E0 01.0 51E 22:20 C 1000 ns Ehiude of' Positions and 1iEy Ran:2,es,, .L.12,1)IET10 15 A 211iga ,L31.1EF1,112211, 1.75 Audi MEI, and. As s a s s or a - ?Go Deputy Assesaor 455 485 eCn •'..)sm.s a54) De2pury Se.4111, t,, (.2, r 1 24 ..4,,..5b m.85 505 E6112 1)55 1.52 Deputy gield Az.-,,,sessor I. 14 500 311.ED 405 iC2 Deputy Field,Assessor (Part -Timg) 2 12 315 330 344111, 36C 127 Senior account Lalerk I 14 660 390 405 24E1 .,11,m counting Machine Operator D. 12. 51.5 330 640, 0260 106 4ypis-Cle.114,2 1 6 21.10 2614 200 290 1250 - a. 41-5/1.-)r,,, 1.60/r. 2 .112,,Pr,-E. No. of .f.014 Star S4c2p Stc2P SteP _ Posit:don:a 15c. TfLOLLIO,D1T...:Lil 114:1 _. of fos peofci on 1.),14v1, ,den ( Sr. 1,1 .1. v I a Engineer ) em 51135 525 0150 020 71.0 1.1320 Buildlnv inspecdtor i 19 47E 435 455 47E, 3,'t-.5 540 Plmnting inpectan 415 435 455 475 495 2.05 0m:darling Pe• mAts AssEs12ga 12 3115 211;0 1576 9112 11.74 .0112 y A t1"..c: 83,0 1370 11,7,21 2e rP t ,ny 955 1000 37F 3E20 1 1E. 3.34C 345 110111_111211111. i70 City Clerk. 27 495 520 645 570 5E15 laA. Denatp Clay Clerk 12 313 311115 345 360 375 557 Carage Attendant 2 10 220 500 31.5 $30 345 JanEgaress 7 270 M10.,,,, MaU 300 Te a a ph c,Er, a 05 era -1...., a 12 1 9 290 300 31E• 330 1013, IntErmediato 01.saccanTyaist 1. 8 11170 26G. 290 Mai 1E00 42.1 Ey ivasslg d,,,..., -.5 50 n 1..250 14E9 h is s i s t.; a nsz, 51 -12,,,y, saa na ge -.3 2, 7511 120 •13,3 c'.2. :re t, a 12 ,y• 1:, 0 L he 1.1.1 Manager ""L :IA _ 355 • 370 3.111E1 4,121.2 Interme, eals t, e C11,3 ra-- T y p 1 •E•14.., 1 .3 24'0 2E0 2130 0011, ,31.P 0425c Arn._ C e °ITS ?LANNI-NH .N0. of lishp Step Step Step Step Stop 4 ago Flan:n.13.2; Director 1 22:. 2...... 5615 52.15 725 295 Assd sta Olt Planner t 20 425 445 465 485 303 103 SenIor Clerk-TypAHt 2... 10 2310 300 315, 350 3,15 .9.11 viT L .111EFEN11112_ 055 Ae3dotalet Th7rector of Odvil Defense ans. Disaster A A 600 1111152 Ottle f"11a. rle a _ 1030 Me di ea 11 a nd Flan 1 th 01.5.41i e3d Goch5inaten 1 20-A. 556 ....,.,..lxia..ix.,y Police Coordinator 50-A e05 9150 Auxdliary Fire Coordlnator A 25-A. 555 Senior Stenographer-Sas-Pk 1 10 290 611.5 330 345 105 Typist-Clerk 6 255 260 970 280 290 172 Exeontive SeeretAvys Civ111 Service Board. 33 535 665 595 725 760 110 Personnel 01250. 5 13 345 360 390 1.05 Typist-Clark 250 250 2?C 200 290 IILIZIJELLZE 1:16 son'ior Stehof74Adher -Clerk 1 10 290 315 330 345 LA-Le 5533 Fire ChdAf .. =C-A 660 Asintant 161.55.5 Chief 2 542 Fire 0aptedn 10 21-A A 525 Fire Lieutenant 931 25-A 555 550 Assietant 01.4d Marsh91. _ 55-B _ 510 54C 51 1.51 -A _ 2.05 595 450 b "..4.2. 