Resolution 053494 RESOLUTIOT NO. 53/..9 ADOPTING SPECIFICATIONS :AAR FURNIMEINT TO THE CITY OF ALAMEDA ODE DEW CaMPLETE TRUCK, INCLUDING PICKUP TYPE SOBT, FOR THE GOLF COURSE, CALLING FOR BIDS ANT DIRECT- ING CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE SAME. gsg• . _mug gg RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF TIE CITY OF ALAMEDA that the Specifimetions and Ftovisions for fumnishing to the City. of Alameda one (1) new. complete truck, imcluding pickup tsmph body, for the Golf Course, No. MS 6 -SC -21, filed. in the office of the City Clerk on. Tune 6 1956 be and. the same are hereby approved. and adopted. 'RESULTED, TIARVADKR, that tht Council.. of the City of Alameda. will receive seaL- d bids up to the hour of 8:05 e,olook F. M. on. Tuesday, June 19, 1956, for the furnishing to the City of said truck, in accordance mtth said Specificotions and. Provisions. Bids mnot be presented to the City Clerk, in the City Hall, Alameda, Caltionnia, under sealed cover and plainly marked on. the outside, "Proposal for Pickup Truck", or similar designation. Contract, if twamBed, will be awarded subject to the provisions of the Charter of satd. City to the responsible bidder who sutmits the lowest aryl best bid. The right Ls reserved to reject any or all.. bids. The City Clerk is hereby directed to advertise, in the Alameda Tints- Star, a notice calTing for sealed bids, in accordance with tho provigions of this. resolution and. of said. Specifications and Provisions 1 thp undersigned, her1 by. certify tnot the foregoing Resolution was duly shd regulutly imtroduced. and adopted by the Council. of the City of Alameda in regular meeting assembled on the 6th day of JOno, 1956, bs the following vote, to wit: AYES: Kranelly, (5). Councilmen Haog, Hove, Metall, Moresi and President DOES: Done. ABSENT: None. IN WITGULTS WHISKED?, i have hereunto set ry hand amg affixed. the offi- cial. seat of saig. hity this Yth. day of Jane, 195b. (0.1 SHIRLEY H ) ClerPTT 77=171W ' I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of Resolution NO. 534.9, "ATOFTING SPECIFICATIONS PTA FURNISHING TO THE CITY OF ALAMEDA ONE NEW JOITIIINTE TRUCK, INcLunING PICKUP TYT1 BODY, FOR THE GOLF COURSE, CALIJNG FOR RIDS AND DIRECTITC CITY CLERK TO ADTETI:'1: SAGEv, inttsydmced rno aMonted bv tht Courhil on 1 oh 60 h day of June, 19.56.