14u4.44.4i4t 14 z e 44 c ha ..n 1 b . "44 7'7)0 425 44b 113 Sender Ctenererapher-1112nek 1. 15 530 300 330 LIAILSAL1f2... 653 Clty. FrepeslciAn (Fart-Time) 10-e . 5 1, ...) 1. .) ehl. Elnerxeney Surgeon. 1.6Art -2Ame) A - - 150 3L0 Rogintored Nunee ' 31.5 625 660 675 355 F...211..ef Steward (15255tH5A.513,2e) 1 58 per day/ 112.38 GOLF. 755 Goif Frefeational 7-A - - - - 314. Golf Ccurso Superintendent J. d6..3 425 405 535 Aetomotdvie Meentande 16 355 405 425 445 750 Odif Startee 12 313 035 313 030 0-hound or:earl-0h no ene r 11 300 ble 6,15 660 554 Equipeset Operator 12 313 3650 34.3 300 675 121.65 djanitor 3 255 230 615 570 , 10 290 350 353. 300 345 In. addition to normal Avepaheat20n, he0 Anna, ho1d1hp the po.:31tdon of I:shover in the Golf IA5BertvAnt, wb.en so aretaFed, Ahal 0. rece1vA an. adoetdonai .nun. 1.1111160.00 per rIcntb for hig'nt oaterdnt. 450 355 335 540 316B 315 15A J63 113 1 12 Health 56ficee Bleentot of 24551111c 3neltb. Wnrsing Hnalth ElledaPor Director G.1 Bari 1:62 Li. on .11s1 ic Health. iabohator Atchnician Publde :Health. 'Nurse SanitalLAn Aodent Control OftiNAA Scretert-StArAAfli.Alql, Senior Clore-deepest 45 24 460 6:52 22 233 23C 4-5 24 50, 450 eGb 330 535 535 520 530 15 . 345B ✓30 535 525 445 15 650 2.5B 445 13 d7B 330 seo 453 10 550 '600 33U 625 13 34O det ADC 10 200 350 etc dAt 13 530 b1159 35. 325 A 233 250 Aptp 995 7 Q 11one 2Jfy r St: At) tett 2.22,e p 27,er S;-,Pr 1222 222762s t 2(622 1?: 252 2,22-• 0 272 220 2522 ,2126 La '22. ra2; nny s ft t ft 1 266.: 2.2 a 226 r",2.2) :220 E225 262 22.72" 220 2.2'5 64.6 it E. ft '' ft 1612.(1 f 1 111'.. ft 2 "SY: te,' fiftr1 ft 1 tit ,...t 1.7 :19' i 1: t1.1 6.61;f: 4.45 162 ,211.2: Pa .12: 223,1 r: t nna n4. e 22222222tan - 2 , 3:42 402 "125 2, ff ti.. Itit: 2.22, ena 2 re .52. ,222e -2^ 116 2,22 320 41;5 b...f1r 145 151 Eqn f, p52221., 212'2.,n2Lcr 2 12,2 5:12 "2522 275 545 ::.; 221 260 26 r 3522 err, 222),* 2226; ve 2 2 .11 132 '2 5:15 2 ''2C. .215 150 22ben ',5252266., n 2 a 2, 2,60 264'2 2'2'2,2, 22:2'. Plymbe :- ' s rip'1,:"2.212 .1 ..1. 1 t; 1)11 31 if :6;1;11 221-5 , - "6,21 De pnty ?curb:inn 2 12: r 22P bore r 2. L 300 5...", b 22222 3722 112,1b2.2f2,2 2.10 12,22 0(22 224, 26,2 12.122.62;i:37,_ _ 606 21222:142,12..2. 222. rt. (,'22::,r t-'262r262 12 ..:62:22"- -21,12" Pol.! 6e6,6):22,6: 0 122-2A 2 _ 4-00 Y., 2 r 452`2 215 122113,2, Cf1112E62 21, 12212 42.2 450 d.:20 pod 1 g e Sergef.nt 7 21222 _ 2(2.5 225 2'22 1 - e [6191":116,2,,c6r, 21-2 5:2:6 2'22 2.1.222".,2, LA ey. to nun t :1 25 -it. _ - 5242 521 P011,22 Cab62:: ',2, 62,21.. 52.2"1 Tydern.214"U,3. t1.0:6 012"12,Pr 20-k _ 525 2202 2 1n2,6 722 1625 522 152 i ef .143(1. to 62 2222,12/pan 22.2 -1:5?t, 4 "22, 4.22 205 r:222 112,622 2220,2226.4f22:n 22'. 6262 :xi 4,15 61"2 21 2 Spn2122 S22.2,24(22ary 122 r2":1"ter2 20 2,22, 2,6,C 2416 22361, membe,2 of -.he 2c.:1114e 2!,1222 .22n at-fly:22 2122, " it2.3 f Of. cf 1"22-vt1 vp-ly 2122 '12:reb6ns b rote , 6na 2(22,t6t2 122 a 2 2 ordt.22222t 12,1 t prennt nee ab .2 , end ett dee A 4: et en ono 00i one4 ons ere re telt:0d Ined °cot - to.,412 n4: a tr.2.22t 2'111xt."2.22,12t v o 1 2,"222 abb t " 6"22,122arpp 202 tc. r" "ea retereatt.') 606 Pol...nbmas ter EL-3E23:313-2.12 113st . Fur thz20.6-214g. Agent dynd LW:IL:ding Sup:Yu-6 nun:6de dnt Soul or idnengd 'gyp ingf, 0): teed on of' n nee oto d tfA; 2hy s "! "it it1.! ftfl 1: 1 OP ' '11 e S 0 r boc '626 ',Ion 52622:221pon of 12-122,52,.'cs 22,22.221scr. 6'1 Cnne''.9J. „oft:It:pit:es 44.6 Pe r°, 11 ) 11:10 fft _ i; fee, y don' e t2464, if:erten& Ice!, Tent net' ( Ottntett tte ) re a t en I de, ; fte, o - 2722 f.:;262.2-22fy-b,", 161.22262.2b ittiet -60Are) 'Semi on int. Cotton nd =n't.) nit - tee ) 1,1, end,: etnen t . Ca h it,E2422:,J2 rant-2 .22,p ) to orb t 212' 062.222. ) ,2fp," .2.202.rat f tf.f) .f1ftC1Ofti" " 217-1"`f 112' 't .f,t1f1 tIttft,11 tor 1;1.12.00 pc 2:" mc.2112 2220 per mont02. 2.00 pa 11 rri tt 155 .24 22122 1231: 2 .22212" 646 660 455 ,-.1.2:23 42.42 5222 9 .2, 2622 2422 1-.042 2,30 n22. 6".226 527 pp.-2 br 2/2 .00 3.60 245 2261 3215 56 111,41 tort / nd 0 1 J.4. 0 1, 90 =34 F.te 11.11.1 1.tt b ft1.11 t151-14, per 12222. 2/.2 .21.0 per hr 5"Y per nr 0/1.. 60 pea.' hr 2/1.00 300 2115 330 1215 25,22 230 270 282 290 290 300 1615 320 = 3 -u3 S-1;ep Siren Snap 11339p 57539:8-3 13-1 5i, 1211 tin 8 26,..P81.81,18. r, „ n 3 _ Frei 388 Se 1,V.1. 00 1;0a rd .117 51,975 ":1,351 1253 44-8 1185 11,15 Jur ' Or S r.ellOgra pile- r -.0 le r',., 3 239; 299.15 2,...?:0 L',5721151L5L_111111,25:551"1",T.f7,,-iLTIT _ "lin:, iiss 5 rib": in--, 551 ty 35103-9811-131ir I. 7,8 119513 05E1 -7215 1,115 Ininnicria 38 1.71",311 "1",15,51nanir 5, 380 8155 820 :550 4291 A2'3 i f.,.: ta 0. 1::. i..;:i vf- 1 818a9-81rnnari .„, 155 1'0'1 4995 51501 ;a-ta:a ii.'7',..; 422 131 ;inn - cer -.--8;,. iniagince 8 1 950 425 -a-15 185 9185 5115 1,823 i in', or C1v10. hrbeinaia r 1 23 8-29 "1715 A5,5 42,5 bi,53 213rior nom; truct 1, 0.8 nos nc.53785er 1i 159; 4,58 475 ""-t,95 320 045 417 SArey ,1arty C85,ef r 20 125 517,25 7113 505 .113 C :ins trunnion ',:lE, De e L 01. ,; 'fl'3 438 4 '7.5 85 A175 A 8 it: 43,9 '115 Srnert Insprc ter 183 405 98715 443 438 485 89553 Senior 181ni721565-,rin,r 7,1715 3 6i118, 7"5973 593 4525 "110 glneiarinn Af cis 4 7 ;5 5230 38,5 911111 3590 5932 Maintnibrirce Sute 871 niern8en t 1 750 5110 8 5 b 5910 8333 5'15 085eral Strrot 1fir-5151r,ernirre Superv'i 33:8 ; 15 "8178 1.25 3,315 "1G5 4713 501 Canner 805 -Porniriin :I 131 390 1-03 428 448 7503 L'1, on c tie to 19,o72-21-7,Ent 1_ 53717 390 98155 3935 1875 588 Sinrer irorirria 5 11"5 598 393 48b 421', 445 857 E. S-75-11orrman 2 ' 8 13511C 515 3915 5° 2 19-21 1)858 5g7,-ror Si,353,-Frner One -rn yiar 33 888 8815 5589 3110 5112 alaintr.bance C89rearte8 2 15; 3110 987 b 5388 4515 '11a 11:Lie 8,r; nrc, 1,33 eh:a el c jt 11; -6 1 b 7185.1 1,45 85/95 89188 A 8 i8o5-58. 1:1 ve 113Th I' 1955,r;1371; Ornara t", OP 1 1,-.., 343 880 3315 8110 135 A ':i. t 011(Di lvA, 55c nr,r1tr, 1 113 -sr; n 390 "19)5 488 448 553 E"nriperne One 858 1,08 t :a'2.. 7515 9833 31.5 1870 3312 5bi/ Painter "5358 ,..3715 8519 40'8 551. 957,813" ir 11-711.9i.tor 1 .,1 82111. 9590 8315 398 "105 57551 1,15 to-2 Eci 8,1 -Innen t So 58-7 ireibtr, n 8 1 ■ Lae, 515 953C 5,1-5 58:115 bna Cement -58-1nis'rer 83,- 346 660 57b 455 , •' , 2;',,t1A, -5, d Laborer iii 11 308 L'51, 8; 838 51,15. 57.5C., 3553 ere !in ry -1.11-3-Lnernrar nor 1 153 5385 -,1339 85.3,8 Seib: "5:5,8 Ste rorrine be. r —C:: e 358. "i -,,58 913-51,, -7-31.1 3,inct; Il 0 Juni on Stoner:rap biar-17.15.e rk 8 25C' 2-50 2'7 C5 118;0 2510 1113 1.8583-7"modlr tr Ai:cowl t Gin rn 1 ; a 21133 309 8;15 3830 3433 11175, freaanre8 ana 8ax Collort88 75131 _ _ 8 7913 1117 Dripety 3 83,90i-3re:8 5 511 1,1519; a Pie 51115 Inninnaranii.1 a irEi. 18,3ro -nt 1.51ern 5, 10 2558 17-.0 185-trairbir :3313-ar C oil 8 rtiir i 5, -1 8 L5 8558 8485 9563 5:72 i5.::, t'A5',. n,,, .1,'•:o t:&;.1' :':ie aa 5-77,-38n 14.--A 383 3 '7 -7 11/1e; :, 0 r 9, 7, ESTPA 11711,82 7-1187 7,11„ 111/111-13181519-811371:- n85-8308 ITTT.F.TP IYTITK 10.n Int8r,e00181,8 Ao,ActInt ,--(7.1.,:ak. I 58 LI al. I Da" Steil a ore -518e .r1,7. ':i 2u 0 1188 2118 2811 2130 1015 Tntr5,5,951877,--,n 151e Lin a '1:721' 103 157 ii-1, 8 i -111 a 8,75- 3 3 Pr, D 8313 1151,' 23-8 2510 ...1:93 ibo, In 31-2:58-0 15brera tor 5-1 ",,,,,,Iii; yieb ."00 ;-75! b 5,5552-; 1,118,583355,7,cy 35; nic, on 8 - 15'1 3339 5,85-5„b ii a "--.P.r.-5, Lth La i.9) oira tany ,ie...) ,.°,16'..,':.• ,A'aCr.ale at: A15 :565' 5-5`, 5 AAA) 320 75153131.1313,5ni t :inner ion 1 7 2 48 8 4553 2t{tt. .,5,75 tiA.K., 712;ll :SW:), 1 Cr ::,:1, VI L if,i731:".2.7.1' 7 ,7';',:‘ 1553 "585 4985 91175 805 -12, 0 nei-btn37.9839g. hine, 11, i1,1,9 348 8913 ;51715 „1.5,18 ala 1 r tr. bin . 5:31 ive, enn n 9 3 : 11' 811. 51111315 8315 8,97 "1-a-iiwir, in: terann 1 817 28.0 .385", 8131 59881 ,7"7", Lab oror 8 2 51-5 " 710 0 111 5 55 3 0 31.5 one: ,),A5,A, t 'D , 5 27'5 293 8319 Jan1 1 re s 53 '7 `7".'ir.) 2370 29151; 8211 ,351255 (,) Holiday Reisic—Alth C ity employees c ;pieta; Oi by Molt; Fie s olotel..cos , - rips, regale h inemberS of the Fine and Pchielgiss rtroe rat , part st isse pros ligeye and n invieent an or dots:, rtmen t heads , svilo ara ephiaraii to ethos; on soniy 0 e itab.lisals;d noisiest:7; a 3.33 ( I.; be pa 1..d fele eine liesinher of ;spurs .,v .ad at the Tie to of one aro; one -heel times elhe s tra ight time hate ba sed. cr. the". sis; Shay' salaries; or n: 2 a. lichees, such time of serum eines ctsyne roe eye lib. pay as is :aqua lee eassesseP c;.f matert, ornied no tee eilithitde ; esosigiony pas anal i.. In 3310.3703001.030. t 0 the 033.3 30.10 r :ears- ass essaael eyes re co isaa o f or hsainigiasre ale on. a eieshilsa stszi e coo ;state d pastik (say t ;no tfne samp eye e trip everet ern.p.Loyee !CS 333030103.01:00 31. t 0 33 0031 Ole 0. 03.01.131300t 3 30300 F0av h01.10 y 1.01 b ft 010. Eli 110 0313,03.333.1E vau 10.0 e 11033 00 s ha Is be no iiehotimissiona; of holiday pa 2 in add s. on to, 0 Ire rt , 'EU Lida, ig f 2c3 ne a -sea :feels?: r tart. Lt . Ai apt] °yeas of essa foal 1 ca she'. iithee jea Molex:es axes e ti its the; ssalt o f Sisitte Cl geese ; eisenlits, ; onosn,, 0 e ether v p naming:see, s a -a; en; a ed al it I an c s dope no. on cos, ;pis 4ssiie COO' nr:, -CO Of 0 r 30;30:310 1E0 3000.13.3 It re,sto sale ,.es crinc,1 030 t001 7 0. E 3: 30 the isia itin: Peoli nla ,sen ; too iiese 's slay- lenlatih'ey Asti- a 01`.: ;;; 's seinapia i2segnsoan .2ey iintoreee flay I: nil:ago-get ;ea; eiss ' es Dzi Chei has, o aer,o :n tiv,e ovens 3:3 3301 030 CL.E, fora case rrao, ft, Le E°3 'E. 001 013.333 El31 13 0 'E.'. on accA! ca os d oyees ia ;lie: pa orce s so:he sr; a he ;Inas, tha anstlic,ipians oa ?C 2 SO O 330 Ott 31313 000'3 .313! 0100 ■ 000 0°0000 t 00 Co r a rah otos! ao cr alc:AAtu v , ate t fenacyvero Acr",,,7 co a, itc rcoatO iiisesal sada tni ire; e gripe pso ea for hoes los :3 0 .0 t 5 seep ovegotamo 2,o.sise ;at a lidto rotoossy -Woes.: es east o o,;.i sari' erns eon. ets;e ;toy taila piase es of Igoe etal;le c ;as x s on s acAn. as provide.h in tan won,. anneeoin fC0 0.1.31 pen:Slept ) oro s iie lesived iinhan aos f 'rod, 10133 0:101 00,010311 t. 13 1, t'.3t. 10331 :1 31 10 ora a to 3,363 a 3 ., , ;e i sea iisa es of hhe w :solo ;saline pen deg tor encl.; t Son; or It 2 o ; ho os sesi here' en at. ls , y sla -... a sia t 00 Ott 3 c ono are t, o ,Lor -co, o hest .,Aor Sere nee pp a rests: e gorlares s loossno 2 is oleic liners . 4 . P-nonso Slats 'es ooncopitl en, for 0 0 iD °toot:coos , alas' be .reoft, re CI appoLt ,rav t 0 C 1.0 0 0 13! 'et0 33 la egegi r 353,33-13. as 3 eelp lega one -ore gl ceps Ia en-0107;as; be as, croon tsal. 3-330 033 3333 0 35.1 :3 0 0 13.3 t: '533 3 2 a 0 603 I 10 1:13, beg onti s p leen oat; s leen or Vaan sa essay oSee e ve thn hp. oulg-en nes; occestinalhe, sinionevese la lehOasho. i opentaPhia het stenos; isn 03000 e penes oesso " Ls shoo eat', on goo; asa s it in, agnie entegiiissese ra; ono nosi;;;; re en vinis s hag:gen sa Lary- then. en orniteessega t ills-he ei s vo.tte inios keseage ea tahl ig se en; ne Asernagreersitgi ;ion none!: ne; stars 111 Oe in saac olissa e ael. pro; o a do -ea raise ' d -ion 2, Fella ,troch , ',ALCOA, 1 5 3 3113 1°', 333 c ov, sccetenss, t, I orlo , c P lay tr acs Jp„, c JO_ b pa vo play P :033; 101 011 1313 1.3 300 an.' on 2i,, t, ft 000 03t3A 10e. 3-3 000 I. prOV 3100, 13 title:" any a onia deg fio s oh a 2 asps. 1 holt teas sato-scan e hoe to 11.0E0 011 oesA craccdf,n,t cuanosse cvsy. . s lot 33, 336 Ft 3 6: 5 0 63 33,31 330 a oil sa; 35 3.3 0 c rd T 366 333 3333 rand x o rec salary treireases to ..ne ines1 tinge of ,sindal tor a aca '3 le 0 0 1 3333. 1111 COI 10 33, .0 0 33 113.0,15. 3103 1310 is; lees o to ti on, eve sato:Jac t voca sti pri ono. nei one in the essen e of _al Si gat 1 on. n ; e e nns:sod 3, rat 33 3 3 .53.163.3 3 6 3 353, 33366 13: a 23 .3 The, se itschieis a nd :Lae to s u 30. 0101031111330 tier, 31 101.1300.11 13.3,333 3303 IS Re 31 0 i 3111.3303.1 b e effes alive as of peed ;..11: ter .valy ,IO.)5C„. 3.33333Ch.3,13,3D t ha -3: a 3:1 onnAr p.a., 0 int 1.. the re or Joa. Orr 1st h.:3733131 3-13. a re "1:30 the 6 X -La Itt sof s oh conflict snits, hereby Topa C" hoe o and a 5331.33....3301 2 i)1 I, tjh urdessigned, hsreby certelfy that J.1.6 fhlsej..,..!..sys Resolution. was duly. aA, . reguierey introsboee and adoesse by the Connell of' thm Clay of lalsmeda in adjourned (regular sahetIng assembled. on the 26th day of Jene, 1956, by tHe foliselng vote, to wiS. ASESI Ghuhciasnsn fesnes1 nee \else Presihelet (4)t Pfesidwnt Kranelly., (I). WITIST.SS WHET=7, I have hsreente set my hansd. and affleyea tno off.jcial. essi of sald Olty tels 27t..„ day of Jbne, 1(.456. SHIsses.jj TeThireiTsfij 71177-7717; r certify yest tne foregoin.y is 0 full, true ann convect copy of 1..esoletir No. 5376, "A fESOLUTION DESIGNS„fINT. THE NUTIDEE. AND PROVeDiNG Tf2, CeMEENakTION 0.1f CEhTkrN OFFIsj(F72 gND OT.NR E(SPLOYEES OF THIS! CITY Of' AiwaYEDa. AND PP3j/fDING P,ULHS AND TiECIATTO(..dF. PEIXeIVE THERIS:Te.q, jrtrodeeed and. adoetee by as Counil on the 26th day of judo, 195(7w.